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Online Pedagogy with Discussion Management Software

Online Pedagogy with Discussion Management Software Andrew Feenberg http://www.rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/feenberg San Diego State University Prepared for the American Association of University Professors Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 9, 2000 Introduction Origins of online education

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Online Pedagogy with Discussion Management Software

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  1. Online Pedagogy with Discussion Management Software Andrew Feenberg http://www.rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/feenberg San Diego State University Prepared for the American Association of University Professors Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 9, 2000

  2. Introduction • Origins of online education • Pedagogical lessons • lectures out, discussions in • importance of leadership • topics and weaving • Problems with early systems • discussion management • presentation • contextualization

  3. The Web • Presentation techniques • syllabus • reading list • background materials • Discussion forums • The balance between presentation and discussion • all discussion but no presentation in early phase • all presentation in proposed automated systems • discussion as backbone, presentation as supplement • Discussion management: the unsolved problem

  4. What’s wrong with conventional Newsgroup or discussion software • Composing and reading at the same time is difficult • Composition space is often small and primitive • Keywording by authors is unreliable and difficult to use for review • Re-using text is not supported

  5. Browser Reading (with views of all notes sorted with different mechanisms, e.g., sorted by date, author, unread or thread) Sliding bar for change the size of the windows Composing (Drag and drop from reading window to composing window. Message can be sent from the composition window) The Composition Interface

  6. The Active Reading Interface: Improving Keywording • Active reading means keywording while reading to create hypertext stacks • Keyword a text by double-clicking a word at the beginning of the text and then clicking a keyword. • Keyword mark is a post-it note that can be edited • Review hypertext stacks by double-clicking a keyword and the review starts with most current item • Right clicking keyword brings up a pop-up menu with options (Add, Delete, Print, Save, etc.)

  7. The Active Reading Interface: Improving Keywording Browser teaching online. Keywords Pedagogy Interface Weaving Training etc. Weaving: to summarize the state of the discussion and to find unifying threads in participants’ comments; it encourages these participants and prompts then to pursue their ideas. Many conferences lack weaving because no one has the time or the talent to perform the function for the group. This is unfortunate since, as a written medium, conferencing offers a unique opportunity to reflect upon the agenda of the group. The conference moderator or another participant can review Composing

  8. The Online File Cabinet: Supporting re-use of text Browser Keywords Reading File cabinet Openers Topics Cases Closer Composing • Drag and drop from reading window • Drag and drop to and from composition window

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