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. Unit Goal: 8.1 Understand the Introductory Provisions (Title 1) of the Penal Code.8.1.1. Identify the organization of the Penal Code (PC).8.1.2. Define the General Provisions of the PC.8.1.3. Describe the proof required to convict a person of an offense.8.1.4. Define terms as they relate to Multiple Prosecutions..
1. 8. Penal Code (40 hrs.) TCLEOSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES
3. Unit Goal: 8.2. Understand the General Principles of Criminal Responsibility (Title 2) of the Penal Code.
8.2.1. Determine the Culpable Mental States.
8.2.2. Identify when one person is Criminally Responsible for Conduct of Another.
8.2.3. Identify General Defenses to Criminal Responsibility.
Unit Goal: 8.3. Understand the Punishments (Title 3) of the Penal Code.
8.3.1. Classify Offenses and their Punishment.
Unit Goal: 8.4. Understand Inchoate Offenses (Title 4) according to the Penal Code.
8.4.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Inchoate Offenses.
4. Unit Goal: 8.5. Understand Offenses Against the Person (Title 5) according to the Penal Code.
8.5.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Criminal Homicide.
8.5.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Kidnapping, Unlawful Restraint, and Trafficking of Persons.
8.5.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Sexual Offenses.
8.5.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Assaultive Offenses.
Unit Goal: 8.6. Understand Offenses Against the Family (Title 6) according to the Penal Code.
8.6.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Offenses Against the Family.
Unit Goal: 8.7. Understand Offenses Against Property (Title 7) according to the Penal Code.
8.7.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Arson, Criminal Mischief, and Other Property Damage or Destruction.
8.7.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Robbery.
8.7.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Burglary and Criminal Trespass.
8.7.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Theft.
8.7.5. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Fraud.
8.7.6. Identify the elements of offenses as they relate to Computer Crimes and Telecommunications Crimes.
5. Unit Goal: 8.8. Understand Offenses Against Public Administration (Title 8) according to the Penal Code.
8.8.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Bribery and Corrupt Influence.
8.8.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Perjury and other Falsification.
8.8.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Obstructing Governmental Operation.
8.8.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Abuse of Office.
Unit Goal: 8.9. Understand Offenses Against Public Order and Decency (Title 9) according to the Penal Code.
8.9.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Disorderly Conduct and Related Offenses.
8.9.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Public Indecency.
Unit Goal: 8.10. Understand Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, and Morals (Title 10) according to the Penal Code.
8.10.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Weapons.
8.10.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Gambling.
8.10.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Conduct Affecting Public Health.
8.10.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverage Offenses.
Unit Goal: 8.11. Understand Organized Crime (Title 11) according to the Penal Code.
8.11.1. Apply the elements of offenses involving Organized Crime.
6. Unit Goal: 8.1 The student will have a basic understanding of offenses in the
7. Texas Penal Code.
8. 8.1.1 The student will be able to identify the organization of the Penal Code (PC).
9. Organization of the Penal Code: Objectives of code PC 1.02
Effect of code PC 1.03
Territorial jurisdiction PC 1.04
10. 8.1.2 The student will be able to define the General Provisions of the PC.
11. General Provisions: Computation of age PC 1.06
Definitions - PC 1.07 (a) (1) - (49), (b)
12. NOTE: CCP Art. 21.15 Must allege acts of recklessness or criminal negligence
13. Whenever recklessness or criminal negligence enters into or is a part or element of any offense,
14. or it is charged that the accused acted recklessly or with criminal negligence in the commission of an offense, the complaint, information, or indictment in order to be sufficient in any such case must allege, with reasonable certainty, the act or acts relied upon to constitute recklessness or criminal negligence, and in no event shall it be sufficient to allege merely that the accused, in committing the offense, acted recklessly or with criminal negligence.
15. 8.1.3 The student will be able to discuss the proof required to convict a person of an offense. Burden of Proof PC 2.01 - 2.05
16. 8.1.4 Define terms as they relate to Multiple Prosecutions. Multiple Prosecutions PC 3.01 - 3.04
17. Unit Goal: 8.2. Understand the General Principles of Criminal Responsibility (Title 2) of the Penal Code.
18. 8.2.1. Determine the Culpable Mental States. Requirement of voluntary act or omission PC 6.01
Requirement of culpability PC 6.02
Definitions of culpable mental states PC 6.03
Causation: conduct and results PC 6.04
19. 8.2.2. Identify when one person is Criminally Responsible for Conduct of Another.
20. Criminal responsibility: Parties to offenses PC 7.01
Criminal responsibility for conduct of another PC 7.02
Defenses excluded PC 7.03
21. 8.2.3. Identify General Defenses to Criminal Responsibility. General Defenses to Criminal Responsibility PC 8.01 - 8.07
22. Unit Goal: 8.3. Understand the Punishments (Title 3) of the Penal Code.
23. 8.3.1. Classify Offenses and their Punishment.
24. Offense and punishment classification: Classification of offenses PC 12.02
Classification of misdemeanors PC 12.03
Classification of felonies PC 12.04
Ordinary misdemeanor punishments PC 12.21 - 12.23
Ordinary felony punishments PC 12.31-12.35
Exceptional sentences PC 12.41 - 12.49
25. Unit Goal: 8.4. Understand Inchoate Offenses (Title 4) according to the Penal Code.
26. 8.4.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Inchoate Offenses.
27. Elements of Inchoate Offenses: Preparatory Offenses PC 15.01 - 15.05
Criminal Instruments, Interception of Wire or Oral Communication, and Installation of Tracking Device PC 16.01 - 16.06
28. Unit Goal: 8.5. Understand Offenses Against the Person (Title 5) according to the Penal Code.
29. 8.5.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Criminal Homicide. Criminal Homicide PC 19.01 - 19.05
30. 8.5.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Kidnapping, Unlawful Restraint, and Trafficking of Persons. Kidnapping and Unlawful Restraint - PC 20.01 – 20.05
Trafficking of Persons - PC 20A.01 – 20A.02
31. 8.5.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Sexual Offenses. Sexual Offenses - PC 21.01, 21.06 – 21.08, 21.11, 21.12, 21.15
32. 8.5.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Assaultive Offenses. Assaultive Offenses - PC 22.01 - 22.12
33. Unit Goal: 8.6. Understand Offenses Against the Family (Title 6) according to the Penal Code.
34. 8.6.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Offenses Against the Family. Offenses Against the Family - PC 25.01 - 25.10
35. Unit Goal: 8.7. Understand Offenses Against Property (Title 7) according to the Penal Code.
36. 8.7.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Arson, Criminal Mischief, and Other Property Damage or Destruction. Arson, Criminal Mischief and Other Property Damage or Destruction - PC 28.01 - 28.08
37. 8.7.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Robbery. Robbery PC 29.01 - 29.03
38. 8.7.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Burglary and Criminal Trespass. Burglary and Criminal Trespass PC 30.01 - 30.06
39. 8.7.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Theft. Theft PC 31.01 - 31.15
40. 8.7.5. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Fraud. Fraud PC 32.01 - 32.51
41. NOTE: Instructor should discuss importance of PC 32.03, 32.42, 32.46, 32.48 and 32.49.
42. 8.7.6. Identify the elements of offenses as they relate to Computer Crimes and Telecommunications Crimes. Computer Crimes - PC 33.01 – 33.04
Telecommunications Crimes - PC 33A.01 – 33A.06
43. NOTE: Recommend review of Chapter 33 of the Penal Code, especially computer crime and telecommunications fraud. Contact the Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division (512-463-2185) for additional resource material.
44. Unit Goal: 8.8. Understand Offenses Against Public Administration (Title 8) according to the Penal Code.
45. 8.8.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Bribery and Corrupt Influence. Bribery and Corrupt Influence PC 36.01 - 36.10
46. 8.8.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Perjury and other Falsification. Perjury and other Falsification PC 37.01 - 37.13
47. 8.8.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Obstructing Governmental Operation. Obstructing Governmental Operation PC 38.01 - 38.19
48. 8.8.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Abuse of Office. Abuse of Office PC 39.01 - 39.06
49. Unit Goal: 8.9. Understand Offenses Against Public Order and Decency (Title 9) according to the Penal Code.
50. 8.9.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Disorderly Conduct and Related Offenses. Disorderly Conduct and Related Offenses PC 42 .01 - 42.13
51. 8.9.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Public Indecency. Subchapter A. Prostitution - PC 43.01 – 43.06
Subchapter B. Obscenity - PC 43.21 – 43.27
52. Unit Goal: 8.10. Understand Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, and Morals (Title 10) according to the Penal Code.
53. 8.10.1. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Weapons. Weapons PC 46.01 - 46.15
54. 8.10.2. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Gambling. Gambling PC 47.01 - 47.10
55. 8.10.3. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Conduct Affecting Public Health. Conduct Affecting Public Health PC 48.01 - 48.02
56. 8.10.4. Apply the elements of offenses as they relate to Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverage Offenses. Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverage Offenses PC 49.01 - 49.12
57. Unit Goal: 8.11. Understand Organized Crime (Title 11) according to the Penal Code.
58. 8.11.1. Apply the elements of offenses involving Organized Crime. Organized Crime PC 71.01 - 71.05
59. "There's an important difference between giving up and letting go."