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Explore the two periods of the Universe's evolution - Schwinger's magnetic world forming magnetic charges and Dirac's electric world. Learn about the search for magnetic monopoles, their symmetries, and the impact on modern physics.
The New in X-ray and γ-ray Spectroscopy of Space Vladimir Burdyuzha Astro-Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow MIAMI -2018
Two periods of the Universe evolution The first, very short period, when magnetic charges and atoms from them were formed, can be called Schwinger’s magnetic world. The second period corresponds to Dirac’s electric world existing during the following evolution of the Universe.
Julian Schwinger and his Magnetic World 1918- 1994 “Magnetic model of matter” Science 165 (1969) 757
Breaking symmetry We are living in the non-symmetric world. One of the result of the broken symmetry, that we see, is that, while there are many electric charges in our Universe e+, e- their counterparts, magnetic monopoles g+,g- have not been found. That happened at red shift z~1010-1011 (t ~0.3-0.003sec). Also we have a baryon asymmetry in our Universe.
Observations e-, e+- electric charges (el. monopoles) They are observed everywhere. g-, g+-magnetic charges (m.monopoles) Magnetic charges are not observed now They could be produced during lepto-genesis and in young NS (pulsars) (monopoliums). But searches were.
Beginning the monopole saga Magnetic charges were searched more than 100 years. Pierre Curie predicted them in 1894. They were “detected” by F. Ehrenhaft (Austria) and his results were published J. of Franklin Inst. 3 (1942) 235. Experiments were not repeated many years, div B=0 R. Sizov (USSR) in 70th years observed also dynamics of monopole defects. But nobody believed to these scientists.
Artificial magnetic monopoles These topological defects (monopoles) were detected in spin ices for extremely low temperatures Ray et al (Nature, 2014), Chen (arXiv: 2016), Ollikainen (arXiv: 2017) Dy2Ti2O7 In spin ice elements of excitation were “magnetic monopoles” more exactly topol. defects of zero dim(magnetricity was pred.) Geom. frustration took place for very low T
Three forms of magnetic charges 1. Here monopoles g± of middle masses are only discussed (m ~2.4 and~ 9.6 GeV); 2. In early Universe monopoles with m~1016 GeV existed. Inflation was invented to deleted excessive monopoles. B. Cabrera observed two events. High energy monopol did not observe, althoughmany groups is looking for (Baikal experiment as example). 3. Lepton monopoles exist (Lochak, 2007)
Maxwell’s eq. in the early Universe rot H = (1/c) әE/әt + 4πjediv E = 4πρe rot E = (1/c)-әH/әt - 4πjg div H = 4πρg They were completely symmetrical ones That happened later ? Cooling, phase transitions, evolution of the Universe from T~1032K to state with T~2.7K during t~4x1017sec
On accelerators they did not detect Unfortunately , monopoles of middle masses (2.4 GeV) can not been found because of on energy (3.09 GeV) resonance J/ψ is. Its cross-section is more than cross-section of creation g+ g- (10 -31 cm2 » 10 -32 cm2 ) Schwinger’s monopoles with mass 9.6 GeV probably did not survive (they are relict monopoles and decayed to now). They may exist in the Space from pulsars, probably
Modern –Dirac World Maxwell’s eq. now rot H = (1/c) әE/әt + 4πje div E = 4πρe rot E = (1/c)-әH/әt - 4πjg div H = 0 They work very well ! Magnetic charges after creation connected immediately in monoliums
P. Dirac’s equation (1931 year) H2ψ = (p2 + m2)ψ Dirac’s eq. is a relativistic equation for 2 component structures. At once a (e+) positron was opened. Of course, this equation is right for other particles having s=1/2 →monopoles that is for g+, g- .
Dirac’s condition of quantization (eg/ħc) = k/2 (k=0, 1, 2 …..) Quantization of an electric charge is consequence of presence of a magnetic charge (here k is a monop. quantum number). Schwinger’s condition of quantization is (eg/ħc) = k/2 (k=2,4,6…..) It is more symmetrical one. k is even.
Connections between e and g In Dirac’s approximation:(k=1)g=68.5e that is a magnetic charge is very large. αe= (e2/ħc)=(1/137) characterizes a force of attraction or repulsion of 2 electric charges. αm=(g2/ħc)=34.25 In Schwinger’s approximation (k=2) g=137e
Monopolium: the key to monopoles Till annihilation of magnetic charges (as and electrical) come through the atomic phase that is they produce an atom (g+ g-) monopolium like to (e+ e-) positronium.
A bad news αe= (e2/ħc)=(1/137) !!!! αm=(g2/ħc)=(137/4)=34.25 We can not do any quant-mechanical calculations for magnetic atoms, in principle, because of αm>1
Some relations in magnetic world (g2/ħc):(e2/ħc)= (137/4):(1/137)= 4692,25 The force of attraction between magnetic charges is near 4700 times more than between electric charges in Dirac’s appr. (g2/ħc):(e2/ħc)= (137):(1/137)=18769 In Schwinger’s appr. force of attraction between magnetic charges is in 18769 times more than between electric charges
Masses of middle monopoles Dirac’s theory does not predict the mass of magnetic monopoles mg =(g/e)2me=4692,25me=2,56mp≈2,4 GeV in this case classical radius of a monopole rg= g2 /mgc2 re = e2 /mec2 equals classical radius of a electron mg =(g/e)2me= 18769me≈9,6 GeV in Schwinger approx.
Some calculations Bohr’s radius: rgB = ħ2/mg g2 ~ 10-12 cm mag. mon. rBe = ħ2/mee2 ~ 5x10-9 cm elect. mon. As and positronium (e+ e-) (g+ g-) may have two states: orto –monopolium and para –monopolium.
Positronium (e+ e- ) _________ 21S1 _________ 2 1P2 2 1P1_________ _________ 2 1P1 _________ 2 1P0 21S0 _________ Lα =5.1 eV __________ 13S1 11S0 _________ 0.8x10-3 eV Orto Ps Para Ps
Monopolium The energy of two photons annihilation of monopoliums are 2.4 and 9.6 GeV then in analogy with positronium (Ps) Dirac’s case: Eo-p~ 282 keV; Lα~ 1.8 GeV; Schwinger’s: Eo-p~ 1128 keV; Lα~ 7.2 GeV; These are magnetic dipole transitions Ps→E~511 keV, E o-p~0.8x10-3eV; Lα≈5.1 eV
Schwinger’s magnetic world Besides J. Schwinger predicted possibility existence of new particles – dyons which carry electric charge (-1/3)e and magnetic charge (2/3)g . Condition of quantization of two dyons: (e1g2 –e2 g1)/ħc) = k k - 1,2,3… here k-integer number
How can detect monopoles? Monopoles could manifest their presence via their magnetic charge and through their very high ionizing power, estimated to be about 4700 times higher than that of the protons. In Schwinger’s case their influence is 18 769 times more than for electric charges. A chamber can put on ISS.
Gamma excess in the Galactic Center γ excess (1-3 GeV) could appear nearby our Galactic Center from annihilation of magnetic monopoles in super strong magnetic fields of young neutron stars, pulsars. This excess could be a cooperative effect of large numbers of millisecond pulsars in this region.
Some estimates for γ excess in GC for(e+e-) σ2γ = (αe2/4π) λc2 (mec/p) ; for (g+g-) σ2γ = (αm2/4π) λc2(mgc/p); (e+e-) σ2γ~6x10-30cm2; (g+g-)σ2γ~4x10-32 cm2 For (e+e-) L= mec2σ v ne N nNS~3x1038 erg/sec, For (g+g-) L= mgc2σ v ng N nNS~1037 erg/sec. N =2x1038; nNS =107;ng =2x1020cm-3 σ2γ~4x10-32
By-products In principle, more heavy magnetic leptons (μg, τg) and atoms from them might exist in the magnetic world, probably. In addition to Schwinger’s dyons a magnetic version of fundamental electrical particles of SM exists (Sullivan and Fryberg, 2017). These authors introduced also a magnetic photon which has opposite parity to the usual photon. More detail - JETP 127 (2018) 638
Some thoughts of R. Finkelstein from UCLA He proposed the observed leptons and quarks are composed of electrical preons. In early Universe leptons and quarks might be composed of magnetic preons. Besides, the gluon binding is a form of magnetic binding and the dyon field passes from an high temperature g-phase to the current low temperature e-phase. arXiv:1809.03324; 1809.05394
3.55 keV anomaly in Space This X-ray line was observed in the spectrum of the Andromeda galaxy, in the spectrum of some clusters of galaxies, and in the direction to the Center of our Galaxy. This line was discovered by several X-ray satellites: XMM-Newton, Chandra, Suzaku and NuSTAR.
Identification of 3.55 keV anomaly In close binary systems with a red giant and a neutron star in super-strong magnetic fields, recombination radiation appears in the 3.55-keV Lα line from hydrogen-like Si XIV. Such recombination processes also involve other hydrogen-like ions C VI, N VII, O VIII, Ne X, Mg XII, S XVI, Ca XX, and Fe XXVI.
3.55 keV Lα line of H-like silicon • The neutrino interpretation of this line related to the dark matter decay was rejected because of the observation of spectral lines with energies higher and lower than 3.55 keV. The 3.55-keV Lα line can be related to recombination on hydrogen-like Si XIV taking place in the near-wall layers of the magnetic column of a neutron star upon effective cooling.
The energies of excitations Note that, because of the cylindrical symmetry, the energies of excitations coinciding with the field direction and perpendicular to it are different. Then, transitions to the Landau ground level are denoted as E001→ E000 (along the field)and E0-10→ E000 (perpendicular to the field),where Е000 is the Landau ground level.
Super-strong magnetic fields The first Bohr orbital exceeds the cyclotron radius of an electron are called super-strong magnetic fields. aZ=ħ2/mee2Z3/2>ρo=(сħ/eB)1/2 For hydrogen, the super strong magnetic field B≥B0 is realized already for В0 = me2ce3/ħ3 = 2.35x109 gauss For H-like ions this condition: B>B0Z2
Table for energies of Lα transitions in eV B (гс) 4х1012 6x1012 8x1012 E0-10E001E0-10E001E0-10E001 →E000 →E000 →E000 →E000 →E000 →E000 OVIII 1410 3510 1570 4110 1700 4580 Si XIV 3180 6860 3550 8090 3840 9070 S XVI 3870 8040 4310 9470 4460 10600 Full table was published by V. Pavlov-Verevkin and me Full table → Soviet Astron. Zh. 58 (1981) 334
The simplest estimates in SMF Transition probabilities for the Lα line hydrogen-like ions are proportional to Z4: Ai= AHZ4 s-1 For hydrogen, AH≈109 s-1 and for Si, ASi ≈4x1013 s-1 for Z=14. Then, the luminosity of the Lα line of Si L=EnVA in the magnetic field 6х1012gauss is LSi= 3.55·103 x1.6·10-12x1019x 5·1015 x 4·1013 ≈1040 erg/s
3.55 keV laser The possibility of recombination lasing at the 3.55-keV line and the lines of other ions was predicted by us. In the two-level Nb→Na model, amplification can occur at frequency ωba. The population inversion condition has the form δab≡ (Na/ga)/(Nb/gb) <1 The gain in the unsaturated recombination regime is described by a simple expression ϰ = σabNe (1-δab)
Silicon’s laser in Space σab=(λab2/4)Aab/Δωab is the absorption cross section at the line center, Ne is the electron density, λab is the amplified radiation wavelength, and Δωab is the line width. In the magnetic column of a neutron star, we have a specific case when X-ray lasing can appear only in near-wall layers where the ground level is efficiently cooled. One can easily see that the ground level E000 is depleted due to the two E001 ← E000 and E0-10 ← E000 radiation transitions and collisions. σab ~ 5x10-20 cm2 for ne ~1019 cm-3.
Results • In the unsaturated recombination lasing regime, the high value of ϰl can be obtained even for small population inversion ~0.05%, the low electron density ~1019 cm-3, and the wall thickness of the magnetic columnl~4x104 cm. The exponential factor can achieve the value ϰl=10, and the Lα line will be amplified e10 times, i.e. 22 000 times. These estimates are rough and only illustrative.
Conclusion Modern X-ray telescopes already at present can discover the 3.55-keV recombination line from the most remote Si XIV sources in the Universe, whereas an X-ray laser, if realized, will provide the detection of this line from any distances and probably for any red shifts z ≤100 as X-ray or UV candles. Due to these new possibilities, the X-ray spectroscopy should receive the additional impulse to the new launching of the Hitomi.