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Interpreting Facial Expressions & Body Language

Understand how 93% of communication is conveyed through body language and tone. Learn to interpret crossed arms, feet direction, facial expressions, and more to enhance your communication skills.

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Interpreting Facial Expressions & Body Language

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Presentation Transcript

  1. InterpretingFacial Expressions& Body Language

  2. 93% of communication is done by body language and tone of voice Only 7% is based on the actual words we say!

  3. Why is it important to learn to read body language?

  4. How to read body language... Crossed arms and legs -closed off to the person talking to Amount of space you take up signifies level of power -slouched shoulders, body pulling body in= less power -standing up straight, shoulders back= more power Direction feet are pointing -Shows where the person wants to be -Feet pointing away, want to leave. Feet pointing at you, want to stay

  5. How to read facial expressions… Is someone really smiling? -crinkled eyes show a true smile Eyebrow raising -only happens when someone is surprised, worried, or scared Pursed lips -frustrated or disapproval

  6. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 1 What do you think just happened?

  7. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 2 What do you think just happened?

  8. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 3 What do you think just happened?

  9. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 4 What do you think just happened?

  10. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 5 What do you think just happened?

  11. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 6 What do you think just happened?

  12. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 7 What do you think just happened?

  13. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 8 What do you think just happened?

  14. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 9 What do you think just happened?

  15. What emotion is this?How can you tell? 10 What do you think just happened?

  16. Thank you to… Pixabay.com Pexels.com

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