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Instrumente financiare ș i non- financiare pentru sus ținerea clusterelor

Instrumente financiare ș i non- financiare pentru sus ținerea clusterelor. Sf. Gheorghe , 9 martie 2012. Cuprins. Fonduri structurale Alte programe europene Asociația Clusterelor din România EEN SES. Fonduri structurale: Poli de competitivitate. 60 mil EUR

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Instrumente financiare ș i non- financiare pentru sus ținerea clusterelor

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  1. Instrumentefinanciareși non-financiarepentrususținerea clusterelor Sf. Gheorghe, 9martie 2012

  2. Cuprins • Fonduri structurale • Alte programe europene • Asociația Clusterelor din România • EEN • SES

  3. Fonduri structurale: Poli de competitivitate • 60 mil EUR • Pachet integrat: strategie, 1 proiect infrastructură, 2 soft, 1 cercetare • Deponent – strategie • Solicitant – proiect • Contributie EU: 5 mil – 20 mil EUR • Min 50% infrastructura, max 7,5 mil EUR. • Soft max 1,5 mil EUR

  4. STRATEGIE Deponent 1 infrastructura Solicitant 4 2 SOFT/ Solicitant 1 Solicitant 2 1 CDI Solicitant 3

  5. Fonduri structurale Clustere • 20 mil EUR • Ghid în lucru • Rundă de consultări: www.clustero.eu

  6. Programe europene • FP7: Regiunile cunoașterii • Excelența în cercetare • INTERREG IV (transfrontalier, SE Europei, IVC) • Smart specialisation

  7. Asociatia Clusterelor din România • Fondată 1 iulie 2011 • 20 membri, 15 clustere • Organism reprezentativ al clusterelor din România • Membru in Consiliul de Export

  8. Asociația Clusterelor din România • Site www.clustero.eu • Prezentarea unitară a clusterelor • Analiză și benchmarking al clusterelor • Lista a târgurilor și misiunilor economice de interes pentru a fi susținute în Consiliul de export • Forum pt discutii

  9. Region North West Geothermal Region North East agro food, Textile, Tourism, automotive Region Center Wine, pottery wood (CV), wood (MS), renewable energy (CV), electrical industry, renewable energy (AB), wood (HR), agro-food (CV) Region South East tourism, ship building, logistics, textile Region South agro food, electrical industry, tourism, automotive Region West Automotive, ICT, Agro Food, energie Region South West agro food, machine building, tourism, ICT Region Bucharest Ilfov textile, publishing media, building materials, Agro Food, Electronics, renewable energy

  10. How does it work? Partnership agreement Romanian SME Foreign SME -commercial offer/request -technology offer/request - Research idea/poposal/ partner search consultancy Business Cooperation Database Technology Database Foreign EEN Partner Regional EEN Partner Automatic match making Direct contact

  11. Senior Expert Services SES-Foundation Foundation of German Industry for International Cooperation, established in 2003, shareholder of the SES corporation. Donors: BDA Federal Confederation of German Employer’s Association, Berlin BDI Federal Association of German Industry, Berlin DIHK The German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, Berlin ZDH German Confederation of Skilled Crafts, Berlin SES Corporation Honorary Service of the Foundation of German Industry for International Cooperation Non-profit corporation founded in 1983 under the auspices of DIHT, project-funding by the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. Headquarters are situated in Bonn with 120 employees, among those are working 61on a honorary basis, 14 offices in Germany (30 honorary employees), 133 representativesin 76 countries.

  12. Trade Education and Training Agriculture 1217 Handcraft 2895 1019 6% 1443 13% 5% 7% Infrastructure 3344 15% Service Industry 1291 10465 6% 48% Different Areas of Activity (1983 – 2009) SES-Presentation

  13. 407 554 277 986 2436 3486 Number of Experts in Different Areas of Activity (2009) Materials Handling Human Resource Management IT Education and Training Commercial Sector Technical Sector SES-Presentation

  14. Costs of an SES Assignment Costs at the assignment location(accommodation, food, laundry, local transport, daily allowance in local currency) International travel costs to and from assignment location Overheads: costs for project handling, expert recruiting, assignment preparation: Assignments of up to 3 months:€ 3.150,- Ancillary costs: insurance, briefing at SES headquarters, literature, etc. – are billed in a lump sum of € 670,-. Payment Relief: If any small and medium-sized enterprise is not able to fulfil the above-mentioned requirements, public funds can be made available on request. SES-Presentation

  15. Contractual Commitments 1 The Client and SES conclude an Assignment Agreement. SES selects the Senior Expert with great care. The Senior Expert prepares himself for the assignment, he is supported by SES. SES takes out comprehensive insurance for the Senior Expert. The Client provides the Senior Expert with all necessary information. The Client also provides assistance in procuring the necessary entry, exit and residence permits. SES assumes no liability for the Senior Expert’s work. SES-Presentation

  16. Contractual Commitments 2 SES and the Senior Expert conclude an assignment authorisation. The Senior Expert prepares the assignment himself, acts exclusively in the interest of the Client, abstains from commercial and political activities during the assignment and, after completion of the assignment, write a final report which is submitted to the Client. The Client and the Senior Expert do not conclude any agreement. SES-Presentation

  17. Mulțumesc pentru atenție! Daniel Coșniță Președinte CLUSTERO T. 0722 312 135 dc@inpulse.ro www.clustero.eu

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