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What is the ark of the covenant? Who is the ark of the covenant? Where is the ark of the covenant?. Hebrews 9:1-5 The three things in the ark. Golden jar containing manna Aaron’s rod that budded Tablets of the covenant. Jesus is the Ark of the covenant.
What is the ark of the covenant?Who is the ark of the covenant?Where is the ark of the covenant?
Golden jar containing mannaAaron’s rod that buddedTablets of the covenant
Jesus is the Ark of the covenant • Jesus is the bread of life. John 6:31-35 • Jesus is the life of the world. John 11:25 • Jesus is the word of God. John 1:1-18
Aaron’s Rod that budded • When a dead stick comes to life it is supernatural. (John 11:25 ) • Jesus died and came back to life. He is the type of Aaron’s Rod.
Manna is our Spiritual foodExodus 16:15-16 • Manna means “What is it” in Hebrew. • Manna is hearing God in the morning. • 1. Find a quite place. • 2.Every day at a set time is good. Yesterdays manna went stale. • 3. Pray using the word of God. Jesus is the word of life. The Bible is his word. • 4.Be obedient to what He says to do. • 5. Be under spiritual authority which God has placed over you. Hebrews 13:17 …submit to leaders because they watch over your souls as those who will give an account …. • John 10:27…”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give eternal life to them.
How to hear the voice of the shepherd! • 1. Through His word the Bible he speaks to us. • 2.Through other people He speaks to us. • 3. The inner voice of the Holy Spirit to our minds. • 4.He speaks through our conscience. • 5. Things that happen that we call circumstances and daily events. • John 10:27 “my sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me.”
Is Jesus your Ark of the Covenant? • Are you his sheep? • Does He know that? • Do you hear what He is saying to you? • Do you spend time with Him? • Are you following Him? • Do you know that you have eternal life?
What are the meanings of the story • Egypt is a type of the world and Pharaoh is Satan. • God delivers us from His control and takes us out of the world system which is Egypt. He gives us Christ who feeds us and takes care of us. • The goal is the promised land heaven. • We keep wanting the life we had and the pleasure of the world. We make idols and desire the things of the world, which are only temporary. • We enjoy the things of God and then eat, drink and play for ourselves and self interests. • We ignore the commands of God and the life from Jesus on a daily bases. • We want to enjoy the world and our old life and have God also.
Lets Go Back to Egypt!!!! • Exodus 24:3 …and Moses told the people all Yahweh’s words, they responded with one voice, “everything Yahweh said we will do.” • Exodus 32:1 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, ‘ come, make us gods who will go before us.’ • 4. He took what they handed him and turned it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioned it with a tool…. • 19. When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. And he took the calf they had made and burned it..
We like to make our own gods 1. They wanted to be like the Egyptians. 2. You can take the people out of Egypt, but you can’t take Egypt out of the people. What is in the heart inner desires is what counts? 3. They loved the gods of gold and a god that they made themselves. This god does not tell you how to live your life so do anything you want and its okay. New Age thinking is like this. 4. Gather things and play enjoy yourself.
Our reaction when we are wrong • 1/vs. 22 Blame other people…its their fault. Its called the blame game. • 2/Make up a good story… lying is only putting off the consequences… ‘I threw it into the fire and out came this calf.’ • 3/Vs 25. Aaron let them… Hebrews 13:17…Obey your leaders …as those who will give an account. • 4/Personal accountability to God…1Peter 4:3-5 you did what the pagans did…all will give an account to God…
Part three “Why is there evil in our world”? • The Curse and the Blessings where are we?
The curse of idol worship • Deuteronomy 27:15 Cursed is the man who carves an image or casts an idol-a thing detestable to Yahweh, the work of the craftsman’s hands… • Deuteronomy 30:19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love Yahweh your God, listen to his voice.
What was in the ark?The Ten Commandments • 1) I am YAHWEH your God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. • 2) Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. • 3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. • 4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. • 5) Honor thy father and thy mother. • 6) Thou shalt not murder. • 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery. • 8) Thou shalt not steal. • 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor. • 10) Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor.
The curse of idol worship • People pray before statues all over the world.
Stories contain hidden meanings • 1 Corinthians 10: 1-9 I don’t want you to be unaware, friends, that our fathers were all under the cloud , and all passed through the sea; and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual food; and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ. Nevertheless, with most of them God was not well pleased; for they were buried in the wilderness. • Now these things happened as examples (types)for us, that we should not desire evil things, as they also did. • Do not be idol worshippers as some of them were… as it is written “The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to play.” Exodus 32:19-26
The true church verses the falsechurch • The true church does not have idols or images of any kind • I John 5:21 keep yourself away from idols….Rev.9:20…they did not stop worshipping idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood… nor magic arts and drugs.. • People are the temple of God not a building. 2 Cor.6:16 …we are the temple of God… 1 peter 2:5 • We are all priests unto God. • The sacrifice is over in Christ..Heb.10:12 and 7:27 • I John 2:12 …our sins are forgiven, now Jesus our high priest intercedes for us. • Buildings, statues and images are bowed down in front of and venerated. Religious jewelry has power when blessed by a priest’s Magic words. This is priest craft. • Buildings reflect Old Testament symbols like alters and special parts where ordinary people can not go… • The mass reflects a continualsacrifice of Jesus showing an incomplete work that is not finished. • People can never know sins are forgiven and receive the High Priest’s work of Christ in Heaven.
If God does not live in temples built with hands why do men build them?
Old Testament Pictures are done away God made this clear by tearing the vale of the temple upon the death of Christ on the cross and destroying the temple • Until the Temple was destroyed • by the Babylonians some four hundred years later, in 586 B.C.E., sacrifice was the predominant mode of divine service there. Seventy years later, a second Temple was built on the same site, and sacrifices again resumed. During the first century B.C.E., Herod greatly enlarged and expanded this Temple. The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E., after the failure of the Great Revolt.
The word ‘Church’ in the Bible always means ‘people who are called out of the world system’.EKKLACIA , Iglesia, means people not buildings
Carnibal “means flesh for Baal’ • The miter hat is from the priest of Baal
Nine Relationships of Pagan religions to the Roman Catholic system • 1. Prayer beads and pagan style recitation of prayer. Matt. 6:7 Jesus is against it. • 2. Penance doing something to buy your salvation. • 3. Prayer for the dead and to the dead. • 4.Priest Craft believe that a person can make objects such as holy water etc. blessed 5. Temples being the holy places where God lives. The steeple comes from the Hindu worship of Shiva. • 6. The concept of Holy Men and Women in poverty and avoiding sexual relationships is pagan. • 7. The making of idols and images which are bowed down to is pagan. • 8. The idea of relics which have power to heal and do miracles is pagan. • 9. The concept that God lives outside of time and is therefore predestining all things rather then working with our freewill choices is Neo Platonic and pagan.
Who is right? Jesus or man made religions? • Which is what?
What are the seven principles of Gods true church? • Church is a group of people who have made a personal choice to obey and follow Christ and made the decision to do this within a group of people called “the church”. • Church is a group of people who are mutually accountable to each other for correction, love, and restoration to personal truth as well as corporate truth. • Gods word is given for the purpose of living it out, Jesus words being primary and all else as secondary. This means living the truth not discussing truth. • Servant leadership is by example accountable to the local body and to God primarily. Leaders are all equal in value different in function. We are all priests unto God. • The way of a Christian is the way of peace and humility in all relationships. It is actively resisting the desire for power and control over others. • The church has a ministry of reconciliation both people to God and then to each other in the body of Christ. • True ministry is an invitation to receive the revelation of “the Life from God which opens spiritual understanding.”
There are four conditions for water Baptism • 1. Repent which means a desire to put God first in our lives. Acts 2:38 • 2. Be a believer in who Jesus is, what he did and act on what he said. Mark 16:16 • 3. Make sure you have a clearconscience by asking forgiveness in prayer. 1 Peter 3:21 • 4. Become a learner and disciple by coming into fellowship with other Christians. Matt. 28:19
Babies can not meet the Biblical requirements for water baptism! • Infants cannot repent. • Babies cannot understand what to believe. • Infants cannot have a clear conscience before God. • Babies cannot be discipled and therefore they cannot be Baptized in Gods true church. • Are you in the true church?