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LifeWatch and i4Life Information Flow Axel Poigné Fraunhofer IAIS

LifeWatch and i4Life Information Flow Axel Poigné Fraunhofer IAIS. Core ICT Infrastructure Components. Virtual Collaborative environments. Provenance. Workflows. Semantic Mediation. Annotations. Computational Resources. Publication. Catalogue(s). Access to external Services.

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LifeWatch and i4Life Information Flow Axel Poigné Fraunhofer IAIS

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  1. LifeWatch and i4Life Information Flow Axel Poigné Fraunhofer IAIS

  2. Core ICT Infrastructure Components Virtual Collaborative environments Provenance Workflows SemanticMediation Annotations Computational Resources Publication Catalogue(s) Access to external Services Security Portal A A A Services

  3. An SOA approach

  4. Species Distribution Geo-coder Ontology Access Species occurrence Commu-nitySupport Data Interpola-tion Map & Diagram Taxo-nomyAccess The-saurus Access View & Explore Service Monito ring Format Conver-sion Applica-tion Server Data Manage-ment Enter-prise Service Bus Model-ling Citation Prove-nance Rep. Curation Gazet-teer Name Data Cata-logue Commu-nication Authenti- cation Sensor Access Anno- tation Rep. Data Publishing Service Chaining Feature Access Service Cata-logue Workflow Editing Seman-tic Annota.tion Authori-sation Catalo gue Browse & Search Login & Profile Workflow Enact-ment Annota-tion User Manage-ment Provenance Notifi-cation Proces-sing Web Content Manage-ment

  5. Taxonomy Access Service Suggested Construction Priority: High Core / Non-coreinfrastructure: Core Motivation: Theability to disambiguatetaxonomicnamesisseen as an essential capability of the LifeWatch infrastructure. Theserviceshouldsupporttheaccess to standardizedtaxonomicsourcese.gtheCatalogue of Life and the EDIT Cybertaxonomyplatform. Potential users: all requiringunambiguoustaxonomicinformation. Knownsimilaritem(s): CoL, EDITCybertaxonomyplatform

  6. … continued Comments: • Specialisation of the Feature Access Service • Furtherworkisneeded to determinewhatismeanthere. Immediate questionsarisinginclude: • Isthis a servicefordisambiguatingtaxonomicnames? • Isthis an interface to, forexample: theCatalogue of Life, and/orthe EDIT Cybertaxonomyplatform? • Wherethedescriptionsays "writetaxonomicinformation", whatdoesthismean? Whataretheconstraints?

  7. Feature Access Interfaces (INSPIRE/OGC)

  8. Application Server Service Interface Service Reachability Service Wrapping Service Instance ServiceFunctionality Policies & Contracts LW_RM OASIS RA Metrics deployed Service Component ... Platform Logic 1 Platform Logic n LW_IMPlRules Implementation Object BusinessLogic Data Model

  9. Disclaimer • The subsequent slides do not reflect any official position of LifeWatch

  10. Proceeding Either • Great Britain joins • Great Britain offers Tanonomic Access Service • You get the job • LifeWatch office agrees • You are in Or • Some other country offers • It gets the job • You are out NO EC MONEY AVAILABLE !

  11. As a company, the LifeWatch Eric must probably issue contracts for tender • The service are expected to be 24/7

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