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ELS. Elegant but Light Stake. Winningham 2006 (Icarus). Oscillations. * Feel body-oscillation with its fine taste. Coates 2008 (PSS). photo-e at Venus. * Measure photon during baking. Liemohn 2006 (Icarus). Numerical interpretation of high-altitude photoelectron observations.
ELS Elegant but Light Stake
Winningham 2006 (Icarus) Oscillations * Feel body-oscillation with its fine taste
Coates 2008 (PSS) photo-e at Venus * Measure photon during baking
Liemohn 2006 (Icarus) Numerical interpretation of high-altitude photoelectron observations * Is it really photon? Yes
Frahm 2006 (Icarus + SSR) CO2 + photo-e * Of course baking causes CO2 and escape
Liemohn 2006 (SSR) cf. Prediction of escape route
Dubinin 2006 (SSR) morphology * Check high calorie anomaly
Dubinin 2008 (PSS) Supra-thermal
Dubinin 2006 (SSR) morphology * How the body digest high calorie staff
ELS Elegant and Light Stake * Feel "oscillation" with its fine taste * Measure even photon during baking (US/UK) * Check high calorie anomaly (Russian-German)
NPI Nutritious Part Information
Brinkfeldt 2006 (Icarus) SW ENAs on the nightside * Hidden nutrition in dark side
Gunell 2006 (Icarus) Charge exchange in sheath * Should we eat sheath?
NPI Nutritious Part Information * Hidden nutrition in dark side * Should we eat sheath?
Futaana 2006 (Icarus) ENA from upper * Very subtle tasting, but we make out of it
Mura 2008 (PSS) ENA daysid * Need tuning for this purpose
Futaana 2006 (Icarus) jet * Sometimes spicy like "jet": Wasabi taste
Futaana 2006 (SSR) IP-shock effect = global * Real Wasabi shock is….
Grigoriev 2006 (SSR) Jet oscillation * Wasabi + Vodka: dimmy fast and slow
NPD Naive Part of Dinner * Very subtle tasting * Wasabi taste: jet & shock * Wasabi + Vodka
IMA Intelligent "Mat" Apparatus
Carlsson 2006 (Icarus) Composition * Telling (appreciating) hidden seasoning
Lundin 2006 (Icarus) Acceleration * Such "good tongue" people breathes a lot
Kallio 2006 (SSR) O+ & O+2 energization * Theoretical support
Fränz 2006 (SSR) Moment * Automated method to tell "good" customer
Fedorov 2006 (Icarus) Wake * Two timings to use strong spices
Kallio 2006 (Icarus) Model-escape comparison * Peoples response to different seasonings
Kallio 2008 (PSS) O+ & O 2+ ions in a hybrid model * Effect of different seasonings
Dubinin 2006 (Icarus) Ion extraction by E * Normally feel better and better
Fedorov 2008 (PSS) Compare * Appreciation is different at different place
Kallio 2008 (PSS) Earth-like <==> Venus-like induced magnetosphere * Where do we expect biggest difference?
Martinecz 2008 (PSS) boundary location at Venus * Finding out its boundary…
Futaana 2008 (PSS) Flare effect * And with extra energy (alcohol), reaction is…
Kallio 2008 (PSS) Venusian induced magnetosphere * Alcohol make things…
IMA Intelligent "Mat" Apparatus * Telling (appreciating) hidden seasoning * About such "good tongue" people * Two timings to use strong spices * Peoples response to different seasonings * Taste better with alcohol
Kallio 2006 (Icarus) ENA sounding technique * New evaluation method (by looking only)
Galli 2006 (SSR) NH profile * This "distant" method can evaluate subtle taste
Galli 2006 (SSR) H & O obs nightside * New method credits Aspera-3's taste!
Galli 2008 (PSS) Venus ENA * Also Aspera-4's taste "sounds"!
Sounding * New evaluation method (by looking only) * The method can evaluate subtle taste * New method credits Aspera's taste
Soobiah 2006 (Icarus) ELS anomaly signatures * But sometimes taste causes anomaly
Fränz 2006 (Icarus) Plasma above anomaly * Anomaly of taste expels customer
Dubinin 2008 (PSS) Fluxes asymmetry: observations and simulations * Is anomaly really bad (Spaghetti case) ?
Roussos 2008 (PSS) e-asymmetry * Pizza case * General case
Nilsson 2006 (SSR) IMA anomaly * Exotic taste attract energetic costumer
Lundin 2006 (SSR) Auroral accleration * Brightening future with moderate anomaly
Carlsson 2008 (PSS) ion with IMF draping + anomaly * Which part of the world appreciate anomaly?