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BDIR studies at CERN

CERN contributes to ILC BDIR via EUROTeV&ELAN (CARE). BDIR studies at CERN. ET WP2 BDS: collimation efficiency estimations, design of nonlinear collimation system [ both CERN/D. Schulte, CCLRC/D. Angal-Kalinin, CEA/O. Napoly] ET WP5 DIAG:

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BDIR studies at CERN

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  1. CERN contributes to ILC BDIR via EUROTeV&ELAN (CARE) BDIR studies at CERN • ET WP2 BDS: • collimation efficiencyestimations, design ofnonlinear collimation system • [both CERN/D. Schulte, CCLRC/D. Angal-Kalinin, CEA/O. Napoly] • ET WP5DIAG: • precisionbeam position & phase monitors[CERN/M. Gasior, J. Sladen] • ET WP6 ILPS & ELAN WP 3 BDYN: • beam-beam simulation codes– includespin transportin Guinea-Pig, • benchmarking [CERN/D. Schulte, Orsay/Ph. Bambade] • develop model ofhalo and tails[with CERN/H. Burkhardt] • impact ofbackgroundon collimation design, interplay withtuning • [CERN/D. Schulte, DESY/N. Walker, UMA/R. Barlow, RHUL/G. Blair] • identify keyfailure modes& evaluate impact on machine design • [CERN/D. Schulte, DESY/N. Walker] • develop code package to simulatebeam transport from damping ring • to IP, developalignment and feedback strategyfor luminosity optimization • [CERN/D. Schulte, QMUL/Ph. Burrows, DESY/N. Walker] • post-collision instrumentation&multi-TeVpost-collision line design • [CERN/D.Schulte, Uppsala/V. Ziemann, Orsay/Ph. Bambade (no multi-TeV)] F. Zimmermann, BDIR@CERN, ILC Meeting, 13.11.2004

  2. in parallel CERN pursues design of CLIC 3-TeV BDS • develop & evaluate 3-TeVnonlinear collimation system[with U. Valencia/ • A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta-Lopez] • improvemomentum bandwidthof CLIC BDS [CERN-JASRI coll./T. Asaka] F. Zimmermann, BDIR@CERN, ILC Meeting, 13.11.2004

  3. in parallel CERN pursues design of CLIC 3-TeV BDS • develop & evaluate 3-TeVnonlinear collimation system[with U. Valencia/ • A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta-Lopez] • improvemomentum bandwidthof CLIC BDS [CERN-JASRI coll./T. Asaka] • optimize & reviseBDS optics design[CERN-JASRI collaboration/T. Asaka] • collimator wake fields[e.g., benchmark impedance with LHC collimator tests] • evaluation ofcollimation efficiency • beam diagnostics, machine protection, halo collimation • [CERN-JASRI/T. Asaka] • explore feasibility ofCLIC-LHC photon-nucleon collider & QCD Explorer • (eA, gp, gA, FELgA options) [with U. Ankara, U. Gazi, etc., Turkey] • CERN resources for BDIR studies: • 1-2 FTE staff (Daniel Schulte, Helmut Burkhardt, Frank Zimmermann) • 1 visitor from JASRI (Takao Asaka) • 3 fellows (from 2005), 1 Ph.D. student (Javier Resta Lopez) • CLICandILCBDS studies address similar or identical • questions; the two studies greatly profit from each other! F. Zimmermann, BDIR@CERN, ILC Meeting, 13.11.2004

  4. a few answers to questions • CERN team helps with ILC studies & also explores how • ILC concepts can be extrapolated to 3 TeV • if new solutions need to be found for 3 TeV these will • likely be of interest for the ILC as well and may • boost its performance • all EuroTeV studies are generic with results that can be • applied to both ILC and CLIC • Daniel Schulte will happily track CLIC & ILC lattices • (he has always done so in the past) • Helmut Burkhardt develops routines for tail generating • processes which can be used by all projects • ILC and CLIC studies are in harmony F. Zimmermann, BDIR@CERN, ILC Meeting, 13.11.2004

  5. CLIC tunnel cross section F. Zimmermann, BDIR@CERN, ILC Meeting, 13.11.2004

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