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Business. 公司財務狀況資料. 公司財務資料反應出企業整體營運的狀況 ,您可以鍵入公司名稱或 SIC 代碼,即可輕易獲得大量精準的數據及各項指標,做為研究及分析上重要參考之依據。 1. 您可以鍵入公司名稱或該公司之 SIC 代碼,公司名稱以全名輸入較佳 For example: IBM( 國際商業機器 ) ,最好以 International business machine 輸入較佳 2. Source List 中有多種不同的資料來源,囊括標準普爾、年報、破產資料等 3. 設定資料年份之後即可開始搜尋. 以各種指標評鑑公司間之差異. 公司比較

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  1. Business

  2. 公司財務狀況資料 公司財務資料反應出企業整體營運的狀況 ,您可以鍵入公司名稱或SIC代碼,即可輕易獲得大量精準的數據及各項指標,做為研究及分析上重要參考之依據。 1. 您可以鍵入公司名稱或該公司之SIC代碼,公司名稱以全名輸入較佳 For example: IBM(國際商業機器),最好以International business machine 輸入較佳 2. Source List中有多種不同的資料來源,囊括標準普爾、年報、破產資料等 3. 設定資料年份之後即可開始搜尋

  3. 以各種指標評鑑公司間之差異 公司比較 1. Sales (營業額),以下拉式選單選擇標的營業額或鍵入營業額範圍 2. Net Income (淨收入),以下拉式選單選擇標的淨收入或鍵入營業額範圍 3. Employees (員工人數),設定員工人數 4. Location (位置),企業所在地,您可以隨意鍵入州、城市或國家名稱 For example: Boston OR Cambridge

  4. 美國證管會資料,年報及季報 美國證管會資料及報告 1. 您可以鍵入公司名稱或該公司之SIC代碼,公司名稱以全名輸入較佳 For example: IBM(國際商業機器),最好以International business machine 輸入較佳 2. Additional terms,限定資料中必須要有特定關鍵字才符合條件 3. 設定資料年份之後即可開始搜尋

  5. Source • SEC 10-K Reports: Annual reports filed 90 days after the end of a company's fiscal year. • SEC 10-Q Reports: Quarterly report filed for each of the first three quarters of a company's fiscal year. • SEC 8-K Reports: A report of unscheduled material events or corporate changes deemedof importance to shareholders or to the SEC. • SEC 20-F Reports: Filed annually by most foreign issuers six months after the end of their fiscal year. • SEC Annual Reports to Shareholders: The principal document used by major corporations to communicate directly with their shareholders.

  6. SEC Filings - Proxy Statements: Proxy statements provide official notification to a company's shareholders of matters to be voted upon at the company's annual meeting. • SEC Filings - Prospectuses: A document that must be made available to investors before the sale of any security is initiated. • SEC Filings - Registration Statements: These are used to register securities before they are offered to investors and permit trading among investors. • SEC Filings - Williams Act Filings:Forms which are submitted to provide disclosure for the purchase, by direct acquisition or tender offer, of substantial blocks of the securities of publicly held companies.

  7. 全球產業及市場資訊 產業資訊 1. 鍵入任何關鍵字 For example: computer OR PC 2. Source List中有多種不同的產業供選擇 3. 設定資料年份之後即可開始搜尋 進階搜尋提供更精準的方式找尋資料,您可以在選單中填如多個關鍵字並限定其屬性,最後選擇產業類別即可展開搜尋

  8. 會計相關期刊及文獻 會計資料 1. 鍵入任意關鍵字 2. Additional terms,限定資料中必須要有特定關鍵字才符合條件 3. 設定資料年份之後即可開始搜尋 4. 會計資料通常與稅法相關,本查詢表單下方有一 Tax Law的超連結提供便捷的路徑以便交叉查詢 • Related search forms on LexisNexis™ Academic • Tax Law

  9. Source • Accountant's Liability: Focuses on information needed to successfully litigate and defend accountant liability cases. • Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release: Releases from the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) that are enforcement actions taken for violations of SEC and federal rules. • Accounting Series Releases: SEC interpretations of the many SEC documents, laws & rules affecting American securities, both private & public sectors. • Accounting Technology: Focuses on technology in accounting. • Accounting Today: Information on marketing and developing an accounting practice. • AICPA Accounting and Auditing Publications: Material from various American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) publications. The file includes the full text of all the articles from the Journal of Accountancy, Tax Adviser, CPA Letter, and the Tax Division Newsletter. • AICPA CPA Letter: A publication of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

  10. AICPA Journal of Accountancy: A publication of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). • AICPA Publications: Contains authoritative and semiauthoritative professional accounting material. The file includes the full text of pronouncements from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). • Controller's Report (IOMA): This publication provides financial management strategies. • FRR SEC Financial Reporting Release: SEC Financial Reporting Release. • Journal of Business Strategy: Provides information influencing purchasing in the areas of consulting, acquisition and competitive analysis.

  11. Miller GAAP Guide: The Miller GAAP Guide (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) explains and analyzes all critical accounting principals and pronouncements currently in use, including FASB Statements, Interpretations, Technical Bulletins, ARB's and APB's. • Miller GAAS Guide: The Miller GAAS Guide (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards) describes the auditing standards, practices and procedures promulgated by the AICPA. • Miller Government GAAP Guide: The Miller Governmental GAAP Guide discusses all the promulgated accounting principles applicable to financial reporting by state and local governments. • Miller GAAP Emerging Issues Task Force: Analyzes and explains all current issues for which FASB's Emerging Issues Task Force has reached a consensus since its establishment in 1984, except for those that have been nullified by a subsequent authoritative pronouncement.

  12. Miller European Accounting Guide: The European Accounting Guide is a companion volume to Miller GAAP Guide. • Miller GAAP - not for Profit Organization Audit: A guide for performing audits for not-for-profit organizations. • OMB Literature: Contains Office of Management & Budget literature. • Practical Accountant: Provides users with practical tax and accounting money-making advice and time-saving tips. • Staff Accounting Bulletin: Contains the staff's views on various issues such as disclosures, financial statements, income statement classification of charges, the use of regulations, and other accounting related issues.

  13. 全球貿易展覽及相關資訊 全球貿易展覽及相關資訊 1. 鍵入任意關鍵字 2. Additional terms,限定資料中必須要有特定關鍵字才符合條件 3. Source中有各種不同的資料來源,包含國際貿易展覽、商業日報、SIC目錄 4. 設定資料年份之後即可開始搜尋

  14. Source • Eventline: A multinational database of all categories of events - congresses, conventions, symposia, exhibitions, trade shows, workshops, major sporting events and public holidays - for 80 countries and cultural events in at least 500 cities worldwide. • International Tradeshow: This directory includes basic data on international and national trade shows and exhibitions in as many in 90 countries. • Official Guide to the American Marketplace: A reference that provides marketing analysis based upon government statistics.

  15. Commerce Business Daily: This contains announcements of proposed government procurements, contract awards, subcontracting leads, sales of government property and foreign business opportunities. • SIC Directory: The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is the statistical classification standard underlying all establishment-based federal economic statistics classified by industry. The classification covers the entire field of economic activities and defines industries in accordance with the composition and structure of the economy. This publication is not searchable by date (see date tips below). • World Business Opportunities: Information on business and investment opportunities around the world including government contracts, procurement proposals, investment projects, potential investors and potential customers.

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