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Case Study 2: Hazardous Waste Characterization at a DOE Laboratory Treatment and Storage Facility

Case S-2. 2. DOE Hypothetical National Laboratory. 15 miles from a city of 3 millionRural area when builtNow surrounded by a rapidly growing suburban population5 miles of land, much forestedLaboratory performs research in nuclear non-proliferation, energy, environmental sciences, and other scie

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Case Study 2: Hazardous Waste Characterization at a DOE Laboratory Treatment and Storage Facility

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Case S-2 1 Case Study 2: Hazardous Waste Characterization at a DOE Laboratory Treatment and Storage Facility

    2. Case S-2 2 DOE Hypothetical National Laboratory 15 miles from a city of 3 million Rural area when built Now surrounded by a rapidly growing suburban population 5 miles of land, much forested Laboratory performs research in nuclear non-proliferation, energy, environmental sciences, and other scientific and technical fields

    3. Case S-2 3 DOE Hypothetical National Laboratory Because it is a laboratory, HNL generates a wide variety of waste streams, many of them subject to RCRA. RCRA regulation at HNL is by the State Department of Environmental Quality

    4. Case S-2 4 Lab Worker

    5. Case S-2 5 Case Study 2: Hazardous Waste Characterization The objective of this case study is to develop a system to minimize sampling costs and still have the data needed to correctly manage HNL’s RCRA wastes.

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