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Digital Marketing AntiPatterns: Enhancing Security and Privacy

Learn about common pitfalls in digital marketing practices to manage risks effectively. Explore examples like malvertising, inescapable tracking, user data inspection, and accidental data exposure with solutions for mitigating these issues. Discover how to avoid local optimization and safeguard privacy in marketing campaigns. Contact Keio University/W3C.

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Digital Marketing AntiPatterns: Enhancing Security and Privacy

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  1. Digital Marketing AntiPattern- insecurity and privacy - Keiji Takeda Keio University W3C / MIT 2015/9/17W3C Web and Digital Marketing Convergence

  2. BackgroundandMotivation Background: RecursiveFailure in Digital Marketing Practices. Motivation: By sharing knowledge on bad practices in digital marketing, similar risks can be managed or mitigated. Objective: Develop a catalog of common failures/misunderstanding in digital marketing practices. Clarify border between what should be avoided or what can be done.

  3. AntiPattern “a literary form that describes a commonly occurring solution to a problemthat generates decidedly negative consequences. The AntiPattern may be the result of a manager or developer not knowing any better, not having sufficient knowledge or experience in solving a particular type of problem, or having applied a perfectly good pattern in the wrong context. “ W. J. Brown, R. C. Malveau, H. W. McCormick, and T. J. Mowbray. AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis. Wiley, 1998.

  4. DigitalMarketingAntiPatternExamples Malvertising Inescapable Tracking UserDataInspection AccidentalData Exposure LocalOptimum ... and more

  5. Malvertising Malvertising (Malicious Advertising) Name An online criminal methodology use of advertising networks to spread malicious software AntiPattern Problem Solution Cases Screening of advertiser Develop detection mechanism Develop secure advertising network technology DoubleClick, AppNexus, engage:BDR, ExoClick (2015/8 ) Yahoo!(2015/8)

  6. Malvertising DoubleClick, AppNexus, engage:BDR, ExoClick (2015/8 ) Yahoo!(2015/8) Cases (SC Magazine, 2015/09/07) (Fox News, 2015/08/24)

  7. InescapableTracking Inescapable Tracking Name Use of unchangeable persistent ID for user tracking. AntiPattern Problem Solution Cases Avoid using unchangable persistent unique ID for user tracking Use Cookie or temporal ID that user can delete or reset (UDID/IMEI, MAC, SerialNumber, SIM, SIM Number, social security number, fingerprint/biometrics, super cookie) 2011 IMEI Docomo Media Player 2012 UDID leakage from Apple

  8. User Data Inspection User Data Inspection Name Inspect user data (DPI, storage, installed application etc.) for marketing or advertisement. AntiPattern Problem Solution Cases Ask explicit user permission or consent for private data access. Or limit data access in minimum scope for purpose. DPI advertisement (NebuAd, Phorm) Use of address book(contact list) on smart phones. Retrieving application Listing on smart phones

  9. Accidental Data Exposure Accidental Data Exposure Name Information leakage caused by putting data or application program as accessible to public on web servers. Sending e-mail message with enumerated addresses. AntiPattern Problem Solution Cases Avoid placing valuable data on front end web server. Configure proper permission setting and use compartmentalization mechanisms. (chroot, jail, etc.) Use special applications to send bulk messages. Google Hacking

  10. Local Optimum Local Optimum Name Construct a platform with too much optimization to local (technological, legal) environment. It becomes not able to deploy globally. AntiPattern Problem Solution Cases Use standard technology. Avoid using localized technology. Web services for Japanese feature phone

  11. Browser Share(US) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  12. Browser Share(JP) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  13. Browser Share(CN) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  14. Search Engine(US) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  15. Search Engine(JP) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  16. Search Engine(CN) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  17. Social Media(US) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  18. Social Media(JP) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  19. Social Media(CN) Source:http://gs.statcounter.com/

  20. Conclusion Share issues and bad experienceindigitalmarketing AntiPattern for risk avoidance and mitigation Malvertisement is significant threats and an intersection of marketing, security and technology. Environment and premise varies by countries but standardization would help digital marketing.

  21. Contact Keio University / W3C MIT Keiji Takeda keiji@sfc.keio.ac.jp / tkeiji@w3.org

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