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Maximizing Research Impact: Evidence-Based Librarianship Strategies for Dr. Ali Rashidi

Enhance Dr. Ali Rashidi's research impact through evidence-based strategies. Access scholarly articles, updates, and profile on Wageningen UR. Utilize ResearcherID and Google Scholar for citations. Explore examples of scientific social networks on ResearchGate, Mendeley, and more.

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Maximizing Research Impact: Evidence-Based Librarianship Strategies for Dr. Ali Rashidi

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  1. Evidence-based librarianship Dr. Ali Rashidi

  2. scholar.google.com

  3. Step 1: Profile https://www.wageningenur.nl

  4. Step 2: Articles https://www.wageningenur.nl

  5. Step 3: Updates https://www.wageningenur.nl

  6. ResearcherID http://www.researcherid.com

  7. Google Scholar Citation Service http://scholar.google.com/citations

  8. Examples of Scientific Social Networks http://www.researchgate.net/ http://www.mendeley.com/ http://www.linkedin.com http://www.academia.edu/ https://orcid.org/ https://www.mysciencework.com/#world-scientific-community http://www.scholaruniverse.com/

  9. Researchgate

  10. Mendeley

  11. Academia

  12. ORCiD (Open Researcher & Contributor ID)

  13. MyScienceWork

  14. scholaruniverse

  15. iamResearcherhttp://www.iamresearcher.com

  16. iAMscientisthttp://www.iamscientist.com

  17. Research profile or my NCBI in PubMed

  18. Open Access Operating system Internet explorer Search engines Meta search engines Specialized search engines Open Access Materials Doaj,Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE),openI,Free medical journals آقای طاها زاده

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