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Micro - satellite technology in medical prophylaxes of the cardiovascular and nervous diseases T.K.Breus Space Research Institute RAS (IKI) September 3-7, 2007, Tarusa, Kaluga district.
Micro - satellite technology in medical prophylaxes of the cardiovascular and nervous diseasesT.K.BreusSpace Research Institute RAS (IKI) September 3-7, 2007, Tarusa, Kaluga district
Weak Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) in near - Earth environment – biotropic factors of helio-geomagnetic activity
General targets of weak natural EMF in biological systems are1) cardiovascular system From 10 diseases and traumas registered by Moscow ambulance call for the three years 1979-1981 only people suffered from Myocardial infarctions (MI) and brain strokes (IN) were affected by irreversible action of helio-geomanetic activity 2) Blood system Blood coagulation, increase of viscosity, deceleration of blood flow in capillary, erythrocytes aggregation were observed during the geomagnetic storm 3) Nervous system (see next figure)
Cardiovascular system1)Holter monitoring of heart rhythm (HR) and blood pressure (ABP)in patient with ischemic heart disease (47 years old)(Centre of Cardiology , Moscow, Rogoza, Breus et al. 1995) Onset of the magnetic storm - 27.09.1995 about 08.30, main phase withDst = - 100 nT in 20.00. Рс1 in Sodancule (Finland) appeared before the storm onset and continued till 01.30 (middle graph right) After Рс1 started to act at 03.00 (right middle)a patient revealed an ischemic episodes ST depression (left blackened) and ABP increase (left). Patient complained on a strong pain in chest and suffocation at about 04. 00. Only administration of some nitrates helped and stopped pain at 07.00
Typical photo of cardio-myocyte tissue of rabbit during main phase of geomagnetic storm (upper and low pictures show different regions in cell) Normal ultra structure of cardio myocyte of rabbits in quiet geomagnetic conditions. (Chibisov, Breus et al. 1995)
Number of ambulance calls in connection with MI (upper graph) and Brain Strokes (BS)(lower graph)in 1979-1981 during days with high level of geomagnetic activity mentioned at Figure.(Villoresi, Breus et al.1994) Ordinate axes –numbers of MI and BS per day; triangles – average values for the same days. Conclusion: For days with Аа>60 –number of MI increases at 13% (~ 9 s) from 82 000 Number of BSincreases at 7% (~4,5 s) from 98 000
Cosmonauts in flight at ISSBaevskii, Chernikova, Funtova, and Breus (2006) Examples of heart rate (left) and systolic blood pressure (right) measurements over 24 hours obtained from the same cosmonaut flying on the International Orbital Space Station during 4-6 months. Curve 1 shows data obtained one day immediately after a geomagnetic storm. Curve 2 corresponds to data during quiet geomagnetic conditions. The magnetic storm seems to have affected both variables, notably during the night, a result awaiting replication across subjects and storms.
Magnetic sensibility in healthy people and patients suffered from arterial hypertension Zenchenko N., Tsagareishvili E., Pogoza A., Oschepkova E. and Breus T.K. (Klin. Med. N1, 2007)
Synchronous variations of evening data on Systolic Blood pressure (SBP) in patient with ArterialHypertensionand the level of geomagnetic activity (Dst ) measured two days before SPB measurements
Synchronous variations of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in practically healthy person (Bulgaria) and the level of the geomagnetic activity (Kp-index)
Synchronous variations of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in practically healthy person (Bulgaria) and the level of geomagnetic activity (Kp-index)
2. Distribution of magneto - sensitive patients among the two groups of therapy
In the process of treatment of patients several patients with specific various heart and blood pressure regulation problems (2-nd group of intensive therapy at previous figure) were treated by combine medicine components.These patients had various disturbances in the organs- targets, in particular increase of mass index of the left heart chamber, which lead usually to increase of risk of development cardiac decompensate. Just in this 2-nd group of patients magneto-sensitivity was maximal (75% of people) In the 1-st group with light form of hypertension only 25% revealed magneto-sensitivity.
Explanation of “squeezing” of hypertensive treatment • Comparison of individual profiles of ABP of patients with geomagnetic and meteo – factors variations over several weeks showed that the rhythms of ABP variations existed despite of permanent treatment and that this variations correlated with rhythms of Dst and Kp –indexes of geomagnetic activity , while local “squeezing” of ABP from treatment coincided with variations of meteo- conditions (temperature).
Conclusions • Patents with arterial hypertension have a maximal correlation with geomagnetic activity with 1-2 days delay relatively to a main phase of geomagnetic storm (maximal Dst). Similar delay had been observed practically in every previous observations. Correlation of SPB and DBP with temperature and atmospheric pressure is maximal in the same day of observations.
Distribution of significance of correlation along to temporal shift for healthy volunteers in Bulgaria • Мaximal number of correlation was observed for SPB and DBP for zero shift (i.e. simultaneously with geomagnetic activity event) for healthy people • There were no one significant negative correlation coefficient of SPB or DPB with geomagnetic activity indexes in healthy people (77 volunteers in Bulgaria)
3) SA EFFECTS ON NERVOUS SYSTEMAnnual number of suicides in Thailand (1974-1982) for every 100 000 members of population. Correlation coefficient r=81, 7% (p<0.0001)
Micro-pulsations of geomagnetic field and heart rhythms • Micro-pulsations Pc1 are in heart rhythm range • Frequency – 0.5 – 2.0 Hz • Amplitude – 10 – 100 pT • Maximum in daily variations –00 - 06 LT
Schumann resonances and brain rhythms • Typical frequency range for • brain rhythms • Gamma- (25 - 60 Hz) • Beta - (12 - 25 Hz) • Alpha - (7 -12 Hz) • Theta – (4 -7 Hz) • Delta - (0 - 4 Hz) • Right – typical dynamical spectrum of vertical component of the electric field in the ionosphere, corresponding to the first five modes of Schumann resonances (Polk, 1982) (Kholodov., 1975)
Comparison of anomalous number of MI in Moscow with Dst and Pc 1Strong storm, 10.04.81 Strong storm,28.07.81Winter-springSummer
Conclusion about Pc1 activity • Рс 1 existence in GMA is following by anomalous increase of MI number in 70% of cases. • There is a similarity in seasonal variations of anomalous large number of MI and duration of Pc1 with maximum in the winter. The seasonal peaks of other geomagnetic indexes correspond to spring/autumn.
Role of melatonin – adaptive hormone and immune-modulator • Anomalous number of MI were observed sometimes a day before of onset of the magnetic storms and correlate with appearance of Pc1 in the same time. • In summer time even strong magnetic storms with Pc1 are not biologically effective. • There is a suggestion that sensitivity of living organisms is lower in summer time due to a small production of melatonin in comparison with winter time. (Rapoport et al. 1995, Breus and Rapoport, 2003)
General conclusions • Existence of negative consequences of Space Weather for the people suffered by cardiovascular diseases, blood system disturbances, and patients with nervous system diseases required some medical prophylaxis in order to overcome a development of arrhythmias, heart fibrillation, sudden death from myocardial infarction, brain strokes, epilepsy crises and deaths and suicide attempts in case of psychological disturbances.
Space Weather foecast had to have address approach • The most plausible and effective measure of prophylaxis for ill people is short-time prediction of magnetic storms and Pc1 appearance with high significance ( 1-2 hours before their onset at the Earth). In this case physician can help only to some people who actually needs such help but not alarm whole population to use expensive drags which can produce a side effects in them being useless. This way it would be possible to prevent possible dangerous consequences of Space Weather negative actions.
Micro-satellite for Space Weather forecast (Safeguard) • Data on permanent monitoring of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field had to be send from such satellite located in libration point between the Sun and the Earth. With small payload including onboard processor such satellite can forecast an alarm 1-2 hours before geomagnetic disturbances will be developed in the Earth magnetosphere.
Traffic light principle • If such satellite as “Safeguard” can forecast at the specially provide to this purpose frequency about geomagnetic storm alarm, then in every place where information is required (in intensive care units of cardiological clinics, in psychiatric clinics, in industrial units with eclectic devices with an suffer from extra currents, for operators of Airports and so on, and especially for individuals who already had myocardial infarction or brain stroke or suffered from vegetative nervous system crises, some small indicator with red light which an be switched on by satellite signals allowed to use preventive measure immediately and overcome danger. • There is possibility to arrange a “an yellow light” signal for long –term forecast made at the Earth observatories for 1-2 days before approaching of storms with • 50 % significance. • Physicians had to developed a special instructions for ill people with recommendation of prophylaxis measures.
This way we can effectively use micro-satellites AN capability for Space Weather purposes.