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John Keats

John Keats. Ode to a Nightingale. style of the poem This poem is written in disciplined 10-line stanza form which resembles the sonnet yet liberates it from the restrictions of that form. The rhyme pattern of each stanza is essentially

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John Keats

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  1. John Keats

  2. Ode to a Nightingale style of the poem This poem is written in disciplined 10-line stanza form which resembles the sonnet yet liberates it from the restrictions of that form. The rhyme pattern of each stanza is essentially abab cde cde. background his poor health his brother’s death

  3. Ode to a Nightingale nightingale a symbol of eternal joy with a colour of melancholy theme Beauty and eternity is infinite, but man is not. The most immortal joy is melancholy. Beauty can't exist for long in the earthly world.

  4. Ode to a Nightingale detailed analysis This poem is rich in sensuous imagery and speaks of the feeling pleasures of life experienced by a poet on the verge of death. The languorous heart-aching happiness is reproduced rather than described. The whole ode reproduces the mixed feelings Keats had over life and death. It best shows Keats's ability to capture the inner being of things and his special skill in using synaesthetic imagery, that is, he uses the taste of wine to explain an impression made by the sound of a song; he can smell “embalm é d darkness” and the “musk-rose, full of dewy wine” is a scent described in terms normally used for the sense of taste, and “the murmurous haunt of flies” is a sound effect suggesting the odours of “summer eves.”

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