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Chapter 7

Chapter 7 . Sexual Problems and Solutions. Daniel Corona Manh Luu Michelle Marroquin Helen Morris Victoria Perez. Outline. Historical Perspective What is sexual problem? Sources of sexual problems General guidelines for solving sexual problems Specific problems and solutions

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Chapter 7

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  1. Chapter 7 Sexual Problems and Solutions Daniel Corona Manh Luu Michelle Marroquin Helen Morris Victoria Perez

  2. Outline • Historical Perspective • What is sexual problem? • Sources of sexual problems • General guidelines for solving sexual problems • Specific problems and solutions • Your sexual philosophy

  3. Historical Perspective • Before Masters and Johnson: • Lack of knowledge about human sexual anatomy, physiology, and response. • Masters and Johnson help: • Revolutionizing our understanding of human sexuality. • Treat and cure most sexual problems.

  4. What are types of sexual problems? • Divided into four categories: • Sexual desire disorders • Sexual arousal disorders • Orgasm disorders • Sexual pain disorders

  5. Four categories: Desire

  6. Four categories: Arousal

  7. Orgasm disorders • Male • Rapid ejaculation: Ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, upon, or shortly after penetration.

  8. Orgasm disorders • Delayed ejaculation: Delay or lack of orgasm

  9. Orgasm disorders • Female • Inhibited orgasm: Delay or lack of orgasm regardless of amount of sexual stimulation

  10. Sexual pain disorders • Male • Dyspareunia: Genital pain associated with sexual intercourse. • Peyronie’s Disease: occurs primarily in older men and quite painful. • Priapism: prolonged and painful erection.

  11. Sexual pain disorders • Female • Dyspareunia: Genital pain associated with sexual intercourse. • Vaginisumus: Painful, involuntary of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with vaginal penetration.

  12. How common are sexual problems? • More common than people think. • Then why not speak up? • According to some studies • Sexual problems range from 10-52% for men, and 24-63% for women. • Only 0-10% report having a problem

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGI8BqGfHcU

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWz8dglUDl4

  15. A Three-Dimensional Model • Help to evaluate a sexual problem. • Duration • Primary: has always existed • Secondary: occurring now but not in the past • Context • Global: occurs in all settings • Situational: specific settings • Frequency • Total: problems happen all the time • Partial: happens on some occasions

  16. Sources of sexual problems • Biological or Physiological causes • Psychological Causes • Relationship Issues • Cultural Expectations

  17. Biological or Physiological Causes • Physical body does not respond appropriately. • Physiological Causes: • neurological, hormonal, or vascular. • physical injuries to the genitals or brain. • Abuse drugs and alcohol (“antisex drug”).

  18. Psychological Causes • Strong emotions such as stress, fear, guilt, anxiety, and depression trigger responses in your nervous and endocrine system that are incompatible with sexual arousal. • Although the causes of sexual difficulty may be psychological the effects is usually physically manifested in forms of no sexual arousal.

  19. Cultural Expectations • Partners from diverse ethnic, social,and religious backgrounds have different attitudes about sex. • These differences in attitudesand expectations about nudity, acceptable behaviors,sexual roles and responsibilities…cause sexual problems.

  20. Relationship issues • Six areas may affect the sexual side of relationship: • Loss of trust • Poor communication • Anger and resentment • Conflicting sexual expectations • Lack of respect • Loss of love

  21. Relationship issues 1. Loss of Trust

  22. Relationship Issues 2. Poor Communication

  23. Relationship Issues 3. Anger and resentment

  24. Relationship Issues 4. Conflicting sexual expectations

  25. Relationship Issues 5. Lack of respect

  26. Relationship Issues 6. Loss of Love

  27. General Guidelines for solving sexual problems Sensate focus: plays important role in sex therapy practices today * Masters and Johnson described it as a sex therapy program for couples with various sex problems

  28. Basically no touching breast or genitals!

  29. General guidelines for solving sexual problems • Masturbation as treatment: allows individuals to be aware of their bodily sensations. • Communication: • Verbal: talking about sexual interactions • Nonverbal: body movements but easy misreading.

  30. Your sexual philosophy • Knowledge is prevention. • Knowledge is treatment. • Knowledge is support.

  31. New Information 1. According to WebMD, Women who usually take antidepressants for 2 years or more, suffer from sexual problems for at least 4 weeks. 2. New viagra for women: allow blood to flow to clitoris, intensifying arousal causing greater satisfaction.

  32. 3. Melanocortin activators: new drug that has been tested in animals and has shown to cause stimulation to brain producing an erection, which is still being studied in hopes of being used in humans. 4. Erectile Dysfunction Shock Therapy: Pain free, low intensity shock waves that relieve vascular deficiency in the penis that may cause erectile disfunction.

  33. Activity: Where you paying attention? Sally and John are in the middle of a sexual activity, John begins to feel pain in his genitals during sexual intercourse with Sally. What might he be experiencing A. Vaginismus B. Erectile Disorder C. Dyspareunia

  34. Janet and Pepito are in the back of his dad’s truck and they begin to kiss passionately. Janet is a virgin and does not want to take things any further with Pepito. She does not say anything and keeps quiet while he begins to take her shirt off. What type of relationship issue is this couple experiencing? A. Loss of trust? B. Poor Communication? C. Loss of love?

  35. Juan Pablo and Chavela are studying in his room for an upcoming human sexuality exam. Juan Pablo begins to touch and kiss Chavela but she quickly pushes him away and decides to study instead. Juan Pablo is not surprised with her reaction and is used to her behavior, it usually happens to him 9/10 times when he wants to have sex. Chavela is experiencing… A. Hypoactive sexual desire? B. Hyperpressure? C. Hypoglycemia?

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