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Biology Content and Pacing (Q4)

Biology Content and Pacing (Q4). Kirk Nieveen Curriculum Support Specialist Jason Jackson Science Department Chair, Miami Springs SHS. Agenda. Welcome and Updates Data Analysis - Thinkgate : Just the basics Please How to use your data for instruction

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Biology Content and Pacing (Q4)

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  1. Biology Content and Pacing (Q4) Kirk Nieveen Curriculum Support Specialist Jason Jackson Science Department Chair, Miami Springs SHS

  2. Agenda • Welcome and Updates • Data Analysis - Thinkgate: Just the basics Please • How to use your data for instruction • Developing intervention and remediation plans • Discovery Education • A quick tour • Getting the most out of District resources • Common Core State Standards • Comprehension Instructional Sequence (CIS) • Claim-Evidence-Reasoning • Argument Driven Inquiry • Reflection

  3. Session Outcomes • Participants will be able to: • Locate, manipulate, and utilize Thinkgate data to improve instruction • Locate and utilize District Science Resources Department of Mathematics and Science

  4. Norms Make sure to be kind to the presenters and give them your full attention, and please be on time Don’t be afraid to ask and share, we are all life-long learners Care for your profession and be kind to others Please remember we are guests at Miami SHS Silence your cell phones and turn off your gaming devices Department of Mathematics and Science

  5. Welcome and Announcements Biology Winter Interim and Thinkgate Login: http://www.thinkgate.net/FLMiamiDadeSplash/TGLogin.aspx

  6. Year at a Glance

  7. HOW DO YOU LOG IN? Username: Employee # Password: MiamiDade2013 You will reset your password once logged in. WEBSITE: http://www.thinkgate.net/FLMiamiDadeSplash/TGLogin.aspx Department of Mathematics and Science

  8. HOME SCREEN: CLASSES (TEACHERS) TEACHERNAME Period Boxes • provides a separate box for each period • tabs in bottom will display the class roster, assigned teachers, and identification (course codes) • Must select class link to display details about assessments Department of Mathematics and Science

  9. HOME SCREEN: PROFILE (TEACHERS) TEACHER NAME • provides teacher identification information • reset password link • circle graph of students by periods • search for students by last name Department of Mathematics and Science

  10. HOME SCREEN: PLANNING (TEACHERS) TEACHER NAME • provides link of standards specific to subject or select from drop down menu other subjects • drop down menu for NGSSS (Next Generation Sunshine State Standards) or CCNGSS (Common Core Next Generation Sunshine State Standards) • Provides the standards contents for benchmark selected Department of Mathematics and Science

  11. HOME SCREEN: ASSESSMENT (TEACHERS) TEACHER NAME • provides an overview of assessments  district & classroom • click on space ship icon next to assessment name to analyze data • Items, Images, Addendums, Rubrics  To be determined what it is used for Department of Mathematics and Science

  12. HOME SCREEN: REPORTING (TEACHERS) TEACHER NAME • provides a list and % proficient of assessments  state, district & classroom (tabs) • Must click on EXPAND ICON to create reports and analyze data by benchmarks Department of Mathematics and Science

  13. EXPAND ICON: RESULTS ANALYSIS REPORTS TEACHER NAME • Select the criteria that you want to include in your data analysis • Suggestions • Grade • Subject • curriculum • Must click search to finalize your criteria choices • If add demographic criteria can analyze data by gender and ethnic groups Department of Mathematics and Science

  14. RESULTS ANALYSIS TEACHER NAME • Provides district proficiency percentages colored coded for easier interpretation • Provides an overview of the student performance for the district, school, teacher and specific periods or class. • Shows specific data of last data update. • You have three options for student assessment results (see next slide) 2 1 TEACHER NAME 3 Department of Mathematics and Science

  15. STUDENT ASSESSMENT RESULTSBY CLASS • OPTION 1: • Click on arrow next to period • Provides overall student performance, color coded based on district proficiency % (see below) • OPTION 2: • Click on note pad icon • Provides a pop up screen with different report options (next slide) TEACHER NAME TEACHER NAME TEACHER NAME Student names Department of Mathematics and Science

  16. STUDENT ASSESSMENT RESULTS BY CLASS OPTION 3: Click on score next to class. It will open a pop up screen with Report Selection shown below. (Details on next slide) 1 2 Department of Mathematics and Science

  17. REPORT SELECTION: OPTION 3(Available Reports) • Report Card by Students • Score Analysis Report • Standard Analysis • Subgroups by Standards • Test Summary • Administered Test Not Taken students • At Risks • Distractor Analysis • Item Analysis • Mastery • Proficiency Report • Progress Report Department of Mathematics and Science

  18. REPORT SELECTION: AT RISK (STANDARDS BY STUDENT)This report list individual students and the standards they did not master. Can be used for remediation. Can be printed or exported into word Department of Mathematics and Science

  19. REPORT SELECTION: AT RISKStandards by Test, Student • Provides students overall performance on assessment and the number and description of benchmarks that are of concern for each student in the selected period based on selected assessment Department of Mathematics and Science

  20. REPORT SELECTION: AT RISK (various reports are available)Students by Standard report provides list of standards that are of concern and lists students who had low performance on each standard. For Fall IA, teachers should only focus on standards addressed in Quarter 1. It is a great tool for intervention and differentiated instruction Students Students Students Department of Mathematics and Science

  21. REPORT SELECTION: Distractor Analysis: Has option to hide some selection criteria (see row 1). You can organize incorrect answers by grouping them (row 2) (Incorrect answers in red) Department of Mathematics and Science

  22. ITEM ANALYSIS REPORT: Compares class performance to school and district performance Department of Mathematics and Science

  23. REPORT SELECTION: MASTERY Students by Standard Report provides the names and scores of the students that have mastered the tested benchmarks. Department of Mathematics and Science

  24. REPORT SELECTION: PROFICIENCY REPORTProvides class data based on proficiency levels determined by district (color coded: Insufficient, Limited and Satisfactory) Can be printed or exported into excel

  25. Biology EOC Winter IADistrict Results Department of Mathematics and Science

  26. REPORT SELECTION: PROGRESS REPORTProvides summary showing student % performance and cumulative (class) % performance Performance Level Distribution Color coded based on % of students in proficiency % Department of Mathematics and Science

  27. REPORT SELECTION: REPORT CARD BY STANDARD BY STUDENTProvides performance report for students by standard. Department of Mathematics and Science

  28. REPORT SELECTION: Item AnalysisThis report compares assessment scores per class, teacher, school, and district. Department of Mathematics and Science

  29. Best Practices – RemediationSecondary Benchmarks • Science Camp Day • Homework • Enrichment Activities • Bell Ringers • FCAT Achieves • FCAT Explorer • Gizmos • Extended Learning Modules • P-Sell • Cpalms • Discovery Education (now available to all schools ) Department of Mathematics and Science

  30. Break…. • Please take time to ask questions or write your concerns in the Parking Lot

  31. Resources District Science Website http://science.dadeschools.net/default.htm

  32. Edmodo

  33. Resources found in the Website • STEM Website • Administrator Resources (being updated) • Office of Academics and Transformation • Assessment, Research, and Data Analysis • Weekly Briefings • Science Leaders • Assessments and Data Analysis • Pacing Guides

  34. Remediation and Enrichment • Edgenuity • NBC Learn – In Pacing Guides • PBS Learning Media • Discovery Education (ALL Schools)– In Pacing Guides • PhET (University of Colorado) – In Pacing Guides • Gizmos – In Pacing Guides • Extended Learning Modules – On Learning Village • Seasonal Packets • Science Website

  35. Discovery Education:NOW Available to ALL Schools

  36. Discovery Education:Getting Started

  37. Discovery Education:Discovery Education Network

  38. Discovery Education:Teacher Tools

  39. Discovery Education:Events

  40. Discovery Education:Most Popular Content

  41. Discovery Education:Curriculum Standards Search

  42. Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Source: Edutopia.org

  43. The “Why” behind Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (Conclusion Writing) In 2009, NAEP administered TWO types of innovative science assessments that invited students to put their science knowledge into practice: • Hands-on tasks (HOTs) • Interactive computer tasks (ICTs)  How Did US Students Perform? Students Able to Perform Simulated Investigations, Challenged to Explain Conclusions

  44. The “Why” behind Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (Conclusion Writing)

  45. Reflection: Please leave your reflection sheets on the table Thank You!

  46. Follow Up Assignment • One page typed reflection of the workshop • One lab activity (modified from CPO or HOT Labs) addressing NGSSS, MACC, and LACC benchmarks using your Interim Assessment data. • Please send assignment to: Mr. Sebastian Oddone, District Supervisor (soddone@dadeschools.net) on or before March 7, 2014 to receive full credit for Professional Development

  47. Science Department

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