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ישעיהו. Isaiah the man. Yishaiyahu (Salvation of YHVH [Mercy ]) A prophet of God and a historian ( 2 Chronicles 26:22; 32:32) Born: approx. 770 BCE Died: approx. 680 BCE (90years) Began ministry at approx. 30 years of age (Isaiah 1:1) Ministered from approx. 750 BCE to 680 BCE
Isaiah the man • Yishaiyahu(Salvation of YHVH [Mercy]) • A prophet of God and a historian (2 Chronicles 26:22; 32:32) • Born: approx. 770 BCE Died: approx. 680 BCE (90years) • Began ministry at approx. 30 years of age (Isaiah 1:1) • Ministered from approx. 750 BCE to 680 BCE • Married (Called his wife “The Prophetess” [Isaiah 8:3]) • Had 2 sons: Shear Yashub “Remnant shall return” and Maher Shelal hash baz “Hurry spoil, quickly loot” (Mentioned by name in Isaiah 7:3 & 8:1-3) • His entire family were God fearing (Isaiah) 8:18
Who Wrote the Book of Isaiah? • Isaiah the prophet and or one of his contemporaries • The book was completed within a few years of his passing • Both Jewish and Christian tradition support his authorship of the entire book • In most cases he spoke his prophecy publically and it was later written down • Yeshua (Jesus) and His apostles affirm Isaiah’s authorship of the entire book of Isaiah (The New Testament understands Isaiah to be the recorded words of the prophet Isaiah alone, quoting the book of Isaiah in 21 places and calling the prophet by name.)
The Literary Style of the Book of Isaiah • Hebrew word play and alliteration • Hebrew poetic couplings and allegory • Mashalim(parables) emphasize particular points • Written primarily to Israel but also to the nations • Foretells detailed future events • Emphasizes the importance of the future King Messiah • Emphasizes the importance of the future Suffering servant • NB: The manuscripts of Isaiah found in the Qumran caves in 1947, which are over 1000 years older than any previously known text of Isaiah (1st Century BCE), are essentially the same as the Masoretic text (916 CE/AD).
Historical Background 1. • The book of Isaiah covers prophecies made from approximately 750 BCE to 680 BCE • Isaiah’s prophetic contemporaries were, Amos, Hosea and Micah • It’s probable that Micah the younger contemporary of Isaiah, who lived approximately 53 km south of Jerusalem in a town called Moreshet, was a personal friend and one with whom he cooperated. This would explain the almost identical texts of Isaiah 2:2-4 and Micah 4:1-3. It is also likely that both Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who lived after Isaiah, were familiar with the prophecies of Isaiah.
Historical Background 2. • Isaiah lived through the reigns of 4 of Judah’s kings and approximately 7 years of the reign of a fifth • Uzziah/Azariah 767-740 BCE • Jotham 740-735 BCE • Ahaz 735-715 BCE • Hezekiah 715-687 BCE • Manasseh (5th king) 687-642 BCE • The kings of Judah were hot and cold in their relationship to God over this period of Israel’s history • Even those described as “good”, Uzziah and Hezekiah, were in the end, imprudent and prideful
Historical Background 3. • The military and economic success experienced by Uzziah went to his head. Unsatisfied with his role as king of Judah he sought to usurp the authority of Israel’s priesthood. Due to this sacrilegious action Uzziah contracted leprosy at the hand of God. He lived the final years of his life in isolation while his son Jotham ruled over Judah as co-regent. Upon Uzziah’s death in 740 BCE Jotham became king of Judah. • It was at some point near the end of Uzziah’s life during the period of his leprosy that Isaiah began his public ministry (aged approx. 30 years) [Isaiah 6:1] (approx. 750 BCE).
Historical Background 4. • Early in his ministry Isaiah rebuked Ahaz for calling on the Assyrian Pul for help (Isaiah 8:5-8). Later Isaiah was equally outspoken concerning a proposed alliance with Egypt against Sennacherib (Isaiah 31:1-6). • Under Hezekiah’s reign Sennacherib invaded Judah and captured most of her cities with the exception of Jerusalem. • “As for Hezekiah the Jew, who did not submit to my yoke, 46 of his strong walled cities, as well as the smaller cities in their vicinity… I besieged and took… As for Hezekiah, the terrifying splendour of my majesty overcame him… his mercenary troops deserted him.” • -[Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Volume 2, Section 240 (Chicargo 1926)]
Historical Background 5. • God answered the prayers of Isaiah and in response to Hezekiah’s humbling of himself HaShem delivered Jerusalem and destroyed the Assyrian army with a plague (701 BCE). However, Hezekiah’s pride, like that of his grandfather Uzziah, was eventually his undoing (2 Chronicles 32:25-26) • Judah survived precariously for another century finally coming to the end of her independence when Babylon (Once a province of Assyria) became master of the Mesopotamian Empire stretching from the gulf of Persia and just shy of the banks of the Nile.
Isaiah God’s Witness For over half a century Isaiah witnessed many of these events, seeing by the revelation of God that which the physical eye could not see. By the Word of HaShem he was able to make detailed and specific prophecies concerning future events, including events that occurred many years after his death (each confirmed by history and or archaeology), the greatest of those being the accuracy with which he prophesied the events concerning Israel’s Messiah, a man who walked the earth approximately 680 years after Isaiah’s death.
ישעיהו Isaiah Chapter 1
Isaiah 1:1 1:1 The chazon vision (perception, seeing) of Yishaiyahu (Salvation of YHVH [Mercy]) son of Amotz (Strength), which he chaza saw (perceived, beheld) concerning Yehudah (Praise) and Yeru-shalaiym (Downpour of Peace), in the days of Uzziyahu(My Strength is YHVH [Mercy]), (YHVH [Mercy] is Perfect, complete, innocent), Achaz (He has grasped), and Y’chezkiyahu (YHVH [Mercy] is my strength), kings of Yehudah (Praise):
Isaiah 1:2-3 1:2 ShemuHear, listen, receive, perceive and obey! Shamayim Heavens, v’ha’azini and use your ears, broaden your perspective, eretz earth, for Hashem (YHVH [Mercy]) d’var speaks:“Baniym Sons & daughters I have raised and brought up, but they have rebelled against Me. 1:3 The bull knows koneihu the one who purchased it, and the donkey its eibus feeding trough,B’alayn but his husband Yisrael (Overcome in God) does not know,My people do not hit’bonan discern .”
Isaiah 1:4 1:4 Hoy, a goy nation who chotei misses the way, a people weighed down with avon perversity, bent, evil, iniquity, guilt, zera(seed) offspring m’reiym (gone bad) of evildoers,baniym sons and daughters mash’chiytiym decaying (dealing corruptly)!They have forsaken Hashem (YHVH [Mercy]).They have shown contempt for k’dosh the Holy One of Yisrael(Overcome in God)Nazruachor Estranged at the rear (They have turned backwards).
Isaiah 1:5-6 1:5 Upon what will you be struck continually, increasing your turning away more and more?The whole head is sick, the whole l’vav core being (heart) faint. 1:6 From the base of the foot to the head there is no soundness.Blows, bruises and open sores: no pressure applied, not bandaged, nor softened with oil.
Isaiah 1:7-9 1:7 Your land is desolate;your cities are burned with fire;your ground in front of you, strangers devour laid waste, overthrown by strangers. 1:8 So the Daughter of Tziyon (Parched land) is left as a sukkah temporary dwelling in a vineyard,like a hammock in a garden of cucumbers, like a besieged city. 1:9 Unless HaShem (YHVH [Mercy]) Tzva’ot(Host, goes forth) had left us a small remnant,we would have been as S’dom (burning), we would have resembled Amorah (Submersion).
Isaiah 1:10-11 1:10 Shemu Hear, listen, receive, perceive and obey the d’var word of HaShem (YHVH [Mercy]), you rulers of S’dom (burning)!Give ear to the Torah (Instruction) of our Elohiym (God, Judge), you people of Amorah (Submersion)! 1:11“For what is it to Me— many sacrifices?” says Hashem (YHVH [Mercy]).“I’ve received an excessive amount of burnt offerings of rams and fat of well-fed animals.And in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or he-goats, I do not delight.
Isaiah 1:12-14 1:12 When you enter to l’raot to perceive panayMy face, who has required this at your hand— trampling My courts? 1:13 Don’t bring an increase of offerings of emptiness! Incense that is an abomination to Me.Chodesh New Moon and Shabbat, the calling of holy gatherings, —I won’t stand for it (accomplish it)—avein wickedness, idolatry and iniquity with solemn assembly. 1:14 Chad’sheichem Your New Moons and your Festivals My soul (All that I am) hates! They have become upon me a burden. I am weary of bearing them.
Isaiah 1:15-16 1:15 When you spread out your hands palm up, I will conceal My eyes from you.Also though your prayers are many, I will hear nothing.Your hands with bloods will be filled!” 1:16 “Wash and be pure.Turn away from your evil practices those made conspicuous before My eyes.Cease doing evil.
Isaiah 1:17-18 1:17 Study how to do good, seek justice, advance the cause of the oppressed,defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together,” says Hashem (YHVH [Mercy]).“Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow.Though they are red like crimson, they will become like wool.
Isaiah 1:19-21 1:19 If you accept and hear, understand and obey, you will eat the good of the land. 1:20 But if you refuse and rebel, you will be eaten with the sword.”For the mouth of Hashem (YHVH [Mercy]) has spoken. 1:21 How has it come to pass that the Faithful City has become a whore!She once was full of justice, righteousness dwelt in her— but now murderers!
Isaiah 1:22-24 1:22 Your silver has become dross, your wine diluted by water. 1:23 Your princes are rebellious and friends with thieves.Everyone loves a bribe pursuing rewards.They don’t defend the orphan,nor is a widow’s case brought before them. 1:24 Therefore says ha-Adon the Lord Hashem (YHVH [Mercy])Tzva’ot (Host, going to war) the Avir Mighty One of Yisrael (Overcome in God): “Hoy! I will get relief from My foesand avenge Myself on My enemies.
Isaiah 1:25-28 1:25 Then I will turn My hand on you, purge away your dross, and remove all your alloy. 1:26 I will return your judges to the head, your counsellors as at the beginning.Thus you will be called City of Righteousness, Faithful City. 1:27 Tziyon (Parched land) will be delivered with justice, her returning with righteousness.” 1:28 But there will be a breaking of rebels and sinners together.Forsaking Hashem (YHVH [Mercy]), they will be consumed.
Isaiah 1:29-31 1:29 For they will be ashamed of the eilim sacred oaks (idols) that you’ve desired,and ashamed because of the gardens that you have chosen. 1:30 For you will become like an oak with languishing leaves, like a garden that has no water. 1:31 And it will come to pass that the strong will become like a dry strand of flax, and his work will kindle fire—both will burn together, and nothing will put it out.