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Hubert’s Supplier Connection. Click anywhere on the screens to advance to next slide. Getting to the web site. Hubert will send you an e-mail with your Username and Password. You can get to the Supplier Connection website by Clicking on the link included in the e-mail,
Hubert’s Supplier Connection Click anywhere on the screens to advance to next slide.
Getting to the web site • Hubert will send you an e-mail with your Username and Password. • You can get to the Supplier Connection website by • Clicking on the link included in the e-mail, • Entering http://supplier.hubert.com in your web browser OR • From the www.hubert.com website, clicking on the Supplier Connection link at the bottom of the Home page.
Logging On Copy and Paste your Login information from the e-mail. It is important that your Username include the “.00” at the end. Click ENTER. 54321.00 *******
The Welcome Page Read through the Information Message and check the “I agree” button and then click SUBMIT. Note that the HELP button on the upper right of this screen includes this tutorial and a written User Manual.
Your Home page To enter the active Supplier Connection site, click on the blue catalog name under the “Next Catalog” window. The “Archive” window lists all previously entered Catalog periods and is VIEW ONLY.
Items Tab This MSRP column is only for Manufactured Suggested Retail Price. DO NOT ENTER HUBERT COST IN THIS COLUMN. 19.95 Enter the future costs for Hubert in the “US$ Future Net Cost” column. Please note the MSRP column is strictly for MSRP.
Getting to Item Information Detail Roll over Item Description and while item is underlined click on it. This will get you to that specific’s Item Information; to change VPN, code item deleted etc..
Item Information Detail VPN changes entered here will not appear on the main Items Tab until the Hubert Sourcing Agent has accepted the information. If any changes are entered on this screen, the green SUBMIT button must be clicked to return to the main Items Tab. Check at “Discontinued” if the item is no longer available. A calendar will appear. Click on what day you propose you will no longer have inventory to ship to Hubert. Also, please type in the quantity you have available for purchase in the NEGOTIATING NOTES area on the main Item Tab (previous page).
More Items Tab Information This area can be used to apply a certain % or dollar amount to more than one item. The Selected box must be marked for the appropriate items. • If the change will apply to all items on the viewing page, then click the topmost “Select” box. This will mark all the “Select” boxes on the viewing page. Type in the percent or dollar change and choose the appropriate “%” or “$” circle. The system will default to the “Net US$ Future” circle, but if the Supplier is changing the MSRP, then the “Manufacture Sug. Price” circle should be checked. • If the change will apply to all items on all pages, click the topmost “Select” box. Then click the “All pages” circle. Enter the percent or dollar change then choose the % or $ circle, then select the “Net US$ Future” or “Manufacture Sug. Price” circle. • If using the “Apply to” window, then the user must click the blue “APPLY & SAVE” button to apply the change and save the change. This NO COST CHANGES box must be checked if there are no cost changes; then click on SAVE CHANGES.
Contacts Tab The Contacts Tab lists information for Pricing Contact, Customer Service and Sales Management. Review and confirm the information and click the green SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom of the screen. Please note the first “Pricing/Main Contact” should be the person who is responsible for authorizing Hubert costs. It is very important Hubert have their correct e-mail address.
NAFTA Tab Roll over the word “Code” to see definitions of the different codes available. Review and confirm NAFTA information and type in the name and title of the person authorizing the information. If there are no changes, click on the “No NAFTA Changes” box. Click the green SAVE CHANGES before leaving this screen.
Please note all other Tabs must have had their “SAVE CHANGES” button clicked before you are able to send the information to Hubert. Click the green SEND button. Your Hubert Sourcing Agent will review the information and either 1) accept it or 2) return to you for further negotiations. Finish Tab