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Wong - wright. Too many teachers do not teach. They do activities, And when problems arise, they discipline. . Many classrooms are unmanaged. As a result, little is accomplished in them. . A successful Restaurant is Ready The Table is Ready . The Dining Room is Ready.
Too many teachers do not teach. • They do activities, And when problems arise, they discipline.
Many classrooms are unmanaged. • As a result, little is accomplished in them.
A successful Restaurant is Ready • The Table is Ready. • The Dining Room is Ready. • The Staff is Ready
The Work is Ready • The Room is Ready • The Teacher is Ready
Prime time in school is the first few moments in a class. • If you blow these moments you jeopardize the success of the entire class. • Student on-task work is the major activity during academic prime time. The students must immediately get to work when they enter the room.
The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline: it is the lack or procedures and routines.
A rule is a Dare to be broken, • Whereas, • A Procedure is not. • A procedure is a Do • A step to be learned.
What are three characteristics of an effective teacher? • Well developed curriculum • Well managed classroom • Effective instructional techniques
How do you welcome students to school on the first day? • Stand by the door, shake their hands, tell them your name, room number, and what class it is, check their registration cards, have a seating arrangement that is clear, share with them the policies and procedures of the class.
What does a professional teacher look and talk like? • Well dressed and groomed, is polite in conversation, says please and thank you, monitors student progress, is respectful, shirt and tie.
What does a well-managed classroom look like? • Students are well behaved and on task, work areas are open for students to use, materials are in order, the teacher is monitoring student progress, policies and procedures are displayed and followed.
What are and define the three student behaviors that need to be taught in the first days? • Discipline – results for breaking the procedures of the classroom. • Procedures – the way things are run in the classroom. This relates specifically to things like how assignments are to be turned in and handled. • Routines – the management of things in the classroom pertaining to daily actions. This is things like using the hall pass.
What’s the difference between discipline and procedures? • Discipline is the consequence of breaking procedures. Procedures are established and given so that students are able to stay within those guidelines.
Discuss the steps of Bloom’s taxonomy of learning. • Knowledge – information that is given • Comprehension/Understanding – more developed understanding • Application – being able to apply the knowledge in situational practice • Analysis – being able to see the good and bad of things • Synthesis – making connections and piecing together different parts of information • Evaluation – being able to understand fully and see areas for improvement
What’s the purpose of a test? What’s the difference between formative and summative tests? • Tests allow for assessment of understanding and provide a comparison model. Formative testing is done along the learning process to check for student understanding of the last learned principles. It helps to shape the teaching because it shows shortcomings or areas that aren’t understood. Summative testing is in the end of the learning process. It helps to ensure understanding of the complete information and ensures coverage of material.