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19 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=1451176171 | PDF_ Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children: A Pocket Guide | Master the skills and concepts necessary to effectively perform efficient evaluations of children with Occupational Therapy Evaluation for Children: A Pocket Guide, 2nd Edition . Reflecting the latest AOTA standards, this pocket-sized guide is a quick,comprehensive reference you can use throughout your education and into practice.Providing an overview of theory as well as step-by-step coverage of techniques, the book includes clinical examples that illustrate the application of content, as well as client and family-centered practice illustrations that demonstrate assessment techniques and extensive tables that summarize key assessments, techniques, and actions."See how concepts apply to practice with real world clinical examples.Develop your skills and understanding with illustrations and photographs that demonstrate assessment techniques.Expand your knowledge with a wide range of additional assessments, including COPM, MOHO, Sensory Profile, and visual and hand assessments.183 Develop practical skills for the workplace with new coverage of specialty areas, such as autism, where OTs have expanded their roles up-to-date coverage of interview skills information on IDEIA and more."Quickly access any assessment of interest using the table of assessments that appears at the beginning of the book.Access a wide range of useful tools, including in-book tables that capture information in an easy-to-read manner and online sample evaluation forms.<br>
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