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The Spatial Strategy sub regional emphases

The Spatial Strategy sub regional emphases. What is / isn’t RSS? How did we get to where we are with RSS? Myths about RSS Realism….about growth and meeting needs Principles…sustainability and development Pragmatism….about capacity Strategy What does it mean for this area?. What the RSS

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The Spatial Strategy sub regional emphases

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  1. The Spatial Strategy sub regional emphases

  2. What is / isn’t RSS? • How did we get to where we are with RSS? • Myths about RSS • Realism….about growth and meeting needs • Principles…sustainability and development • Pragmatism….about capacity • Strategy • What does it mean for this area?

  3. What the RSS Is and Isn’t RSS is : Part of the Statutory Development Plan Sits alongside the RES and other Regional strategies within the IRS Contains a Regional Transport Strategy Strategic guidance which will be translated into detailed plans in Local Development Documents RSS isn’t: Detailed….not every place can be mentioned Based on ‘Predict and Provide’. It sets a ‘direction of travel’ and gives strategic direction about how much provision for development is needed but this will be reviewed as part of ‘Plan, Monitor, Manage’

  4. RSS The Story So Far Starting With RPG 10 ‘Fit for Purpose’ Review Spring 2004…. ‘more on less’ Autumn 2004 Strategy Options JSA Studies ‘The Way Ahead’ SW Communities Plan Submission Feb 2005 9 Studies of key Urban centres and their links • Consultation outcomes • Functionality studies • Levels of Growth Forecasts • JSA results • Broad Distributional Strategy Section 4/4 Advice and first proposals Develop Preferred Strategy July 2005 Debates: Strategy Document NOT THE RSS

  5. RSS The Next Steps The Draft RSS for Consideration by the Assembly on 10th March and Submission to the Deputy Prime Minister by 31st March Public Consultation May/June/July EIP Spring 2007 RSS Issued Spring 2008 Submission end March 2006

  6. RSS Myths • RSS is all urban and nothing for • the rural areas • The housing numbers are imposed • by government • The RSS will develop all over the • Green Belts

  7. Realism ….about growth This region is growing and we need to plan for it 1991 to 2001 highest regional population growth rate Average economic growth has been nearly 3% pa Our best estimate is that this will continue at these sorts of rates but… we need to be smarter about managing the consequences of growth

  8. RSS Principle RSS Principle : Sustainability Being Smarter about Managing Growth • Strategic Sustainability Assessment Prescription • Reduce the Region’s ‘Eco Footprint’ and Emissions • Less Travel • Better Use of Resources • More Resource Efficient Building Practices • Anticipate Climate Change effects

  9. RSS Settlements & Development Settlements Development 23,200 dpa A 21 B c 50-100 C c 3000 66% 15,200 dpa 14% 3,300 dpa 20% 4700 dpa

  10. RSS The Numbers Game High High 30k pa Commuting largely by car 25k pa 25k pa JOBS 2.8% gva 23.2k pa Growth / dwellings p.a. concentration RPG 20k pa 70% 60% 80% 50% Focus : degree of concentration on 20+ Strategic cities & towns RPG10

  11. RSS Pragmatism Technical forecasts say we need to provide 25,000 new dwellings per year…at least Bottom up assessments by local authorities suggest less can be provided within local capacity of environment, infrastructure etc The draft RSS therefore contains provision for about 23,200 new dwellings per year

  12. The Spatial Strategy sub regional emphases and Policy A named towns

  13. Key Development Policies Policy A: Strategically Significant Cities and Towns Policy B: Other Towns… ‘market towns’ Policy C: Development in small towns and villages and the countryside Policy D: Infrastructure & Development Policy E: High Quality Design Policy F: Urban Extensions Master Planning Policy G: Sustainable Construction Policy H: Re-using Land

  14. RSS and Regional Transport Strategy Core Transport Strategy 1 Minimise need to travel 2 Improve how cities work: public transport and demand management 3 Connectivity : resilience and reliance of links 4 Accessibility 5 Priority and resources link with RFA and Way Ahead

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