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Unite 6 Asthma & Supplement reading: Oil spill’s human health impacts might extend into the future. Speaker: Ya-Wen Tasi Instructor: Yu-Yan Zhang. Unite 6 Asthma. Unit 6 Asthma. brainstorming. How does Asthma affect Asthmatics the most?. brainstorming. What are the causes of Asthma?.
Unite 6 Asthma&Supplement reading:Oil spill’s human health impacts might extend into the future Speaker: Ya-WenTasi Instructor: Yu-Yan Zhang
brainstorming • How does Asthma affect Asthmatics the most?
brainstorming • What are the causes of Asthma?
Main idea • Asthma Asthma (from the Greek ἅσθμα, ásthma, "panting") • The Causes • Treatment • Health education
Vocabulary-1 • Asthma [ˋæzmə] (n.) respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin • Asthmatic [æzˋmætɪk] (n.) a person suffering from asthma • Bronchial [ˋbrɑŋkɪəl] (adj.) elating to or associated with the bronchi; "bronchial tubes"; "bronchial pneumonia“
Vocabulary-2 • Assiduously [əˋsɪdʒʊəslɪ] (adv.) with care and persistence • Wheezing [hwiz] (n.) breathe with difficulty • Exacerbate [ɪgˋzæsɚ͵bet] (v.) make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain“ • Airborne [ˋɛr͵born] (adj.) moved or conveyed by or through air
Vocabulary-3 • Allergen [ˋælɚ͵dʒɛn] (n.) any substance that can cause an allergy • Irritant [ˋɪrətənt] (n.) something that causes irritation and annoyance • inhaler [ɪnˋhelɚ] (n.) a dispenser that produces a chemical vapor to be inhaled in order to relieve nasal congestion • Pharmacotherapy medical treatment with medicine
Asthma • Chronic disease • Appears in youth and continues throughout adulthood
Definition • Airflow obstruction • Bronchial hypersensitivity • Underlying inflammation
The causes • Environment pollution • Genetic inheritance • Immune system problems • Combination of factors can lead to or exacerbate asthma
Symptoms • Recurrence of chest tightness • Coughing • Shortness of breath • Wheezing • Asthma attack
Control the symptoms • There is no cure, but the symptom can be controlled and managed. • Appropriate use of asthma medication • Avoidance of environmental irritants • The frequency and severity of asthma attacks can be lessened.
Asthma care • Asthma care begins at the time of diagnosis and should continue with ongoing followed-up care. • Controlling factors causing asthma severity • Assessment • Monitoring • Pharmacotherapy • Education for asthmatics
Suggestions • Not smoke & not take cough medicine without consulting a doctor. • Not use non-prescription inhalers • Non-prescription inhalers may contain short-acting drugs that may not last long enough to relieve an asthma attack and cause side affects. • Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can cause asthma to worsen in certain individuals.
Summary • Asthma is a long-term disease but it is manageable. • Medical treatment during the early stages of an attack is very important. • The patient’s active involvement on treating this disease is vitally important.
Discussing-1 • How come the proportion of asthmatics rise in the recent decades?
Discussing-2 • If you suffer from asthma, what kind of life/treatment will you choose? • Will you live in the fear of “asthma attack” ?
Supplement reading:Oil spill’s human health impacts might extend into the future
Brainstorming • What impacts does oil spilling put on to the environment?
Brainstorming • What impacts does oil spilling put on to the human?
Main idea • The physical health problems caused by the oil spilling • Breathing difficulties • Skin irritation • DNA damage • The psychological ailments • Higher rate of depression • Anxiety • Posttraumatic stress disorders
Vocabulary-1 • Crude oil [rɔt] (n.) • a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons • Dermatitis [͵dɝməˋtaɪtɪs] (n.) • inflammation of the skin; skin becomes itchy and may develop blisters • Volatile [ˋvɑlət!] (adj.) • evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures; "volatile oils"; "volatile solvents" • Dissipate [ˋdɪsə͵pet] (v.) • to cause to separate and go in different directions
Vocabulary-2 • Clump [klʌmp] • gather or cause to gather into a cluster • Dermal [ˋdɝməl] • elating to or existing on or affecting the skin; "cutaneous nerves"; "a cutaneous infection" • Inhalation [͵ɪnhəˋleʃən] (n.) • the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing • Ingest [ɪnˋdʒɛst] (v.) • Absorb; take in • Detrimental [dɛtrəˋmɛnt!] (adj.) • causing harm or injury
Spill-related symptoms • More than 300 people had come forward with Spill-related symptoms • Chest pain • Coughing • dizziness • Headaches • Respiratorydistress • Vomiting • It is difficult to clinically distinguish toxic symptoms from other common illness.
Damage caused by VOCs • Respiratory problems • Temporary central nervous system troubles • Cancers • Dermatitis & skin infection
Supporting literature • Scientist combed the literature for clues about long- and short-term impacts • 270 people who work on clean-up of the Exxon Valdez spill filed claims for respiratory problems. • Those who worked most closely with the spilled oil had “a greater prevalence of symptoms of chronic airway disease," ”
Spill-related health damages • Workers & volunteers • Exposed to the most VOCs evaporating from the light oil floating on the ocean surface • Exposed to compounds from chemical dispersants being used • Contact with weathered oil, which clumps up and can coat beaches and animals
Spill-related health damages • Residents in the affected communities are also at risk of • exposure to wither crude oil in the water or weathered oil on the beach • Inhalational exposure to chemical compounds • Eating potential contaminated sea food
Spill-related psychological ailments • The psychological ailments prompted after dealing with spilling • Higher rate of depression • Anxiety • Posttraumatic stress disorders
Conclusion • “The impact of frequent natural and human-caused disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and now the oil spill, further strains populations that are already experiencing a great deal of stress." • “Psychological and social impacts may be as significant as the physical impacts of the Gulf oil spill.”
Discussion-1 • Why do people suffer from psychological ailments after the oil-spilling disaster? • What is the deeper meaning?
Discussion-2 • How can we approach to the balance between Nature & Culture?
Discussion-3 • How will our future world become?