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On-demand, Worldwide Video Production Services | Lorray Digital Video

Lorray Digital Video delivers world-class video content that inspires, informs, entertains, and delivers to meet the demands of an ever-evolving culture.

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On-demand, Worldwide Video Production Services | Lorray Digital Video

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AboutUs Lorray Digital Video is a corporate and commercial video production services in New York City that provides world-class video content to our customers. Page03

  2. PARTNERSINSOMETHINGBIG. JOEFUOCO ProfessionalVideo Producer ASHHABASHI Creative Videographerand Photographer RAYLOMBARDI ANNAMAYO AffiliateProducer FounderandCEO

  3. VIDEO MARKETING FOR END USERS Video is the medium of choice for the best, fastest growing businesses throughout the world. Whether using broadcast, online, social media or any other platform, Lorray Digital Videoproduces content that is professional, compelling and motivational.

  4. VIDEOMARKETING FOR MARKETING PROS Savvymarketingpros understandthevital importanceofvideocontent,yetthecost ofengagingafull-timevideoprofessionalis simplynotthebestuseofresources.That’s where LorrayDigital Video can bridge that gapbyproviding highquality,professional whitelabelcontentforyouragency.

  5. OVER20YEARS OF VIDEO EXPERIENCE. Wehavedeliveredresultsforbusinesses,non-profits,professionals,artists,governmentagencies, and retailers that meet the growing challenges of an ever-changing culture.

  6. THANKYOU www.lorraydigitalvideo.com 267.483.858 lorrayllc@gmail.com

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