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technology is the way? who says… PRESENTERS: DAYSHIA HIBBERT AND LAVERN GORDON
USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM “We never educate directly, but indirectly by means of the environment. Whether we permit chance environments to do the work, or whether we design environments for the purpose makes a great difference.” - John Dewey (1906)
overview • We will discuss: • Definitions of the key terms.: media, technology, instructional media, & Instructional Technology • Learning perspectives on the use of instructional technology in the learning process • Assistive technologies and why teachers need to learn about them.
KEY TERMS • Media • Technology • Instructional Media • Instructional Technology
Media • Is the various means of mass communication, it includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as the: • Television • Radio • Magazines • Newspapers • Internet, etc.
Technology • Is the purposeful application or process by which human beings fashion tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the materials in their environment.
Instructional Technology • Is the discipline that is devoted to the techniques or ways that the teacher seek to apply scientifically derived principles to the planning, design, creation, implementation and evaluation of efficient and effective instruction.
Instructional Media • Includes all the materials and substantial resources that an educator might use to implement instruction and facilitate students' achievement of instructional objectives.
TYPES OF INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA THAT CAN BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM • Power point presentations • Stories • Newspaper articles • Overheads • Video tape or film • Pictures • Chalkboard • Interactive whiteboard
INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA Cont.… • Charts • Display board • Printed materials (hand-outs, worksheets, textbooks) • Computer Projections • Models or real objects • DVDs • Calculator (abacus),etc.
How can You use IM Creatively? • Learners create a review PowerPoint. • Go online to pull up tools and show what is out there. • Simulation into the classroom. Observation of the process and analysis of performance. • Debriefing of recorded performance. • Learners to look at multiple sources. • Bridging theory to real world examples. • Games and contests to apply theory.
ADVANTAGES OF USING INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA • It increases the students understanding of the material/s • It helps to grasps the attention of the students • It helps to add interest to the subject/s being taught • It supports learning with living examples and visual elaboration • It helps to turn learning into an enjoyable experience • It encourages the student participation • It helps to create a fun filled environment • It enhances the students learning
ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY • Assistive technology otherwise (AT) is any tool that helps students and teachers with disabilities do things more quickly, easily or independently. • Examples of Assistive Technologies: • Modified keyboards, hearing aids, personal FM units, or closed-captioned TV, screen readers, screen enlargers, magnifiers, audio books, Braille's, drawing software, computer games, computer simulations, and adapted puzzles.
Teachers need to learn Assistive technologies because it allows many of them to: • Appropriately integrate into the classroom technology and provide for the students with disabilities multiple means to complete their work • Provide more options to use in addressing different learning styles of individual students using visual, auditory and tactile approaches • Spend more time on group activities and to give students more one-on-one attention. • Build tools and materials that address students’ strengths as well as their weaknesses. • Provide accommodations, modifications or adaptations to the environment, curriculum, instruction, or assessment practices.
Be ASSURE’d • Analyze your learners • State your objective(s) • Select and design your media • Utilize the media • Require a learner response • Evaluate the effect of the media
LEARNING PERSPECTIVES • Behavioural Perspective • Cognitive Perspective • Social Cognitive Perspective • Constructivist Perspective • Developmental Perspective
BEHAVIOURAL PERSPECTIVE How technologies can be used to promote desirable academic behaviors from students • The behavioural perspective according to the psychologist states: • That using technology provides the desired response of student who is more dedicated during class and more willing to study outside of class. Some examples of some behavioural perspectives classroom activities are: drills, games, simulations, tutorials etc.
COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE • The cognitive perspective is viewed as, an advancement of the behavioural perspective. With cognitive perspective it states that: • Technology is an advancement that infiltrates human cognitive abilities • Through virtual field trips it allows students to gain an understanding about a place and so promotes academic dynamic growth.
SOCIAL COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE • With social cognitive perspective technology is said to be a good medium for actively engaging students because through technology they are able to: • Reflect, share and construct meaning, • Social interactions and learning occurs with both students-to-students and students-to-professionals,
Facilitate the depth of understanding by integrating technologies into teaching, • It is an intellectual tool that students can use to: study, learn, and communicate with others in their classes, • Benefit from video games.
CONSTRUCTIVIST PERSPECTIVE • The constructivist perspective within the educational field has taken an influential role ,so with the advancement of technology educators try to integrate technology while balancing the constructivist based pedagogies, they state that: • Technology offers flexibility and adaptability although reflective of the pedagogies across the various learning models based within constructivism,
It is a tool that opens the door to new and innovative applications of constructivist teaching and learning methods, • It emphasizes the responsibility of learning as it lies within the student while the teacher acts as a facilitator of learning, • It facilitates in classroom learning as students are able utilize technology in a collaborative effort as they research information on the web or create a product using software guided by a common goal,
It facilitates outside of the classroom learning as students can use online discussion boards, social networking sites, online chat and numerous other technology based tools to collaborate on a common endeavour, • It allows emerging technologies such as multi-user virtual environments and augmented realities enable new types of pedagogical strategies based on situated learning.
DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE • The developmental perspective approach is very critical to the success in education as computer has gradually transformed the education system, it states that: • The Web is an essential medium of information exchange in academic, • It helps teachers to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that is required to carry out effective communicative language instruction in their classrooms.
Instructional Technology and our Five Senses Visual: board, OH, videos, charts, colors Tactile: writing exercises, group work, Audio: music, reading out loud, interviews, conversation, repetition Olfactory: aromatherapy, smell of coffee, plants Gustatory: candies, coffee, chocolate, medicine
Dale's Cone of Learning As the nature of the learning event moves from passive to active, learning and retention increases. • Reading, Hearing words, looking at Pictures • Watching a Movie, Looking at an Exhibit, Watching a Demonstration • Participating in a Discussion, Giving a Talk • Doing a Dramatic Presentation, Simulating the Real Experience, Doing the Real Thing. The more parts of the brain that are involved the more long term retention.
Learning Approximately • 85% Visual • 11% Audio • 4% Other
New instructional tools: • Improve and encourage teamwork • and problem-solving. • Email and WWW applications enable • group activities, even in large courses • Conferencing and chat facilities • promote discussion
Quiz • What are the types of medium mentioned in the presentation that you can use in the classroom? • In your own word what is the meaning of instructional media? • Why is instructional media important to use in the classroom? • What are the different learning perspectives mentioned in the presentation? • Why is it important for teachers to learn about assistive technologies?
REFERENCE LIST • Green, M, D. (June 7, 2009). Behaviourism and technology in the modern classroom. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from http://derrickmgreen.wordpress.com/2009/07/07/behaviorism-and-technology-in-the-modern-classroom/ • Koch, C. (2005). Social cognition and social learning theories of education and technology. Retrieved September 27, 2013 from http://sites.google.com/a/boisestate.edu/edtechtheories/social-cognition-and-social-learning-theories-of-education-and-technology • Sadiasyed (September 3, 2011). What is instructional technology. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from http://engage.intel.com/thread/7164 • Warschauer, M. (2002). A developmental perspective on technology in language education. Retrieved September 28, 2013 from • http://www.gse.uci.edu/person/warschauer m/docs/developmental.pdf