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DST-FIST Review: The helium liquefier at IIT Kanpur. Anjan K. Gupta Coordinator, Cryogenic Facilities Physics Department, IIT Kanpur. 6 th Sept 2011. Trans. Dewar. Liquefier Overview. Pure Gas Storage. Impure Storage. Recovery compressor. 1610 Liquefier. RSX Compressor. He
DST-FIST Review:The helium liquefier at IIT Kanpur Anjan K. Gupta Coordinator, Cryogenic Facilities Physics Department, IIT Kanpur 6th Sept 2011
Trans. Dewar Liquefier Overview Pure Gas Storage Impure Storage Recovery compressor 1610 Liquefier RSX Compressor He Gas balloon Liquid Helium Users Storage Dewar Chiller
Present Production Rate Present Status • Liq. production: ~5800L • Per cycle loss rate (past 3 months): ~25% • Recovery line has been replaced
Liquid helium users • MPMS and PPMS facilities (Dr. Zakir Hossain) Users from Physics, Chemistry, MME, MSP, external (DMSRDE) • LT-STM and transport measurements (Dr. Anjan Gupta) • Various characterization facilities (Prof. Budhani) • MOKE imaging setup (Dr. Satyajit Banerjee) • Transport measurements (Dr. K.P. Rajeev) • Low temperature Raman (Dr. Rajeev Gupta)
Instabilities in the vortex matter and peak effect phenomenon, Shyam Mohan, Jaivardhan Sinha, S. S. Banerjee, Yuri Myasoedov ; Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 027003 (2007). Rc In a low Tc superconductor (Tc = 7 K, NbSe2) , using detailed magnetization measurements (SQUID at IITK) and a novel way to investigate weak changes in pinning of the vortex lattice, we have uncovered various regimes of vortex pinning in the field – Temperature phase diagram shown below Giant slow velocity fluctuations in a driven vortex lattice , S. Mohan, J. Sinha, S. S. Banerjee, A. K. Sood, S. Ramakrishnan, A. K. Grover, Phys. Rev Lett.103, 167001 (2009). Corresponding to the different pinning phases found in the H-T Diagram for NbSe2 (Tc = 7K) interesting noise characteristics were found as one crosses the different Boundaries in the H-T space. T = 4.5 K, H = 1. 5 kOe Strong Pinning T = 4.5 K, H = 7. 5 kOe Weak Pinning Thermal Fluctuations T = 4.5 K, H = 13. 5 kOe Correlations in voltage fluctuations Normal state response Normal state response Noise power t (secs) f (Hz)
Fabricating nanostructures of magnetic and superconducting materials & investigating their properties Routes to Growing nanostructures & investigating their properties Self organized processes (“Natural”) Focussed Ion Beam (“Artificial”) • Investigation into magnetization response of magnetic nanowires. • Size range from 60 nm to 20 nm. Patterning a superconductor (NbSe2, Tc = 7K) using FIB facility at IIT Kanpur Hole dia 100 nm Spacing 300 nm Co nanowire of dia 50 nm Blind holes of depth 1 micron Magnetization response of the nanopatterned superconductor Shows interesting relaxation dynamics giving evidence of a novel Jammed vortex state due to engineered pins Gorky Shaw et al Supercon. Sc. Tech. 23, 075002 (2010) • Low Temperature magnetization Properties measured: • Reveal significant changes in magnetic anisotropy at low temperature. • Significant changes in coercive field • Appearance of a novel Exchange bias effect at low T in a purely ferromagnetic system. An example of changes in magnetic Anisotropy, of nanowire at low T viz,. Squareness of the Hysteresis loop (ratio saturation to remeant moment ) as a function of T changes quite rapidly below 100K. Measurements were performed Down to 3K on SQUID
Physics of Novel Magnetic and Superconducting Materials • Zakir Hossain- Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur • Research Interest: • Correlated Electron Systems- • Quantum Phase Transition and Unconventional Superconductivity • (ii) Search for Novel Superconductors • Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism • (iii) Phase transitions: Magnetic order, Quadrupolar order, • valence transition • (iv) Properties of Materials under extreme condition of • ultra low temperature, high pressure and high magnetic field.
Magnetism and Superconductivity in Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2 Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2 • Featutes in the magnetic susceptibility are similar to that found in HoNi2B2C which show double reentrance behavior. • Coexistence of short range ordering of the Eu moments with the superconducting state below 15 K is confirmed by 151Eu Mössbauer and magnetic susceptibility. • Parent compound EuFe2As2 exhibits two magnetic transitions at T1 (Eu-moments order) ~ 19K and T2 (Fe-moment order)~ 190 K • Suppression of Fe-moment ordering by potassium doping leads to superconductivity below 32 K. H. S. Jeevan et.al. PRB 78, 092406 2008 Anupam et.al. J. Phys. Cond. Mat (2009)
Motivation: Promising candidate for spintronic application To prepare a good quality film with high crystal and interface perfectionand low disorder. Successful in preparing high quality thin film on SrTiO3(STO) using PLD. Residual resistivity, ρ10K = 0.65 μΩ cm Residual resistivity ratio (RRR) = 438 Such a high value of RRR and low value of residual resistivity has not been observed so far for any Heusler alloy thin films. Higher deposition temperature leads to better crystalline quality as compared to lower deposition temperatures which is in contrast to thin film grown on GaAs semiconductor. Co2FeSi Heusler alloy thin films Anupam et al. to be published
Variable Temperature STM (AKG) Ref: RSI72, 3552 (2001); RSI79, 063701(2008); JPCS150, 012007 (2009)
LSMO LCMO ZBC Hwang et. al., PRL 75, p914 (1995) LPCMO PCMO LPCMO Manganites: Effect of bandwidth Epitaxial, PLD filmsOn NGO or LSAT PRB77, 014404 (08); APL93, 212503(08); JPCM21, 355001(09); PRB81, 155120(10)
A Vb SiO2 Doped Si Vg Raman Transport Slope: 1.21 x 10-3e STM/S on Graphene FET JPCM20, 225008 (2008); JJAP46, 7450 (2007); SSC (2011); APL (2011)
Weak Link μ-SQUIDs JAP103, 103535 (2008); Physica C 469, 268 (2009); PRB (2010)
n B θ I NbN ~ 50 nm Fe #1 NbN NbN i i NbN #2 NbN-Fe-NbN Josephson Junction array (c) (a) [110] [100] (b) 200 nm c) The angular dependence of magnetoresistance of Fe-NbN composite shows maximum super- current dissipation when field (3.5kG) is in the plane of the film (B | n). This is in stark contrast to pure NbN case (max. R when B || n). Upper inset shows the measurement geometry. a) SEM micrograph of 40 nm thick Fe nano-plaquettes covered with 30 nm SC NbN. b) Schematic showing two distinct parallel conduction path for supercurrent. Bose et al, APL 2009
(a) (b) • NbN TC =16 K • HoNi5 TCurie = 5.5 K T Curie<TC • Temperature dependent R Vs. H Measurements of NbN (10 nm)/ HoNi5 (50 nm) bilayer on (100) MgO substrate. • Comparison of R vs. H and M vs. H at temperature 1.7 K. Singh et al. Manuscript submitted
Spin Reorientation in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin film observed by Magnetic Force Microscopy 200 G 0 G 300 G Out of Plane Magnetization 420 G 1000 G Interface In Plane Magnetization • T = 110 K • In Plane Magnetic Field Singh et al. Manuscript under preparation
La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 (50 nm) La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4 (100 nm) Substrate SLAO (001) Interface Superconductivity Temperature dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the pick-up coil voltage of two-coil mutual inductance setup And resistivity measured by four probe method
Laboratory for Optical Spectroscopy at Extreme Conditions of high P and low T Rajeev Gupta Research Interests: • Multifunctional Materials: Bulk and thin films. • Theoretical and experiments on strongly correlated electron systems e.g Vanadates, ruthenates and manganites. • Li ion battery materials. Alternate cathode materials. Theory and experiments. • Biomaterials: Structure property correlation in doped Hydroxy-apatite. • Nano-materials such as nc-silicon, nanowires etc. • Diamond like carbon films and other nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes.
Research Facility • MicroRaman system with CCD. • Low T (~ 9 K) cryostat. • High T (~900 K) microscope hot stage. • Miniature high pressure cell. • Simultaneously measurement of transport and optical properties. • Thermal measurements (DSC) upto 900 K. • Sample, pressure calibrant and pressure medium to be loaded in a 200 microns hole!
Magnetization Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Nanoparticles Memory experiments in ZFC protocol. Difference in magnetization without and with a stop of one hour at 100 K. Aging of ZFC magnetization in NiO nanoparticles at 25 K. Inset shows FC aging. V. Bisht and K P Rajeev, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 22, 016003 (2010); V. Bisht, K.P. Rajeev, and S. Banerjee. Solid State Com. (in press) Earlier related work from the group: S D Tiwari and K P Rajeev , PRB 72 104433 (2005); S D Tiwari and K P Rajeev, Thin Solid Films 505 113 (2006); S D Tiwari and K P Rajeev, PRB 77, 224430 (2008)
Non-equilibrium features in phase separated state of NdNiO3 • Exhibit time dependent effects in phase separated state • These time dependent effects are attributed to stochastic switching of supercooled metallic regions to stable insulating state. • If we decrease the sample size such that it contains few SC regions, then we can observe the effect of switching of individual SC region. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 185402 (2009) Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 485402 (2009).
Liquefier Problems • Recovery Compressor failure: fixed under warranty • Leak in the cold box (Jan’10), fixed (Feb’10) under warranty and the warranty on “the cold box leaks” extended by two years till June’12. • Compressed air humidity problems • Helium purity problems • Quality of electrical power • Chiller problems: ambient temperatures ~50°C. • Recovery line losses. • LN2 problems • Manpower
Financial Status • Sanctioned: 360L (He plant) + 37L (comp) + 25L (Maint.) • Value of the equipment: $ 812,126.11 = `321L (Dec’07, 1$= ` 39.4) = `409L (Dec’08, 1$= ` 50.4) • With 15% for duty and freightExpected cost = `369 Lacks (Dec’07) = `471 Lacks (Dec’08) • Actual Freight amount was higher by ~ `45 L. • Actual Expenditure: `516 Lacks • Over-expenditure: `156 Lacks (IITK gives ½) • Request from DST: 25L + 37L + 78L = `140L
Main Areas of Interest Physics of Turbulence Physics of Nano-clusters using Time-dependent Density Functional Theory Spin dynamics in Kondo lattice Cosmology using the WMAP data Optical properties of Meta-materials Light diffusion in 3-D random media
PRINCIPAL USERS OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTATIONAL FACILITY M.K. Harbola R. Prasad M.K. Verma • P. Jain • S.A. Ramakrishna • Singh • H. Wanare