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Att lära om miljö och samhälle: teori om begreppsbildning och empiriska exempel Docent Cecilia Lundholm Forskargruppen Research on Conceptual Development http://web.ped.su.se/rcd. Pupils and paradigms: a review of literature related to concept development in adolescent science students.
Att lära om miljö och samhälle: teori om begreppsbildning och empiriska exempel Docent Cecilia Lundholm Forskargruppen Research on Conceptual Development http://web.ped.su.se/rcd
Pupils and paradigms: a review of literature related to concept development in adolescent science students. Driver, R. & Easley, J. (1978). Studies in Science Education, 5, 61-98. Preconceptions; ideas that are the result of incorrect observations or illogical thought. Misconceptions; pupils have been exposed to formal models or theories, and have assimilated them incorrectly. “Pupils have developed autonomous frameworks for conceptualising their experiences of the physical world; these we will call ‘alternative frameworks’.” (p.62)
sändare budskap mottagare intention tolkning sändare ”budskap” mottagare
Conceptual change Concepts are embedded in larger conceptual systems. Hypothetical ‘framework theory’ built on ontological and epistemological presuppositions (Vosniadou, 1994) Concepts need be understood in relation to three different levels: A theoretical, a conceptual and an empirical respectively. (Tiberghien, 1994; Caravita and Halldén, 1994) ‘Coordinating classes’ and systems theory. (disessa & Sherin, 1998)
A B (e.g. Piaget, 1929; Driver & Easley, 1978; Posner et al.,1982; Strike & Posner, 1992) A
Språket speglar mentala föreställningar, modeller (Vosniadou, 1994)?
Bringing the two places together (Larsson, Haglund, & Halldén, 2007)
Conceptual change as integration and differentiating A Ab AB B Ba Larsson & Halldén, Science Education, 2010
The process of conceptual change A process of re-structuring knowledge, along with the process of assimilating new information and symbolic representations. This means that a range of relations need to be created: • between different objects (house, moon) • between symbols (e.g. graphs) and artefacts (e.g. maps, terrestrial globe), and, objects • between concepts and the outside the world (relevance of applicability: considering situation) and, between theories, concepts and the empirical level (object)
Hao’s model of IGHE the earth ‘Theblanket’ (Li Wang, 2007)
e v o l u t i o n metabolism cell organ individual - organism population eco system e v o l u t i o n • new metabolic • functions • new organs • new species • reduced entropy • increased • complexity Figure. The complexity of the concept of evolution
Distinction between task and problem (Bennet et al., 1984; Doyle, 1979; Halldén, 1982, 1988; Halldén, Haglund & Stromdahl, 2007; Lundholm, 2004, 2005 , 2007) intention interpretation task student’s problem/project teacher’s assignment
In order to understand another person’s utterances it is necessary: • 1. To believe that s/he intends something (meaning) with that utterance, • intentionality (Grice, von Wright, Searle) • 2. To make the assumption that this meaning is referring to something that we both can have some kind of understanding of, • salient features (Davidson) • To make the assumption that the person’s utterances about something has some kind of order • coherence (Davidson, von Wright)
- Language does not mirror conceptions of the phenomena that one is talking about, but it is possible to infer conceptions if one regards them as actions. - Speech acts mirror conceptions of the phenomena one is talking about AND the situation where the conversation is taking place. - Speech acts do not say anything about what a person does not know; does not mirror conceptions that one does not have. Consequences for forms of checking knowledge, that is evaluation.
Begreppsbildning i ett intentionellt perspektiv. Lundholm, Petersson & Wistedt (Red) Stockholms Universitets Förlag (2010)
Kunskapsbildning om miljö; integrering och differentiering • Sternäng, L. and C. Lundholm. (2010). Climate Change and Morality: Students' perspectives on the individual and society. International Journal of Science Education. • Lundholm, C. (2005). Learning about environmental issues. Undergraduate and postgraduate students’ interpretations of environmental content. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 6, 3, 242-253. • Lundholm, C (2004). Learning about Environmental Issues in Engineering Programmes. A case study of first-year civil engineering students’ contextualisations of an ecology course. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 5, 3, 295-307.
Kunskapsbildning i ekonomi - fokus på begrepp och systemförståelse Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (submitted). Students’ conceptions of price: some issues in the development of understanding of socio-economic phenomena. Davies P. and Lundholm. C. (2010). Understanding in Economics: some issues of causality, integration and representation. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010. Sternäng, L. & Lundholm. C. (2010). Climate Change and Costs: Investigating Chinese Students’ Conceptions of Nature and Economic Development. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010. Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2008, 22- 25 August). Conceptual change across the disciplines: Researching students’ conceptions of allocation as part of conceptual development in economics. Paper presented at the 6th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Turku, Finland. Davies, P., Lundholm, C., & Mangan, J. (2008, 21-23 May). The application of variation theory in undergraduate teaching: addressing some difficulties in the context of students’ understanding of saving. Paper presented at the 3rd international conference of the Phenomenography and Variation Theory Special Interest Group, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Kristianstad, Sweden. Lundholm, C. (2007). Pricing nature at what price? A study on undergraduate students’ conceptions of economics. South African Journal of Environmental Education. Special issue Learning in a Changing World, 24, 126-140.
Kunskapsbildning i ekonomi - fokus på begrepp och systemförståelse Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (submitted). Students’ conceptions of price: some issues in the development of understanding of socio-economic phenomena. Davies P. and Lundholm. C. (2010). Understanding in Economics: some issues of causality, integration and representation. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010. Sternäng, L. & Lundholm. C. (2010). Climate Change and Costs: Investigating Chinese Students’ Conceptions of Nature and Economic Development. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010. Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2008, 22- 25 August). Conceptual change across the disciplines: Researching students’ conceptions of allocation as part of conceptual development in economics. Paper presented at the 6th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Turku, Finland. Davies, P., Lundholm, C., & Mangan, J. (2008, 21-23 May). The application of variation theory in undergraduate teaching: addressing some difficulties in the context of students’ understanding of saving. Paper presented at the 3rd international conference of the Phenomenography and Variation Theory Special Interest Group, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Kristianstad, Sweden. Lundholm, C. (2007). Pricing nature at what price? A study on undergraduate students’ conceptions of economics. South African Journal of Environmental Education. Special issue Learning in a Changing World, 24, 126-140.
Kunskapsbildning i ekonomi - fokus på begrepp och systemförståelse Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (submitted). Students’ conceptions of price: some issues in the development of understanding of socio-economic phenomena. Davies P. and Lundholm. C. (2010). Understanding in Economics: some issues of causality, integration and representation. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010. Sternäng, L. & Lundholm. C. (2010). Climate Change and Costs: Investigating Chinese Students’ Conceptions of Nature and Economic Development. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010. Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2008, 22- 25 August). Conceptual change across the disciplines: Researching students’ conceptions of allocation as part of conceptual development in economics. Paper presented at the 6th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Turku, Finland. Davies, P., Lundholm, C., & Mangan, J. (2008, 21-23 May). The application of variation theory in undergraduate teaching: addressing some difficulties in the context of students’ understanding of saving. Paper presented at the 3rd international conference of the Phenomenography and Variation Theory Special Interest Group, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Kristianstad, Sweden. Lundholm, C. (2007). Pricing nature at what price? A study on undergraduate students’ conceptions of economics. South African Journal of Environmental Education. Special issue Learning in a Changing World, 24, 126-140.
Gymnasieelevers förståelse av pris och externa effekter i ett miljösammanhang Caroline Ignell, caroline.ignell@ped.su.se www. RCD GROUP - Research on Conceptual Development, Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universtitet http://people.su.se/~limu6509/rcd Nationella forskarskolan i utbildning och hållbar utveckling, Uppsala universitet http://www.did.uu.se/gresd/
Forskarskola i utbildning och lärande för hållbar utveckling Samarbetsprojekt med 10 doktorander från 8 olika pedagogik- och didaktikinstitutioner i landet. Startade våren 2009 i Uppsala. Forskarskolans bakgrundBehov av att studera miljö och miljöförändring med ett mångvetenskapligt angreppssätt eftersom miljöförändringar involverar både sociala/ kulturella, ekonomiska och ekologiska dimensioner. caroline.ignell@ped.su.se
Hur förstår gymnasieelever prisbildning och prisförändring för varor som orsakar miljöproblem? Forskningsfrågor: Vilkaskillnaderfinnsmellanhureleverförstår prisförändringpåvarorochtjänster med miljökonsekvenseriproduktionenochkonsumtionen? (jeans, resor och hamburgare) Finns detmönster (likheter, skillnader) mellanhur eleverförstårprisförändringenochhur de förstår system? Begreppsutveckling, prisochexterna effekter iett miljösammanhang.
Longitudinellstudieförattföljasammaelever under tvåår. • Ht 2010 - Förstudie med enkätfrågorförattidentifieraeleverattintervjuapåSamhällsprogrammet, ekonomiskinriktning. • Ht 2011 – Huvudstudie; enkätundersäkning till eleveriåk. 2 • Ht 2012 – Sammaelever men nu iåk 3 och ev. intervjuer. • Tidigareforskningsaknardelvis: • longitudienella studier (ovanligtinomsamhällsvetenskapen), • begreppsutvecklinghosgymnasieelever (vanligareförnaturvetenskapligabegrepp) • kunskapomeleversprisförståelseförvarorochtjänsterispecifikasammahangsommiljöpåverkan.
Contextualizing political science University students reasoning about the concept of nation Aim of the study This study focuses on how teacher students understand knowledge in the political science discipline by examining how they reason about theories concerning the construction of nation. More specifically we explore: How students contextualize theories, for example if the view them as scientific theories or as ideological estimations How students approach theories, for example if they reaffirm, reject, and/or apply the theories What kind of problem/project the students are dealing with. • The empirical material • Teacher students at the Department of Political Science • First year university course on Power and Democracy • 20 students’ Log books Linda Murstedt linda.murstedt@ped.su.se Jonas R Trostek jonas.trostek@ped.su.se RCD group; Research on Conceptual Development
Contextualizing political science University students reasoning about the concept of nation It is assumed that theories in the political science discipline, like Billig´s banal nationalism, relate to an ideological dimension in the sense that they are normative. It is likely that dealing with these norms become a conceivable aspect of the conceptual change process. Hence, the study contributes to increased knowledge concerning the way values and norms relate to the learning process (cf. Lundholm, 2005; Sinatra & Pintrich, 2005). Norms and values constitute another form of knowledge – ideology – which coexists side by side with the scientific knowledge (Jovchelovitch 2007). - Individuals learn to recognize these different forms of knowledge and how to differentiatebetween different domains of interpretation (Caravita & Halldén 1994).
Society’s response to environmental challenges: on the role of citizens' socio-economic knowledge Ass Prof Cecilia Lundholm Department of Education & Stockholm Resilience Centre
Interests web.ped.su.se/rcd
(Figure 2. Interdependent relationships between individual, government and business (Lundholm, in press).
4 5 6 2. Nature 1. Individual 3. Society Figure 1. Environmental issues seen as including different aspects and relationships between individual, society and nature (Lundholm, 2008; Rickinson et al. 2009.
Results from studies on the understanding of socio-economic phenomena • Students who elaborated on price in terms of, for example, merit good argument - “people need water, hence it should be free” - still retreated to the government when considering who should pay and cover the costs. (Davies and Lundholm, 2008) • This suggests a lack of understanding of the relationship between taxation and government spending, which is in line with previous investigations showing that students’ understanding of the relationship between taxation and government spending is poor (Davies et al. 2002). • “More spending - less taxation!” (Davies et al. 2002).
Students with a greater understanding of economics are more likely to appreciate longer-run implications ofeconomic policy and this may reduce scope for governments to secure short-term support at the expense of long term disadvantages. (Davies et al. 2002)
Why Economics? Firstly, economics understanding is an important aspect as it allows students to understand the “choices in the way that markets, government, and other means of social engagement are deployed”. (Davies, 2002, p 21)
Secondly, students should be taught to understand the relationships between private and social benefits and costs, and environmental benefits and costs, and to evaluate outcomes in terms of the relationship between social costs and benefits, and environmental costs and benefits.
References Davies, P., H. Howie, J. Mangan and S. Telhaj. (2002). Economic aspects of citizenship education: an investigation of students’ understanding. The Curriculum Journal 13: 201-223. Davies, P. (2006). Educating citizens for changing economies. Journal of Curriculum Studies 38: 15-30. Davies, P. & Lundholm, C. (2008, 22- 25 August). Conceptual change across the disciplines: Researching students’ conceptions of ‘allocation’ as part of conceptual development in economics. Paper presented at the 6th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Turku, Finland. Lundholm, C. (2008). Discourse, cause and change: A study on economics students’ conceptions of child labour.In Öhman, J. (Ed.) Ethics and Democracy in Education for Sustainable development. Contributions from Swedish Research. Stockholm: Liber. Lundholm, C. (in press). Society’s response to environmental challenges: citizenship and the role of knowledge. In Factis Pax. Rickinson, M., Lundholm, C. & Hopwood, N. (2009). Environmental Learning. Insights from research into the student experience.Dortrecht: Springer. Sternäng, Li and Cecilia Lundholm. (in press). Climate Change and Morality: Students’ Conceptions of Individual and Society. International Journal of Science Education. Sternäng, L. & Lundholm. C. (2010). Climate Change and Costs: Investigating Chinese Students’ Conceptions of Nature and Economic Development. Paper presented at the 7th international conference on Conceptual Change, European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 of May, 2010.