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Forest Mensuration involves measuring trees, wood, and other forest products to determine dimensions, form, and growth, important for management and research purposes. Explore basic concepts, objectives, and scope of this essential forestry practice.
Oku losZ{k.kEkkiu & 1 Oku Ekkiu ds fl)kar
Forest Mensuration - I bl l= dkmn~s’; izf’k{k.kkfFkZ;ksadksouekiu ds ckjsfuEu dh tkudkjhnsuk % 1 ifjp; 2 ouekiu ds eq[; fl)kar o ifjHkk"kk,a A 3 ouekiu ds mn~s’; 4 ouekiudkdk;Z {ks=
Introduction ekiu xf.kr dh og 'kk[kktksiSekbZ’klslaca/k j[krhgS ekiyEckbZ] {ks=Qy] ek=k tkuus ds fy, iqjkus le; esaekitkuus dh fuEuO;oLFkk,saFkh % ekudiz;kstu euek=k dh tkudkjh vatqfynksuksagkFkksadkstksM+djek=k dkuki gkFkyEckbZdkuki Mensuration concerns with measurement; part of mathematics To determine length, area, volume In ancient times, related systems were: Standards Meaning Mana measure of capacity or volume Anjuli two hands joined together as a cup, used as a measure of capacity Hath measure of length by hand
ouekiu & ifjHkk"kkDefinition of Forest Mensuration ouekiuokfudh dh og 'kk[kkgStks ,d o`{k] o`{k lewgvFkokiwjstaxy ¼[kM++s vFkokfxjsgq,½ dh iSekbZ’k] mez] vk;q] o`f) vkfnlslaca/k j[krhgS A Forest Mensuration is that branch of forestry that deals with the determination of dimensions (e.g. diameter, height, volume etc.), form, age, and increment of single trees, stands or whole woods, either standing or after felling.
ouekiu ds eq[; fl)karBasic Concept of Forest Mensuration ekiudkerycyEckbZ] vk;ru] ek=k o le; tkuukgSA ouekiuesafuEu dh iSekbZ’k 'kkfeygS % [kM+s o fxjsgq, o`{k dVhgqbZ ,oafpjkuydM+h o ckal xSjdk"Bh; ouksittSlsNky] tM+] Qyvkfn ouekiublvk/kkjijyEckbZ] {ks=Qy] ek=k o ot+u dh iSekbZ’klslacf/krgS Mensuration means measurement of length, volume, mass and time. Forest Mensuration includes measurements of § Felled and standing trees, § Sawn wood and round logs and bamboos § NTFPssuch as bark, roots, fruits, etc Forest Mensuration, therefore, concerns with linear, area, volume and weight measurements.
ou ekiu ds eq[; fl)kar&2Basic Concept of Forest Mensuration -2 ouekiuesafuEuekinaMksadksifjek.k ds #iesaof.kZrfd;ktkldrkgS % mez Nky ds ckgj o vUnjdkO;kl yEckbZvFkokmapkbZ :i ;k vkdkj Vsij ;k mapkbZ ds lkFkO;kl ds ifjorZu dh nj Nky ds vUnj o ckgjdkvk;ru N= dh pkSM+kbZ ¼Økmu foM~Fk½ ydM+hdk ?kuRo In forest Mensuration, the following parameters can be described quantitatively: Age Diameter- over and under bark Length or height Form or shape Taper or the rate of change of diameter with length Volume over or under bark Crown width Wood density Mensuration also deals with measuring and predicting the growth of trees and crops that is, the change in the parameter with time.
ou ekiu ds m)s’; geD;ksaiSekbZ’kdjrsgSa &Objectives of Forest MensurationWhy do we measure? 1 fczdh ds fy, vk/kkj 2 izca/ku ds fy, vk/kkj 3 'kks/k ds fy, iSekbZ’k 4 ;kstukcukus ds fy, iSekbZ’k 1.Basis for sale 2.Basis of management 3.Measurement for research 4. Measurement for planning
ou ekiu dk dk;Z {ks=Scope of Forest Mensuration ouekiudkdk;Z {ks= O;kidgSvkSj ;g c<+ jgkgS tcydM+hcsph] :ikarfjr ;k bLrseky dh tkrhgSrcbldkmi;ksxgksrkgS bldk lac/k u dsoyouesadkedjjgsvf/kdkfj;ksa] Bsdsnkjksa] vkjkokyksa ,oaifjogu dfeZ;ksa lsgS] cfYd 'kgjksa] xkaoksaesaydM+hdkmi;ksxdjjghturklsHkhgS vktdyekiudjusokyksadksoU; thou] tyxzg.k {ks=] dhV o chekjh dh ?kVukvksa] euksjatu] i;ZVuvkfnesaiSekbZ’klslacf/krleL;kvksaijdk;ZdjukiM+rkgS ouekiuesadEi;wVj ds c<+rsmi;ksxlsbl 'kk[kkesaØkafrdkjh ifjorZugks jgs gS A Wide scope and growing Applied when wood is sold, converted or used Concerns not only foresters, contractors, sawyers and transport labour working in the forest but also the sawn millers and wood-using public in the cities, towns and villages. Now mensurationist has to concern himself with the measurement problems of wild life management, watershed management, insect and disease incidence, recreation, tourism and many of the mensurational aspects of multiple-use forestry. The application of statistical theory and the use of electronic computer for data processing have brought about revolutionary changes in forest measurement problems.
[kM+s o`{kksa dh xksykbZ ,oaO;kl • ,d fuf'prÅ¡pkbZijghges'kkxksykbZ ,oaO;kl dh eki dh tkrhgSAblsNkrhLrjdgrsgSa A • blLrjij dh xbZeki & NkrhxksykbZ] NkrhO;kl • NkrhLrjdkfpUgyxhM.Mh ;k jkM • xksykbZVsi }kjk • O;kldSfyij }kjk & dSfyijesa,d fpfUgrekiuhgksrhgSftlesa ,d fLFkjHkqtkvkSj ,d pfyrHkqtkgksrhgStksekiuhijjgrhgSApfyrHkqtkfLFkjHkqtkds lekUrjpyrhgS