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Intestinal ischemia. Mesenteric ischemia - reduction in intestinal blood supplyAcute Mesenteric IschemiaMost often involves SMAfrom emboli, arterial and venous thrombi, or vasoconstriction secondary to low flow Chronic Mesenteric Ischemiapostprandial abdominal pain, marked weight loss caused by repeated transient episodes of inadequate intestinal blood flow .
1. Ischemic Colitis Marcelyn Coley
Team IV Surgery Conference
Mount Sinai Hospital
2. May take outMay take out
3. Colonic ischemia
After aortic or cardiac bypass surgery
Certain systemic conditions
vasculitides (eg, systemic lupus erythematosis, periarteritis nodosum)
infections (eg, cytomegalovirus, E. coli O157:H7)
coagulopathies (eg, protein C and S deficiencies, anti-thrombin III deficiency, APC resistance)
Medications (eg, oral contraceptives) or illicit drugs (eg, cocaine)
After strenuous and prolonged physical exertion (eg, long-distance running)
After any major cardiovascular episode accompanied by hypotension
4. Ischemic Colitis COLONIC ISCHEMIA
Most frequent form of mesenteric ischemia
Commonly left colon
Mostly elderly population
Low-flow state (hypotension)
Embolus (A-fib)
Post MI (hypotension, mural thrombus)
Post AAA reconstruction
Closed loop construction - left side with intact ileocecal valve
Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis
Catastrophic if not recognized Ischemic colitisIschemic colitis
5. Ischemic Colitis
Incidence: Thought to be underestimated because many mild cases may go unreported.
In contrast, the incidence in patients undergoing abdominal aortic reconstructive procedures has been studied.
Hunter and Guernsey (1988) reported that as many as 10% of such patients have some degree of ischemic colitis.
6. Vascular Supply of the Colon SMA 1 cm below celiac axis
IMA 3cm above aortic bifurcationSMA 1 cm below celiac axis
IMA 3cm above aortic bifurcation
7. Ischemic Colitis: Vascular Supply
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
Ileocolic artery – terminal ileum, cecum, appendix, prox ascending colon
Right colic artery – ascending colon, hepatic flexure
Middle colic artery – transverse colon
Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
Left colic artery – descending, transverse colon, splenic flexure
Sigmoid arteries – sigmoid and descending colon
Superior rectal artery – proximal rectum
Collateral flow
Marginal artery of Drummond – collateral connection between SMA and IMA along the mesenteric border
IMA and internal iliac – supply good collaterals to the rectum
8. Ischemic Colitis
Watershed areas
Splenic flexure
Rectosigmoid junction
Most vulnerable during systemic hypotension
Narrow terminal branches of the SMA and IMA supply the splenic flexure and rectosigmoid junction, respectivelyNarrow terminal branches of the SMA and IMA supply the splenic flexure and rectosigmoid junction, respectively
9. Ischemic Colitis: Location of ischemia by regions Other areas refer to combination of different regions.Data from: Reinus, JF, Brandt, LJ, Boley, SJ, Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1990; 19:319 Left colon with descending and sigmoid colon with highest frequency
Old slide, perhaps includes different etiology and doesn’t make since- 1. splenic flexure 2. cecumLeft colon with descending and sigmoid colon with highest frequency
Old slide, perhaps includes different etiology and doesn’t make since- 1. splenic flexure 2. cecum
10. Ischemic Colitis Venous drainage
Veins parallel their corresponding arteries
SMV – drains small intestine, cecum, ascending, and transverse colon
IMV – drains descending colon, sigmoid colon
Superior rectal vein – rectum
IMV fuses with splenic vein
11. Ischemic Colitis Pathophysiology
Colonic ischemia usually result of a sudden and usually temporary reduction in blood flow insufficient to meet metabolic demands of discrete regions of the colon
Thrombus, embolus, atherosclerotic stenosis
Hypoperfusion (Low-flow state)
GI bleeding, hypotension, Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI)
Mesenteric venous thrombosis
Distal small bowel and prox colon
12. Ischemic Colitis Aortoiliac surgery
1% to 7% develop colonic ischemia
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Post-Myocardial infarction
Hypotension, mural thrombus
Obstruction or potentially obstructing lesions of the colon (carcinoma, diverticulitis, volvulus)
Typically nonocclusive due to underlying atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hemodialysis-induced hypotension
Vasculitides (systemic lupus erythematosis, periarteritis nodosum)
Drugs (digoxin, tegaserod, alosetron, cocaine)
Extreme exericise
Acquired and hereditary thrombotic conditions
Antiphospholipid antibodies, Factor V Leiden mutations, Protein C and S deficiency, Antithrombin III deficiency
13. Ischemic Colitis Colon receives less blood supply compared to the rest of the gi tract thus is vulnerable to hypoperfusion
Vasospasm – a mechanism to redirect blood to cerebral circulation during hypotension
14. Ischemic Colitis Mechanism of Injury
Hypoxia causes detectable injury to superficial mucosa within one hour
Prolonged severe ischemia – necrosis of villous layer
Leads to transmural infarction in 8 to 16 hrs
Reperfusion injury – mediated by release of oxygen free radicals and neutrophil activation
15. Ischemic Colitis Clinical Manifestations
Acute setting
Rapid mild onset abdominal pain and tenderness over affected bowel (lower abdominal)
Mild to moderate rectal bleeding or bloody diarrhea
16. Ischemic Colitis Presenting of symptoms
95% with abdominal pain
44% with nausea
35% with vomiting
35% with diarrhea
16% presented with blood per rectum
17. Ischemic Colitis Risk factors
78% - hypertension
71% - tobacco use
62% - peripheral vascular disease
50% - coronary artery disease ACSACS
18. Ischemic Colitis Clinical Manifestations
Thrombotic/embolic mesenteric occlusion present with sudden-onset severe mid-abdominal pain that is out of proportion to the physical findings
typically have a history of chronic postprandial abdominal pain and significant weight loss.
NOMI pain usually not as sudden as that noted with embolic or thrombotic occlusion: it is generally more diffuse and tends to wax and wane
unlike the pain associated with occlusive disease, which tends to get progressively worse
19. Pain out of proportion to physical findingsPain out of proportion to physical findings
20. Ischemic Colitis Clinical stages
Hyperactive phase
Soon after initiating event, severe pain with frequent bloody, loose stools
Paralytic phase
Pain diminishes, more continuous, and diffuse
Abdomen more distended, tender, without BS
Shock phase (10 to 20%)
Massive fluid, protein, and electrolyte leakage through gangrenous mucosa
Severe, shock and metabolic acidosis, may develop
Rapid surgical intervention required
21. Ischemic Colitis Diagnosis
Largely based on clinical setting
Physical exam
Stool cultures for suspected infectious cause
Increase serum lactate, LDH, CPK, or amylase
Metabolic acidosis
Elevated white count >20,000 Angiography limitations – not always readily available; these patients frequently suffer from chronic diseases, i.e. cardiac/renal failure making contrast injection potentially more dangerous. In addition are frequently dehydrated and acidotic
Laparoscopy limitation – concern about the effect of pneumoperitoneum on mesenteric blood flow. Prudent that intraperitoneal pressure not exceed 10 to 15mmHg in suspected mesenteric ischemia.Angiography limitations – not always readily available; these patients frequently suffer from chronic diseases, i.e. cardiac/renal failure making contrast injection potentially more dangerous. In addition are frequently dehydrated and acidotic
Laparoscopy limitation – concern about the effect of pneumoperitoneum on mesenteric blood flow. Prudent that intraperitoneal pressure not exceed 10 to 15mmHg in suspected mesenteric ischemia.
22. Ischemic Colitis Radiological imaging/Endoscopic studies
Plain abdominal x-ray
Contrast studies
Computed Tomography
May be normal initially
Thickening of bowel wall in segmental pattern and mesenteric stranding
Pneumatosis and gas in mesenteric veins in advanced stages
23. Ischemic Colitis One study showed to patients with normal x-ray appeared to have a lower mortality compared to those with abnormal findings 29vs78% - PneumatosisOne study showed to patients with normal x-ray appeared to have a lower mortality compared to those with abnormal findings 29vs78% - Pneumatosis
25. Ischemic Colitis Colonoscopy
no evidence of peritonitis or perforation
Preferred to contrast enemas, more sensitive in detecting mucosal lesions
Segmental distribution, abrupt transition between injured and non injured mucosa, rectal sparing, and rapid resolution on serial endoscopy
“single-stripe sign” – linear ulcer along longitudinal axis
Biopsies may show non-specific changes (mimicking Crohn’s disease)
26. Ischemic Colitis Contrast studies
Thumbprinting most suggestive on double contrast study seen early in disease
In a small series of patients with mucosal ischemia 75% +thumbprinting, 60% longitudinal ulcers (source)
Erect radiograph obtained after a double-contrast barium enema study shows a stricture at the splenic flexure
Double-contrast barium enema study shows a stricture of the proximal descending colon secondary to ischemia Erect radiograph obtained after a double-contrast barium enema study shows a stricture at the splenic flexure
Double-contrast barium enema study shows a stricture of the proximal descending colon secondary to ischemia
27. Ischemic Colitis Invasive studies – angiography, laparoscopy (dx unclear or means to follow patient postoperatively)
Angiography (rarely helpful)
Particularly in elderly with comorbid disease and may not tolerate laparotomy
“Second-look” to assess viability of remaining bowel
Only serosal gut visualization, which may appear normal in early stages; progressive phase, dark peritoneal fluid, edematous bowel, or patchy hemorrhages, frank gangrene, or perforation may be present
Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Duplex sonography – hardly ever required for colonic ischemia
28. Ischemic Colitis Differential Diagnosis
Infectious colitis
C. difficile, parasitic
Inflammatory bowel disease
Radiation enteritis
Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome
Colon carcinoma Based on symptomsBased on symptoms
29. Ischemic Colitis Management
Nonocclusive ischemia
IVF, bowel rest, empiric antibiotics (mod to severe cases)
NGT (ileus)
Hold meds that can promote ischemia
Optimize cardiac and pulmonary function
Laparotomy with resection
Clinical deterioration despite conservative therapy
30. Think about taking out
Think about taking out
31. Ischemic Colitis Colonic infarction
Requires urgent surgical intervention
Bowel prep should not be given prior to surgery
Right-sided ischemia/necrosis
Right hemicolectomy with primary anastamosis
If perforation associated with peritonitis, resection with terminal ileostomy mucocutaneous fistula
Left-sided involvement
Proximal stoma and distal mucous fistula or Hartmann’s procedure
Ostomy closure delayed 4 to 6 months
Fulminating type (rare)
Total colectomy with end-ileostomy
Many advocate a 2nd look with 12 to 24 h to document viability
Mortality following large bowel infarction as high a 50 to 75%
32. Prognosis Most patients with non-occlusive ischemia improve within 1 or 2 days
A minority develop long-term complications
Segmental colitis or stricture
~15% develop severe gangrene
5-yr survival 70-86% those that survive surgical revascularization Take out or leave with referenceTake out or leave with reference
33. No randomized controlled trials
Improved Outcome bv Identification of High-Risk Nonocclusive Mesenteric Ischemia, Aggressive Reexploration, and Delayed Anastomosis David Ward, MD et al. St. Louis, Missouri. Am J Surg. 1995 170:577-581
34 patients with NOMI
Retrospective study over 7years
Concluded that improved survival depended on identification of high-risk groups, aggressive re-exploration, and delayed intestinal anastamosis
34. Ischemic Colitis Summary
Most frequent form of Mesenteric Ischemia
Spectrum of conditions and predisposing factors
Early recognition and aggressive treatment essential to survival Christiansen, MG, Lorentzen, JE, Schroeder, TV. Revascularization of atherosclerotic mesenteric arteries: Experience in 90 consecutive patients. Eur J Vasc Surg 1994; 8:297.
Cunningham, CG, Reilly, LM, Rapp, JH, et al. Chronic visceral ischemia: Three decades of progress. Ann Surg 1991; 214:276.
McCollum, CH, Graham, JM, DeBakey, ME. Chronic mesenteric vascular insufficiency: Results of revascularization in 33 cases. South Med J 1976; 69:1266.
Kieny, R, Batellier, J, Kretz, JG. Aortic reimplantation of the superior mesenteric artery for atherosclerotic lesions of the visceral arteries: Sixty cases. Ann Vasc Surg 1990; 4:122.Christiansen, MG, Lorentzen, JE, Schroeder, TV. Revascularization of atherosclerotic mesenteric arteries: Experience in 90 consecutive patients. Eur J Vasc Surg 1994; 8:297.
Cunningham, CG, Reilly, LM, Rapp, JH, et al. Chronic visceral ischemia: Three decades of progress. Ann Surg 1991; 214:276.
McCollum, CH, Graham, JM, DeBakey, ME. Chronic mesenteric vascular insufficiency: Results of revascularization in 33 cases. South Med J 1976; 69:1266.
Kieny, R, Batellier, J, Kretz, JG. Aortic reimplantation of the superior mesenteric artery for atherosclerotic lesions of the visceral arteries: Sixty cases. Ann Vasc Surg 1990; 4:122.