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MT world-wide. MT - Definition. Passive surface measurement of the earth's natural electrical (E) and magnetic (H) fields Measure changes in E and H w/timeFrequency range 10kHz to .001 HzUsed to derive the resistivity structure of the subsurface. MT - History. First used for academic and geothermalMap plate boundaries, alteration, etc.Use for petroleum starting ~19801980's: many in-house groupsShell, Amoco, Sohio, Arco, CGG1990's: most work outsourced to contractors and consultant197
1. Magnetotellurics in Frontier and Reconnaissance Exploration Karen Rae Christopherson
Chinook Geoconsulting, Inc.
Evergreen CO USA
2. MT world-wide
3. MT - Definition Passive surface measurement of the earth’s natural electrical (E) and magnetic (H) fields
Measure changes in E and H w/time
Frequency range 10kHz to .001 Hz
Used to derive the resistivity structure of the subsurface
4. MT - History First used for academic and geothermal
Map plate boundaries, alteration, etc.
Use for petroleum starting ~1980
1980’s: many in-house groups
Shell, Amoco, Sohio, Arco, CGG
1990’s: most work outsourced to contractors and consultants
5. Resistivity Contrasts There must be a significant resistivity contrast within the depth of investigation for the method to be useful
Contrast of 5:1 or greater
Resolution depends on thickness and depth of unit being mapped
About 5% of depth e.g. the top of a horizon at 10000’ can be mapped to +- 500’
6. Resistivity Values
7. MT - Application - Oil/Gas Reconnaissance or detail
High-resistivity (high-velocity) surface (volcanics, carbonates, igneous)
Overthrust, fold belts, volcanics
Poor or no-record seismic
OR Precede seismic, or integrate w/ seismic
Near-surface to >20 km
8. MT - Detail vs. Recon Detail: prospect definition
spacing = .5 km on profiles
Recon: areal coverage
spacing = 1-5 km on profiles or grids
Communication: GPS sync
Acquisition rate: usu. 5-10 sta’s/day
9. MT - Source Field High frequencies (>1 Hz) = Spherics
thunderstorm activity world-wide
Low frequencies (<1 Hz) = Micropulsations
Solar wind interacting w/ magnetic field
Vary on hourly, daily, yearly cycles
10. MT - Acquisition Five channels at each station
Ex Ey Hx Hy Hz
Two to five stations simultaneously
GPS sync between stations
24-hour recording/layout/pickup cycle
In-field processing and editing
11. MT Acquisition System
12. MT Acquisition
13. MT Data record
14. How resistivity is computed Impedance tensor is measured at surface
Compute apparent resistivity (and phase) as a function of frequency
Two values computed, rxy and ryx, for the two orthogonal pairs of E and H sensors in horizontal directions
Thus can interpret for strike and dip directions
15. Depth of Investigation The depth of investigation is a result of the frequency and resistivity of the subsurface
Lower frequency = deeper penetration
Higher resistivity = deeper penetration
Skin depth is an approximate estimate of depth of penetration at particular frequency and resistivity
Skin depth (in meters) =
where r = resistivity and f = frequency
16. MT: Current Systems Similar to seismic advances since the 1980’s
24-bit A to D
GPS Synchronization
Unlimited no. of channels
Signal/robust processing
Workstations w/ integration of other data
1d, 2d, 3d, modeling: fwd and inverse
17. State of the Art MT Systems 1 Low weight (5kg); low power cnsmption (.6A)
Wide frequency range (DC to 30 KHz)
Wide dynamic range (120db, 24-bit A/D) =
better S/N; less risk of saturation
Internal recording
(32MB flashcard, 1GB hard disk)
Recording schedule downloaded from PC
18. State of the Art MT Systems 2 GPS-synchronized ( 130ns accuracy)
no cables or radios
2 to 8-channel units, all independent
High reliability (ISO9001 std), etc.
Fast set-up and deployment
increased production
Operating from -40 to +75C; waterproof;
lightning protected
Cable-link available for EMAP
19. MT - Contractors Geosystem (Italy, US, UK)
Phoenix (Canada)
Metronix (Germany)
Geodatos (Chile)
AOA (US - Marine)
Zonge (US)
Geoinvest (Italy)
20. MT Data Curves
21. MT - Processing Remote-reference
Coherency check on time series between stations; toss un-coherent data
Next: Edit data in time and frequency domain
Remove noise from trains, lightning, power stations, etc.
Greatly improves data quality
22. Robust Processing Improve data quality by
time series editing
removal of outliers
removal of coherent noise
frequency domain editing
use of “quiet” remote
23. MT - Interpretation PC workstation
Editing, viewing of data and parameters
Data basing
1-D, 2-D, 3-D modeling: fwd and inverse
Convert apparent resistivity vs. frequency to true resistivity vs. depth
Colored x-sections and maps
Integration w/ geology, seismic, other data
Fast turnaround - can be done in the field
24. MT - Statics Problems Near-surface distortions to electric field
created by resistivity variation at surface
channels, outcrop, etc.
Cause “static” shift in data
DC jump at all freq’s along a curve
Best correction = TDEM
Acquire EM data at station center
Interpret for near-surface section
Incorporate into MT data and shift MT curve
25. Advantages and disadvantages of AMT/MT for petroleum exploration: Great depth of penetration
(10's of kms)
Provides information in non-seismic or poor seismic areas
No transmitter required
Light-weight equipment --very portable
Good production rate (2 - 5 km/day)
Better resolution than grav/mag
Well-developed interpretation procedure
Fast interpretation
Little impact on environment
Can access almost anywhere Coupling with lateral conductors (e.g. sea) also has to be considered
Natural signal can be irregular, and industrial noise a potential problem
Resolution less than seismic
Data processing and interpretation are complex
Static shift of apparent resistivity curves sometimes significant
Inversion techniques rely on smooth models, tougher to interpret in complex areas
26. PNG Seismic Exploration in Papua New Guinea fold belt difficult due to steep dips, remote location, karstified limestone surface
Surface limestone = 1-3 km thick
Seismic costs = $100k/km+ for 2-D
Most data poor to no-record
Alternative = MT, surface geology mapping, Sr isotope dating of limestone
27. Egele MT, PNG
28. Irou, PNG
29. PNG Overthrust Limestone thrust over very low resistivity clastics
Map depth to base of hanging wall ls
Map depth to top of footwall ls
Target is folded ss in hanging wall section
30. MT in N. Africa
32. Greenland
34. Turkey
36. Granite Overthrust - Wyoming Unexplored - no seismic, no wells
MT shows structure - amount of subthrust
Fast acquisition and interpretation
37. Columbia Plateau WA Volcanic-covered province
Covers 35000 sq miles
Where is the basin?
38. Acknowledgments Geosystem srl
Lisle Gravity, Inc.