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Predation control on bird colonies

Predation control on bird colonies. Markus Forsberg. C5 Predation control on bird colonies. Establish an organisation for long term control of bird colony predation by the american mink ( Mustela vison )

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Predation control on bird colonies

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  1. Predation control on birdcolonies Markus Forsberg

  2. C5 Predation control onbirdcolonies • Establish an organisation for longterm controlofbirdcolonypredation by the american mink (Mustelavison) • Start hunting mink in an organizedway in 8 different areas of3 Natura 2000-sites Photographer: Terje Kolaas

  3. The year for the mink • Feb-mars,matingtime • April, cubsareborn in the end of april • (2-6 cubs/litter) • May, lactating and more solid food, • activitypatternrasing by factor 5 • June, teachthem to hunt (midsummer) • July, cubs still followingher • August, cubs start to spread, young males first • Sept-feb Establishingtherehomerange Wikipedia.se

  4. The mediocrity mink • Generalist, ”not verygood at anything” butcanhandleboth land and water • Swimsveryslow (almostlackingwebbedfeet), openwater 500m no problems, 1km alsowithinrange, 2km moreseldom • Don´tdivevery:deep (0,5-3m, max 5m)far (30-35m)for so long (5-30sec, max 45sec) Photograpfer: Håkan Knutsson

  5. Whataretheyeating? • Lackingeyemembrane, hard to catch swimming fishesscanning the bottom (<3m) for fish • Main food is fish and rodents, 3 monthbird diet Europeaneelpout, Tånglake, Zoarcesviviparus Shorthornsculpin, Rötsimpa, Myoxocephalusscorpius Flatfish, Plattfisk, Pleuronectidae

  6. Wherearetheyfound? • Dry and windsafeplaces, close to the water • Usesexistingholes/cavities, in the ground or among rocks/stones

  7. How old is an old mink? • 78% diesbefore 1 year, than 50% mortalityeachyear • Within 3 years is the wholepopulation replaced! • Rare with minks olderthan 3 years(4 of 200) • Wewant to increasethe mortality rate

  8. Homerange • Archipelago in the Baltic sea 5-50ha land • Rivers and lakes Male 1,8-5.0km,Female 1,1-2-2km • No overlapmale-male, overlapmale-female, female-female

  9. Uniquebreeding and territorial strategy • Within the same litter the cubscanhave different fathers! • Males abandon territorieswhenbreeding, don´treturns! • Short delayed embryonal development (only the american mink)

  10. Method • Combination of: • Traps • Huntingwithdogs(video)

  11. Results • Established organisations for hunting mink in every sites (and some spin-offs), biginterestamong the localpeople • Each area has itsown solution (local hunters, fishers, residents, tenants) • 7 peoplewithhuntingdogscontracted, ~550 huntinghours • 140 minks has beenkilled in the projectsites and as ”spin-off” from the project • Involved hunters experience a decrease in minkpopulation • About 130 mink traps in projectsites or nearby

  12. CAB E, Area aroundAspöja Total 75 minks, 43 trapped 3 hunters, 290h. Traps and doghunt: 350 euro/mink.

  13. CAB D, Hartsö Total 39 mink, 11 trapped 2 hunters, 192h. Traps and doghunt: 220Euro/mink.

  14. CAB D, Hartsö 16 femaleof 28 minks. Femalesstays in theirhomeranges Not easy to be a bird in Hartsö!

  15. Conclusions • Itspossible to reduce the minkpopulation in the outerarchipelago • Combination withtraps and dogs is nessessary • Every area needsitsown organisation • A challenge to keeppeople and dogsinterestedwhen the population is reduced • A challenge to incorporatereductionof mink as an continuous management action for thisnaturereserves/Natura2000-sites Photographer: Karl Ingvarson

  16. Thanks! Somereferenses: • - Gerell, Rune. 1984. Lär känna minken- en artmonografi från Svenska Jägareförbundet.- Lariviére, Serge. 1999. Mustelavison. Mammalian species, no 608, pp. 1-9, 3 figs. Americansocietyofmammalogists.- Niemimaa, Jukka. 1995. Activitypattern and homerangesof the american mink Mustelavison in the Finnishouterarchipelago. Ann. Zool. Fennici 32:117-121.- Nordström, Mikael m.fl. 2003. Minkfria öar i skärgården- en viltvårdsutmaning som ger resultat. Tidsskriften Skärgård, årgång 26 nr 2.- Roos, Stefan & Amkoff, Martin. 2010. Fågelfaunans utveckling i Uppsala läns skärgård efter införandet av jakt på mink. Länsstyrelsens meddelandeserie 2010:4. • Photografer Markus Forsberg for all the pictureswithoutanyothername.

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