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vakkeuses subject choices. 2014. 1. Mr P ROUX. Adjunkhoof / Deputy Principal. Me L CILLIERS. Departementshoof / Head of department. 2. REDE VIR DIE OUERAAND REASON FOR THE PARENT EVENING. Algemene inligting Minimum vereistes vir bevordering Korrekte keuse van vakke vir die toekoms
vakkeuses subject choices 2014 1
Mr P ROUX Adjunkhoof / Deputy Principal Me L CILLIERS Departementshoof / Head of department 2
REDE VIR DIE OUERAANDREASON FOR THE PARENT EVENING • Algemene inligting • Minimum vereistes vir bevordering • Korrekte keuse van vakke vir die toekoms • Vakke in HTS Bellville • General information • Minimum requirements for promotion • Correct choice of subjects for future • Subjects in Bellville THS 3
The attitudes of parents towards their children’s studies and the values they inculcate make a vital difference to the children’s performance and behavior in school If parents are able to fulfill their responsibilities in developing good habits in their children, act as good role models and encourage their children to work hard, more than half the battle is won. Schools can only succeed in developing good character and instilling sound values if parents reinforce the same values.
BTHS - ACADEMIC Grade 10-12 subject choices College Univ. of Technology University FET – VOCATIONAL College (Level 2-4) Industry focused training: Office Administration Marketing Finance, Economics & Accounting Management Building & Civil Engineering Electrical Infrastructure IT & Computer Science Agriculture Hospitality Tourism OPTIONS – END OF GRADE 9
Belangrikstekeuse in joulewe Cannot go back on your choice Bepaaljoufinansiesvir die toekoms Determines your work in future Moet mooi dink voordatbesluit word Choice determines time table and staff allocation of the school 6
Bellville Technical High SchoolvsAcademic high school Technical subject compulsory Mathematics important Science important Three dimensional vision important Limited choice of subjects 7
Bellville Technical High SchoolvsAcademic high school 2014 vs 2015 Limited choice of subjects Technical subject compulsory Mathematics or Technical Mathematics Physical Science or Technical Science Engineering Graphics and Design 8
Vereistesvirkeuse van ‘n vakRequirements for subject choice Be realistic, do not think that your child will change from a 40% learner this year to an 80% learner next year. Belangstellings Interests Tegniesevaardigheid Technical aptitude Werkskultuur Work culture Vermoë Ability Konstanteprestasie Consistency 9
Minimum requirements for promotionMinimum vereistesvirbevordering GR 9 • Pass a Language 40% • Other language 30% • Pass Mathematics 40% • Four other subjects 40% 10
SUBJECT CHANGE • Learners may change one or two subjects by end July Grade 10. • It is difficult to change to EGD or CAT, because they are skill subjects. • Learners may change ONE subject in Grade 11 by end January. • Only if the school deems it is in the best interest of the learner and only after consultation with Head of Department (WCED). • Voordatleerder van vakverandermoet die ouersbewyslewerdat die leerderprivaatekstraklassebygewoon het. 11
Qualification for choice To choose the following subjects in grade 10 you must have achieved the following in grade 9: grade 10 grade 9 Mathematics 60% in Mathematics FisieseWetenskap 50% in Natuurwetenskap Life Science 50% in Natural Science Information Technology 60% in Mathematics 12
Taal van onderrig Afrikaans en Engels kan gemeng wees by spesialis vakke. REDES Personeelvoorsiening Leerderklasindeling Leerdervakkeuse (bv. net 30 neem IT) 13
Movie clip 14
Kieseenvak in elkegroep en merkjoukeuse met ‘n X in die middelstekolom. Alleleerdersmoet 7 vakkeneem.Twee huistale mag geneem word indien die leerderdit reeds in Graad 8 en Graad 9 so geneem het.Kieseentegniesevakuitgroep 5.'n Slaagpersentasie van gemiddeld 60% virWiskunde word aanbeveelindienWiskunde, FisieseWetenskappe, Inligtingstegnologie en/of ElektrieseTegnologiegekies word. Vakkeuse vorm / Subject choice form • Select one subject per group and mark your choice with an X in the middle column. All learners must offer 7 subjects. • Two home languages can be taken if the learner already had both as Home languages in Grades 8 and 9. • Select one Technical subject from group 5. • It is suggested that Mathematics, Physical Sciences. Information Technology and/or Electrical Technology should only be taken if the learner obtained an average of at least 60% for Mathematics. 15
Slegs 30 leerderskanInligtingstegnolgieneem en die beste 30 salgeselekteer word.‘n Slaagpersentasie van gemiddeld 60% virWiskunde is ‘n voorvereiste, sowel as die slaag van ‘n aanlegtoets. Vakkeuse vorm / Subject choice form Only 30 learners can take Information Technology and therefore the best 32 will be selected. No learner with an average of less than 60% will be allowed. Selection is also subject to the learner passing an aptitude test. 16
Laatasseblief die leerders se gou as moontliktoetsviraanleg en belangstelling.Indien die leerderverderwilstudeernaGraad 12, kontak die instansie en maaksekerdatsyvakkeuseaan die toelatingsvereistesvoldoen. Vakkeuse vorm / Subject choice form Have the learner tested for aptitude and interests as soon as possible.If a learner wants to enrol for further studies after Grade 12, contact the relevant institution and ascertain that the subject choice meets the admission requirements. 17
Vakkeuse / Subject choice - Gr 10-12 COMPULSORY Afrikaans: Home Language or Additional Language. English: Home Language or Additional Language. Life Orientation. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy • VERPLIGTEND • Afrikaans: Huistaal of Addisionele Taal. • Engels: Huistaal of Addisionele Taal. • Lewensoriëntering. • Wiskunde of Wiskunde Geletterdheid 19
Mr. E Stofile Wiskunde Mathematics
More abstract Also do theory behind results(e.g.Pythagoras) More complicated logical thinking necessary Must be able to see and prove relationships More reality related Applications rather than theory Problem driven, not theory driven Solve everyday problems Analyze work-related data Mathematics vs.Mathematical Literacy Definitions in a nutshell Mathematical Literacy Mathematics
All learners who want to study Engineering or Mathematical Sciences at University All learners who have shown that they are capable of meeting the requirements (at least 60% in Grade 9) All learners not interested in making a career which require a high level of Mathematical skills All learners not meeting the required level (60%) in Grade 9 Mathematics vs.Mathematical Literacy Kind of Learner Envisaged Mathematical Literacy Mathematics
Mathematics Know origin Able to derive Calculate F,x ,n and i Maths Lit Just substitute Calculate P and x Annuity: F=x[(1+i)n –1]/iLoan repayment: P=x[1-(1+i)-n]/i
Any study direction at any University. All Universities determine own application policies. Beperktestudiegeleenthede Mathematics vs.Mathematical Literacy Mathematical Literacy Mathematics
Subject Choice / VakkeuseGr 10-12 Wees realisties. Swak prestasie gaan nie nou oornag verbeter nie. Be realistic. Bad performance will not change to excellent over night. 32
TegniesevakkeTechnology subjects Mr J de Witt – ElektrieseTegnologie Mr R Human – MeganieseTegnologie Mr J Stander – Civil Technology 33
TegniesevakkeTechnology subjects Mr J de Witt – ElektrieseTegnologie 34
ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY Electronics and Heavy Current Electricity. Electronic cover electrical components and their functions as well as logic systems, audio amplifiers, electrical circuits and the binary numerical system. A strong Mathematical aptitude is needed. ELEKTRIESE TEGNOLOGIE Elektronika en Swaarstroom-elektrisiteit. Elektroniese dek elektriese komponente en hul funksies, logikastelsels, audio-versterkers, elektriese kringe en die binêre getallestelsel word behandel. 'n Baie goeie aanleg vir Wiskunde is essensiëel. 35
ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY / ELEKTRIESE TEGNOLOGIE VAKINHOUD SUBJECT CONTENTS Elektriese stroomteorie Electrical current theory Een- en driefasige WS-stelsels Single- and three phase AC Transformators Transformers WS motors AC motors Halfgeleiers Semi-conductors Versterkers Amplifiers Skakel- en beheerbane Switching- and Control Circuits Operasionele versterkers Operational amplifiers Ossilators Oscillators Rekenaar beginsels Computer principles Meetinstrumente Measuring instruments 36
ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY / ELEKTRIESE TEGNOLOGIE BEROEPSMOONTLIKHEDE CAREER POSSIBILITIES Lugvaart Aerospace Motornywerheid Motor industry Bounywerheid Building industry Mynwese Mining industry Eskom Escom Rekenaarbedryf Computer industry Drukkersbedryf Printing industry Physical Science is also in cohesion with Electrical Technology because it describes the basic fundamentals of the nature of electricity. 37
Mechanical TechnologyMeganieseTegnologie Mr R Human 38
MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY MEGANIESE TEGNOLOGIE VAKINHOUD SUBJECT CONTENTS • Motor Motor • Sweis Welding • Pas- en Draaiwerk Fitting and turning • Pneumaties / Lug Pheumatics / Air • Hydroulika Hydrolics 39
MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY / MEGANIESE TEGNOLOGIE Specific aims The learner needs to be interested in any form of mechanical entities. It can be cars, planes, trains, welding maintenance, etc. In order to be successful, the learner also has to enroll preferably in Mathematics, Physical Science and Engineering Graphics and Design, as they all form part of the technical studying field. Mechanical Technology in essence is applied science, as the field of work includes trigonometry, Newton’s laws and chemical equations when dealing with certain welding techniques, fuel combustion, fuel injection, cooling systems, etc. 40
MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY / MEGANIESE TEGNOLOGIE Loopbaanmoontlikhede Career opportunities • Meganiese ingenieur Mechanical engineer • Gereedskapmaker Tool maker • 3. Masjienherbouer Machine rebuilder • 4. Masjienvervaardiger Machine manufacturer • Gietstukvervaardiger Moulding 41
Civil TechnologySivieleTegnologie Mr J Stander 42
CIVIL TECHNOLOGY / SIVIELE TEGNOLOGIE Die teken en ontwerp van geboue, eksperimentering, toepassing van wetenskaplike en toegepaste meganika- en wiskundige beginsels, metings, interpretasie van data, afleiding, voorspelling, The design of buildings, experimentation; application of scientific, mechanical and mathematical principles; measurements; interpretation of data; deduction; prediction; 43
CIVIL TECHNOLOGY / SIVIELE TEGNOLOGIE Beroepsmoontlikhede Career posibillities: Siviele ingenieurswese, ontwerp en konstruksie van infrastrukture, mynbou, brûe en opgaardamme, spoorlyne, materiaalingenieurswese, argitektuur en landskapargitektuur, stads- en streeksbeplanning, landmeting, konstruksie- en projekbestuur, Civil engineering Designing of structures and buildings, mining, bridges and reservoirs, railways, material engineering, architecture and landscape architecture, town and regional planning, Surveying, construction and project management 44
Why do Physical Science? Mathematics Physics Chemistry Technology Biology Earth Science Socio Economic Sciences
Physical Science focuses oninvestigating physical and chemicalphenomena • through scientific inquiry • by applying scientific models, theories and laws • to explain and predict events in our physicalenvironment.
Fisiese Wetenskap fokus op die ondersoek van natuurkundige en chemiese verskynsels • om met behulp van wetenskaplike ondersoek • deur die toepassing van wetenskaplike modelle, teorieë en wette • Die gebeure in ons fisiese omgewing te voorspel en te verklaar.