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QUALITY MANAGEMENT. MÜRÜVET ŞAHAN. Education… The proccess through which we discover that learning adds QUALITY to our lives What is Quality in the education proccess All kinds of action that aims to; .provide the desired type of behavior changes in students

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  2. Education… The proccess through which we discover that learning adds QUALITY to our lives What is Quality in the education proccess All kinds of action that aims to; .provide the desired type of behavior changes in students .create an environment where they can freely express their thoughts .provide communication –based school environment. .ensure students proggress academically .provide conditions where students explore their special talents

  3. SO Quality is suitability for conditions Quality is the needs of students(parents,teachers.school administrators) Quality is suitability for objectives. Quality is contunity of success Quality is the struggle to get the best Quality is to identify the weak points of the proccess and taking measures for them. So Quality is investment for future. Quality means the full and active participation of all the staff at the scool Quality is the colleboration of studenst-parents-teachers

  4. Quality is the satisfaction of all the staff Quality is the development of reward and appreciation system for all the staff Quality is a systematic approach to reach for excellence Quality is defining the mistakes and regardless of the position and title accepting all the staff’s mistakes. Quality is being effective by using the potential energy.

  5. Management approaches

  6. Management approaches

  7. Management approaches

  8. Charactericties of a Quality School -All personel do quality work-Eveyone find satisfaction in his work -School administration deal with improvement Works not problems. -Self-evaluation for everyone -A balance between power and respect(proper and fair usage of authority)

  9. The characteristics that a quality based school successfuuly aims to apply in its daily operations are as follow; The administrators arrangemeetings for the school staff to become involved in the improvement of school environment

  10. The characteristics that a quality based school successfuuly aims to apply in its daily operations are as follow; The administrators arrangemeetings for the school staff to become involved in the improvement of school environment

  11. Recognize the importance of fact-based decision making School administration places a strong emphasis on the usage of teams of school staff to take one more step further the education process.

  12. School administrators bear in the mind that staff members produce ‘ examples of high quality works’when theyare motivated and rewarded whenever they deserve.This is the key point.

  13. For continious improvement; School administrators inform the school members that everyone should regard himself or herself as a quality inspector of his/her task Actively lead the way for personnels by drivind fear out of school enfironment.Encourage teachers in their actions for the NEW.Empowerment of the employee.

  14. The benefits of quality for the school administration forMANAGER • Provides an invaluable problem-solving tool. • Dispels negative attitudes. • Management becomes more aware of individual’s work environment. • Employees gain a sense of participation. • Increases efficiency and productivity. • Reduces turnover rate, tardiness, costs, errors, and scrap & rework.

  15. For employee: • Provides opportunity for personal growth and development. • Increases innovation. • Employees use their knowledge and skills for well-informed decisionmaking.

  16. Encourages decision-making at the most appropriate level. • Increases motivation and acceptance of new ideas • Increases job satisfaction. • Recognizes employees for their talents. • Develops mutual respect among employees, management and customers

  17. Promote teamworks A quality improvement teams focuses on following areas for improvement: 1.Increased Employee Value 2.Informed Employees 3.Technical Training 4. Quality Training 5. Employee Suggestions 6. Employee Participation 7.Higher Quality of Artistry 8.Personal Development

  18. Improves communications within and among all departments. • Develops management skills that were never taught. • Develops overall company awareness and company unity. • Rearranges priorities which once seemed locked in place. • Builds loyalty to the institution • Reveals training requirements in all departments

  19. Deming compiled a list of seven deadly diseases that have inhibited change in the style of management. Lack of constancy of purpose. Emphasis on short-term profits: short-term thinking (just the opposite from constancy of purpose to stay in business). Management by fear. Mobility of management: job hopping. Use of visible figures only for management, with little or no consideration of figures that are unknown or unknowable. Excessive medical costs. Excessive costs of liability

  20. DEMİNG’S SOME İMPORTANT PONTS about quality management Institute modern training for everybody Institute modern methods of supervision Encourage employees to speak up Break down barriers between departments Eliminate slogans and targets fort he work force Institute a vigorous program of education and self improvement.

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