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Constituent Order Correlations. Phrase constituents may vary with respect to word order . There is a tendency to correlation between clausal and phrasal constituent order . It especially occurs between the order of object and the verb and other phrasal word orders .
ConstituentOrderCorrelations Phraseconstituentsmayvarywithrespecttowordorder. There is a tendencytocorrelationbetweenclausalandphrasalconstituentorder. Itespeciallyoccursbetweentheorder of objectandtheverbandotherphrasalwordorders. OV languagestypicallybehave in oneway, on theotherhand, VO languagesbehaveindifferentway.
Sometypicalcharacteristics of OV and VO languages; • Toemphasize, thesearetendencies, not absoluteuniversals. OV Languages • Most of the OV languagesareverb-final: verbfollowsboththesubjectandobject. • There is oneexception, therare OVS languages: esentiallyverb is on themiddle. • Typicalinstance of OV languages is Khwarshiwhichexhibitsmanytypicalcharacteristics of OV languages.
Khwarshi • Theobjectprecedestheverb. obu-t'-ilidob-it'-x-i fatherfirewooddivide O V 'The father chopped the firewood.'
An instancefromGerman [den LesernDatetwasAccmitteilenV°]VP the readers something tell O V ‘tell the readers something’
II. In OV languages, the adverb typically precedes the verb: xexiIin Muhamad 0-ot'uq'-se gollo fast Magomed(I) I-come-PRES be.PRES.coND AdvV 'If only Magomed would come quickly.'
III.InKhwarshi, genitive phrase (possessor phrase) precedes the head noun typically: obu-t'-is tubi father-obl-gen1gun GenitiveNoun 'father's gun’
Whenwemakecomparisons, weneed • a standard of comparison (St), • a marker of comparisonand (M), • an adjective (Adj). Mary is tallerthanJane. Adj M St
IV. In OV languages, the marker of comparisonfollowsthestandard of comparison : QurbanNazir-X'o-zi-n lebala-w goli Kurban NazirSup-Abl- brave- be.Pres StM Adj 'Kurbanis braver than Nazir.'
In OV languages, adpositionstendtofollowthenoun: yobo-λ'o λ'olo yur-a-bal-eč-i pile-sup above Stone-Obl-Pl.AbsNHPL-be-Past.w NounPostp. 'There were stones on the top of the pile.‘ Postposition “λ'olo”is placedafterthenoun “yobo-λ'o”.
An OV languagewhich has postpositions is a bidirectionalimplicationaluniversal. • Inotherwords, we can say thatpropositionallanguage is an OV languageduetothefactthatthecorrelationbetween OV languagesandpropositions is sostrong. Ifthelanguage is OV, then it has postpositions.
OtherInstances of BirectionalCorrelations • Adpositionalphraseprecedestheverb [miljljo b-oXoX'o]henšegul-o [2pl.Gen2 -in.middle] book put-imp V PP 'Put the book between you!'
Theauxiliaryfollowstheverb. iljob-odo-šegoli Pl.AbsHpl-Work-Presbe.Pres VAux 'We are working.'
VI. Kwarshidoes not havearticlestypically. If an OV language has an article, thenthearticlewillfollowthenoun, andifthearticlefollowsthenoun in a language, then it is likelyto be an OV language. Inotherwords, it is a birectionalcorrelation. An OV language: “Mugil” has articles. in karuwara? yag-o-iy theyanimal a give.me-PAST NounArticleVerb 'They gave me a pig.'
VO Languages I. VO languagesinclude; • both VSO and VOS wordorderand • theverbmedievallanguageswith SVO orderlargely. • Theyarethemirror of OV languages • They, SVO, behavealmostlikeverbinitiallanguages.
TheSimilaritiesBetweenVerb-Inıtıaland SVO Language ZapotecandEnglish; dx-aogobe'ko' yet Cont-eatdog tortilla VO The dog is eating tortillas‘ V O
No mattertheverb is sentenceinitialor not, theorderbetweentheverbandobject is thesameforEnglishandZapoteclanguages.
In VO languages, there is a tendencythatadverbfollowstheverb ble=na' dx-lonhgh=e' sholazhe clan=demdistcont-run=3FM slowly VerbAdverb That person runs slowly VerbAdverb
However, InFıjıan, theadverbdisplays a morerigidwordorder: manneradverbfollowstheverb bau'adava'a.totolonoo run quickly asp V Adv 'Try and run more quickly.'
In OV languages,there is a tendencythattheadpositionsprecedethenounornounphrase: lenhyaawag withironwood Pr NP ‘with an axe’
Inverbinitiallanguages, Noun-Genitiveorder is typical in genitiveconstructions. • However, in SVO, bothNoun-GenitiveandGenitive-Nounorder is common. yichghbedw head PN N Gen 'Pedro's head.‘ • There is no dominant order of genitiveconstruction in English: Pedro's headthe roof of the house Gen. N N Gen
In VO languages, there is a tendencythat; • the marker of comparisonfollowstheadjective, • thestandard of comparisonfollowsthe marker of comparison. n-ak=dxbdxeebe liskleka‘be'ko' -be=moreantclansmall thandog AdjMSt Ants are smaller than dogs. Adj M St • FijianandEnglishdisplaythesamepattern.
Withthebidirectionalcorrelations, VO languagesaremirrorimage of OV languages. Therefore; • Theadpositinalphrasefollowstheverb, • Theauxiliaryprecedestheverb, • Thearticleprecedesthenoun. sh-chog=a’ yag-en [lenhyaawag] Cont-cut=1sg tree-Det [withironwood] V PP ‘I cutthetreewith an axe.’ V PP • FijianandEnglishdisplaysthesamepattern.
In VO language, there is a tendencythattheauxiliariesexistbeforethelexicalverb (ifandwhenused). dx-eyalasi-i=e’ shongayoa Cont-should Pot-grab=3 1three hundred AuxV She should grab three hundred. Aux V
Lastly, in VO languages, there is a tendencythatthearticlesprecedesthenoun. b-enhbidaoneda' tolibr Comp-givechild 1Sing one book ArtN The child gave mea book. Art N