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Илтгэгч: ДЭВИД МА Сингапур Улсын Т ө рийн албаны сургуулийн захирал асан

Илтгэгч: ДЭВИД МА Сингапур Улсын Т ө рийн албаны сургуулийн захирал асан Төрийн албанд чадахуйн зарчмыг мөрдүүлэх нь: Төрийн албан хаагчийн гүйцэтгэлийн удирдлага - Сингапурын туршлага. Why Manage Performance.

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Илтгэгч: ДЭВИД МА Сингапур Улсын Т ө рийн албаны сургуулийн захирал асан

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  1. Илтгэгч: ДЭВИД МА Сингапур Улсын Төрийн албаны сургуулийн захирал асан Төрийн албанд чадахуйн зарчмыг мөрдүүлэх нь: Төрийн албан хаагчийн гүйцэтгэлийн удирдлага-Сингапурын туршлага

  2. Why Manage Performance • To align the strategies and efforts towards achieving the desired outcomes of the public sector and public sector agencies [What gets measured gets done] • To recognise and reward the high performers [For motivation] • To deal effectively with the under-performers [For development]

  3. What is Measured? • The performance of the public sector as a whole in the strategic areas the public sector must do well • The contributions of individual public sector agencies to the overall performance of the public sector • The contributions of individual public officers to achieving the desired outcomes of the agencies they work in

  4. Whole of Public Sector • Establish whole of public sector strategic outcomes with suitable indicators to track progress towards achieving those outcomes • Identify six areas where the public sector must do well • Sustainable economic growth • Robust social security • World-class environment and infrastructure • Secure and influential Singapore • Strong families, cohesive society • Effective government

  5. Strategic Outcomes

  6. Measuring Performance • Coordinated by the Ministry of Finance • Ministry report cards • Whole of government report card • Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review [SPOR], published once every two years, to highlight the key trends and challenges facing the country and how public agencies work together to address them

  7. Ministry Report Card An Illustration

  8. Performance Managementof Public Officers • Fair and seen to be fair • Credible and rigorous • Timely – no surprises • Assessment on • Performance • Potential • Individual officers first assessed [in the form of ranking] by immediate supervisor, followed by ranking by panels

  9. Performance Management of Public Officers • Appraisal for performance • Individual and immediate supervisor set performance objectives, tasks, and targets • Individual and immediate supervisor meet regularly during the year and at year end to review and assess performance • Each individual is assessed on his contribution to the organisation relative to his peers

  10. Performance Managementof Public Officers • Appraisal for Potential • To assess an officer’s CEP [Currently Estimated Potential], which is an estimation of the highest appointment or level of work the officer can ultimately handle competently before his retirement • Potential appraisal takes into consideration the officer’s • Helicopter Quality • Whole Person Qualities: Intellectual, Results, and Leadership

  11. Recognition & Reward • An officer’s rank order will determine his: • Merit increment • Performance bonus • Individual performance bonus • Group performance bonus • Promotion • Depending on CEP • Every public officer may receive a group performance bonus depending on the economic performance of the nation

  12. Under-Performance • During the regular meetings in the year, under-performers will be given opportunities to improve • They are likely to be placed at the lower end of the rank order at the end of the year if they do not improve or not as good as their peers • Those at the bottom 5% of the rank order will be counselled and given opportunities to improve, which may include a change of job functions • Officers consistently at the bottom of the rank order will exit the Service

  13. Thank You for Your Presence

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