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INTRODUCTION Belly fat is associated with many health issues and diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Specifically it is the deepest layer of belly fat that poses health risks. That is because these "visceral" fat cells actually produce hormones and other substances that can affect your health. This type of fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, to name a few. Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight. Many health organizations use BMI (body mass index) to classify weight and predict the risk of metabolic disease. However, this is misleading. People with excess belly fat are at an increased risk, even if they look thin on the outside. Here are 10 effective tips to lose belly fat, backed by scientific studies. 1.Eat Plenty of Soluble Fiber: Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that helps slow down food as it passes through your digestive system. Studies show this type of fiber promotes weight loss by helping you feel full so you naturally eat less. It may also decrease the amount of calories your body absorbs from food. Soluble fiber may help fight belly fat, an observational study of over 1100 adults found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber intake, belly fat gain decreased by 3.7% over a 5-year period. Make an effort to consume high-fiber foods every day. Excellent sources of soluble fiber include flaxseeds, shirataki noodles, Brussels sprouts, avocados, legumes and blackberries. How to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours by Doing This Simple 2-Minute Ritual-----------Click Here to lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat every 72 Hours by Doing this Simple 2-Minute Ritual
2.Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol: Alcohol can have health benefits in small amounts, but it is seriously harmful if you drink too much. Research suggests too much alcohol can also make you gain belly fat. Observational studies link heavy alcohol consumption with significantly increased risk of central obesity — that is, excess fat storage around the waist. Cutting back on alcohol may help reduce your waist size. In a study of more than 2000 people, those who drank alcohol daily but averaged less than one drink per day had less belly fat than those who drank less frequently but consumed more alcohol on the days they did drink. 3.Eat a High-Protein Diet: Protein is an extremely important nutrient for weight control. High protein intake increases release of the fullness hormone PYY, which decreases appetite and promotes fullness. Protein also raises your metabolic rate and helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss. Many observational studies show that people who eat more protein tend to have less abdominal fat than those who eat a lower- protein diet. Be sure to include a good protein source at every meal, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, whey protein or nuts. How to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours by Doing This Simple 2-Minute Ritual Click Here to lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat every 72 Hours by Doing this Simple 2-Minute Ritual
4.Reduce Your Stress Levels: Stress can make you gain belly fat by triggering the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone". Research shows high cortisol levels increase appetite and drive abdominal fat storage. Women who already have a large waist tend to produce more cortisol in response to stress. Increased cortisol further adds to fat gain around the middle. To help reduce belly fat, engage in pleasurable activities that relieve stress. Practicing yoga or meditation can be effective methods. 5.Avoid eating many Sugary Foods: Sugar contains fructose, which has been linked to several chronic diseases when consumed in excess. These include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and fatty liver disease. Observational studies show a relationship between high sugar intake and increased abdominal fat. It is important to realize that more than just refined sugar can lead to belly fat gain. Even "healthier" sugars (such as real honey) should be used sparingly. How to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours by Doing This Simple 2-Minute Ritual Click Here to lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat every 72 Hours by Doing this Simple 2-Minute Ritual
6.Replace Some of Your Cooking Fats With Coconut Oil: Coconuts oil is one of the heathiest fat you can eat. Studies show that the medium-chain fats in coconut oil may boost metabolism and decrease the amount of fat you store in response to high calorie intake. Controlled studies suggest it may also lead to abdominal fat loss. In one study, obese men who took coconut oil daily for 12 weeks lost an average of 1.1 inch (2.86 cm) from their waists without intentionally changing their diets or exercise routines. To boost belly fat loss, it's best to take about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil per day, which is the amount used in most of the studies reporting good results. However, keep in mind that coconut oil is still high in calories. Instead of adding extra fat to your diet, replace some of the fats you are already eating with coconut oil. 7.Eat Fatty Fish Every Week: Fatty fish are incredibly healthy. They are rich in quality protein and omega-3 fats that protect you from disease. Some evidence also suggests that these omega-3 fats may help reduce visceral fat. Studies in adults and children with fatty liver disease show fish oil supplements can significantly reduce liver and abdominal fat. Aim to get 2-3 servings of fatty fish per week. Good choices include salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel and anchovies. How to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours by Doing This Simple 2- Minute Ritual Click Here to lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat every 72 Hours by Doing this Simple 2-Minute Ritual
8.Eat Probiotic Foods or Take a Probiotic Supplement: Probiotics are bacteria found in some foods and supplements. They have all sorts of health benefits, including improved gut health and enhanced immune function. Researchers have found different types of bacteria play a role in weight regulation, and having the right balance can help with weight loss, including loss of belly fat. Those shown to reduce belly fat include members of the Lactobacillus family. These include Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus and especially Lactobacillus gasseri. Probiotic supplements typically contain several types of bacteria, so make sure you purchase one that provides one or more of these bacterial strains. 9.Try Intermittent Fasting:Intermittent fasting has recently become very popular for weight loss; it is an eating pattern that cycle between periods of eating and periods of fasting. One popular method involves 24-hour fasts once or twice a week. Another involves fasting every day for 16 hours and eating all your food in an 8-hour period. In a review of studies on intermittent fasting and alternate-day fasting, people experienced a 4–7% decrease in abdominal fat within a period of 6-24 weeks. How to Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat Every 72 Hours by Doing This Simple 2-Minute Ritual Click Here to lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat every 72 Hours by Doing this Simple 2-Minute Ritual
Aim to take 10,000 Steps a Day:In one study where men reduced their daily steps from about 10,000 to less than 1,500 (without changing their diet), their visceral (belly) fat increased by 7% after just 2 weeks. Try to walk everywhere within a reasonable distance. Walk to work, school, or the grocery store if possible. Get a pedometer and try to increase the number of daily steps you take. 10. Change Your Lifestyle and Combine Different Methods If you do just one of the items on this list, then it will not have a big effect on its own. If you want good results, then you need to combine different methods that have been shown to be effective. Interestingly, many of these are the same things we generally associate with healthy eating and an overall healthy lifestyle. Therefore, changing your lifestyle for the long-term is the key to losing your belly fat and keeping it off. When you have healthy habits and eat real food, fat loss tends to follow as a natural side effect. I also strongly recommend this: Lose 1 POUND of Belly Fat every 72 Hours by Doing this Simple 2-Minute Ritual