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SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM). SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM). SCM is the coordination of material, information, and financial flows between and among all the participating enterprises in a business transaction.
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) • SCM is the coordination of material, information, and financial flows between and among all the participating enterprises in a business transaction. • Material flows involve physical product flowing from suppliers to customers through the chain, as well as reverse material flows, such as product returns, servicing, recycling, and disposal. • Information flows involve demand forecasts, order transmissions, and delivery status reports.
SCM • Financial flows involve credit card information, credit terms, payment schedules, and consignment and title ownership arrangements. • SCM refers to the complex network of relationships that organizations maintain with trading partners to source, manufacture, and deliver products. • A successful SCM strategy is based on accurate order processing, just in time inventory management, and timely order fulfillment
SCM CASE STUDY • SCM Integration between Amazon.com and FedEx, for distributing the book of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. • Before the book was released, 350,020 copies were pre-ordered at Amazon.com, making the title the retailer’s largest advance order ever. • The challenge became not only getting all those books to eager readers, but also doing so in a single day. FedEx, in deal with Amazon, delivered 250,000 copies the next day.
SCM CASE STUDY • To ensure a smooth distribution process, FedEx worked with Amazon for weeks prior to the ship date to integrate the firm’s computer systems, to prepare the labels, and to get the shipping data ready for ‘the largest single day distribution event in the history of business to consumer of E-Commerce’ • The SAP advanced planning and optimization provides an integrated approach through with demand prediction, inventory stocking, and transportation decisions are cooperatively together. It optimizes service, quality, and time factor that can strongly influence customer satisfaction
CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) • Customer rule : If organizations are to survive, they must do business in any way the customer wants. • CRM is defined as an enhancing knowledge of the customer to personalize customer service while continuing to sell standard products. • CRM, a combination of business process and technology, seeks to understand a company’s customers from a multifaceted perspective : Who are they, what do they do, and what do they like ?
FACTS DRIVING CRM • It costs six times more to sell to a new customer than to sell to an existing one. • A typical dissatisfied customer will tell eight to ten people about his or her experience. • The primary reason for dissatisfaction : lack of customer service. • Of the 15 most cited complaints, 12 were related to poor customer service, from busy phone lines to unanswered email queries.
FACTS DRIVING CRM • The odds of selling a product to a new customer are 15%, whereas the odds of selling a product to an existing customer are 50%. • 70% of complaining customers will do business with the company again if the complaint is quickly addressed • More than 90% of existing companies don’t have the necessary sales and service integration to support e-commerce.
CRM • The goals of CRM business framework : • Using existing relationship to grow the revenue • Enhancing profitability by identifying, attracting, and retaining the best customers • Using integrated information for excellent services • Using customer’s information to better serve his or her needs, you save the customer time and ease any frustration. Ex. Customers should not have to repeat information to various departments again and again.
CRM • CRM comprises 3 (three) phases : • Acquiring new customers • Acquiring new customers by promoting company’s product and service leadership, with respect to convenience and innovation. The value proposition to the customer is the offer of superior product, backed by excellent service.
CRM • Enhancing the profitability of existing customers. • Enhancing the relationship by encouraging excellence in cross selling and up selling, thereby deepening and broadening the relationship. The value proposition to the customer is an offer of greater convenience at low cost (one stop shopping)
CRM • Retaining profitable customers for life • Retention focuses on service adaptability – delivering not what the market wants but what customer want. The value proposition to the customer is an offer of a proactive relationship that works in his or her best interest. “If you want to make money, hold onto your good customers”.
CLOSING • When you may consider to run E-Business ? • When you face the internal resistances, such as inefficiency, too much cost spent out, willing to improve revenue, ineffective collaboration, etc • When you’re challenged by external factors, such as tough competition, need to create innovation, customers requirement, trends, etc
CLOSING • E-Business is not only a tool, but an enabler of the new business strategy and opportunity, to create value and gain competitive advantage in the global tight competition
O : terima kasih anda telah menghubungi Pizza Hot, Apakah yang bisa saya.... K : heloo, saya mau pesan pizza O : Boleh minta nomor kartu KTP anda pak K : tunggu, ini nih : 6102049998-45-54610 O : Ok pak Bejo, anda tinggal di jalan hangtuah no.16, nomor telepon rumah anda 02177726378, kantor anda 021665872673 Hp anda 081127894022, anda menelpon dari mana ? K : dari rumah, eh dari mana kamu tahu semua no telpsaya ? O : Oh, kami terhubung ke database pusat pak K : apakah saya bisa memesan Seafood Pizza ? O : Itu bukan ide yang bagus pak! K : Lho kenapa ?
O : Dari medical record bapak, bapak memiliki tekanan darah tinggi dan kolestrol yang sudah berlebihan K : Jadi kamu merekomendasikan apa?? O : Mungkin bapak bisa memesan Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza K : Lahh … Dari mana kamu tahu kalo saya bakal suka itu?? O : Hmmm minggu lalu bapak baru meminjam buku yang berjudul "Popular Hokkien Dishes" dari perpustakaan nasional K : Ok terserah lah, sekalian saya pesan paket keluarga, berapa semuanya ? O : Tapi paket keluarga kami tidak akan cukup untuk anak anda yang berjumlah 7 orang.PAK .., total keseluruhan adalah rp. 190.000 K : Bisa saya bayar dengan Kartu Kredit ? O : Sepertinya bapak harus membayar Cash, kartu Kredit bapak telah Over Limit dan bapak punya utang di bank sebesar Rp. 5.350.000 sejak bulan Agustus lalu, itu belum termasuk denda untuk tunggakan kontrak rumah anda K : ooh ya sudah, nanti saya ke ATM aja untuk narik duit sebelum orang mu datang nganter Pizza
O : Mungkin nggak bisa juga pak, record anda menunjukkan bahwa batas anda menarik uang di ATM telah tercapai K : DAMN IT.... udah lah anterin aja pizzanya kesini, saya akan bayar cash disini, berapa lama Pizza diantar ? O : sekitar 45 menit pak, tapi kalo bapak tdk bisa menunggu, bapak bisa mengambilnya sendiri dengan motor bebek bapak. K : APA ???? O : Menurut catatan kami, anda memiliki motor bebek tahun 2015 dengan no pol B3344CD ? betul kan pak ? K : Woi Kambing, kagak sopan banget seh buka-buka record gue, blom pernah ngerasain di tonjok ya !! O : Hati-hati dengan ucapan bapak, apakah bapak ingat 15 mei 2010 anda pernah di penjara 3 bulan karena mengucapkan kata-kata kotor kepada seorang polisi ?? K : (Diamm,,,,....) O : Ada yang lain pak ? K : tidak ada, eh tapi kalo pesan paket keluarga kan ada gratis coca cola 3 cup kan ?
O : Betul pak, tapi menurut catatan kami anda juga mengidap DIABETES, jadi kami tidak mau mengambil resiko pak..... K : KURANG AJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR.... BATALIN AJA SEMUA ! O : Terima kasih atas teleponnya pak, untuk komplain,saran dan kritik anda bisa mengisi form online pada situskami, username dan passwordnya tercetak pada bagian bawah kotak pizza yang anda pesan... terima kasih anda telah mengubungi Pizza Hot.... Selamat malammmmm …..
O : Betul pak, tapi menurut catatan kami anda juga mengidap DIABETES, jadi kami tidak mau mengambil resiko pak..... K : KURANG AJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR.... BATALIN AJA SEMUA ! O : Terima kasih atas teleponnya pak, untuk komplain,saran dan kritik anda bisa mengisi form online pada situskami, username dan passwordnya tercetak pada bagian bawah kotak pizza yang anda pesan... terima kasih anda telah mengubungi Pizza Hot.... Selamat malammmmm …