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A thorough medical history is crucial in verifying the cause of jaundice in a 70-year-old male with key indicators such as duration, pain, urine/stool color, weight loss, cholangitis signs, and more.
Cases for JUS Sameer Smadi
70 years old male presented with jaundice. Please take focused medical history trying to vertify the cause of his jaundice ?
1-Duration: the time when the jaundice started 2-Coarse: intermittent, progressive or static 3- painless or associated with pain and itching 4- tea colored urine and clay colored stool 5- weight loss 6- association with signs of cholangitis 7- history of same condition 8- history of blood transfusion 9- any member of the family has same complaint 10- history and family history of blood diseases 11- any previous intervention or surgery related to biliary system
22 years old male presented with epigastric pain shifted to right iliac fossa of one day duration ? Perform focused abdominal examination related to his condition?
Appendicitis 1- Inspection of abdomen movement with respiration 2- cough impulse +ve ( means increasing the pain) 3- Mcburny sign 4- abdomen guard tense at Rt iliac fossa 5- Rebound +ve 6- Rovsing sign +ve 7- Obturator sign 8-Psoas sign 9- PR examination 10- Pulse
40 years old female presented with goiter Take history to define the cause of goiter
1- main complaint 2- symptoms of thyrotoxicosis 3 - Excessive eating, 4-weight loss, 5- amenorrhea, oligmennorea 6-nerveousness, 7 -hot intolerance, 8 -sweat 9- pressure symptoms ( swallowing) 10- Retrosternal extention ( shortness of breath on sleeping) 11- change in voice (hoarseness, stridor) 12- history of radiation 13- history of autoimmune disease( liver)
60 years old male presented with goiter Focused examination of the neck
1- inspection unilateral , multinodular 2- any skin changes signs of inflammation 3- moves with swallowing, tongue protrusion 4- raising the arms over the head to check for retrosternal extention 5-checking trachea centrally 6- palpate the goiter from the front for tenderness 7- palpate from behind for mass characters ( SIZE, MULTINODULARITY, SURFACE ….) 8- check for lymph nodes 9- berry sign 10- percussion for retrosternal extention 10 auscultation for bruit
65 years old male diabetic presented with infected ulcer in the foot • Examine lower limbs to define the cause ?
1- inspection of the characters of ulcer: -site, shape ,size, edge, base, discharge, floor, surrounding tissue, 2- signs of chronic vascular insuffeicency Arterial (shining and thin skin, loss of hair, presence of brittle nail, fungal infection between toes, small ulcers, necrobiosis diabeticorum, 3- capillary refill 4- pulses 5- Burgers test and Burgers angle 6- ankle/ brachial index 7- compare both lower limbs
45 years old female presented with breast mass • Examine breast to vertify the cause
1- put the patient in 45 0 expose both breasts 2- inspect the normal breast first lt breast hanging more than Rt 3-inspect the axilla 4- examine inferior mammary fold 5- Describe the mass 6-Site , shape, size, 7- skin changes peudorange, skin tethering, puckering 8- Nipple changes : retraction, destruction , discharge 9-areola primary, secondary, presence of mass, discoloration( pagets disease) 10- Examine normal breast 11- examine the mass and describe character 12- examine the rest of the breast quadrant by quadrant 13 examine axilla and neck for lymph nodes
40 years old male presented with Rt inguinoscrotal mass • Examine the inguino scrotal area
1-Ask the patient if it is reducable and can he reduce it 2- ask the patient to stand up 3- inspect from the front for mass ( site, size, skin changes….) 4- Ask the patient to cough 5- Can you get above it? 6-Signs of strangulation 7-Reducibility test 8-Invagination test 9-Three finger test Zieman’s technique 10-Ring occlusion test 11-Examine the abdomen; Causes Of raised intraabd. pressure; • Enlarged bladder (BPH) • Ascites