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Agenda. Fusion Architecture Fusion Middleware Fusion Applications A Path to Fusion Applications. Document. KeyInvest. Management. (shared. (shared. Oracle). Purchased. WebSphere. Prospect. &. Documentum. New CIX. Mobius). Disclosures. CIX. checks. ,. ). Hogan. Vendor. ,.

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  1. Agenda • Fusion Architecture • Fusion Middleware • Fusion Applications • A Path to Fusion Applications

  2. Document KeyInvest Management (shared (shared Oracle) Purchased WebSphere Prospect & Documentum New CIX Mobius) Disclosures CIX checks , ) Hogan Vendor , X EDW Daily RACF Batch Policy / KIES Director redirected TCS MAX OLDS , PeopleSoft KeyServer (shared Oracle) Other NDC Opportunities SIS (Tandem) KeyApps etc. (ASAP) Check Order, Trust Third Party Other CICS CHEX, CRM MAC, Solution Experian, Regions Clark American) AM Trust Other CRM Solution ACAPS The Current IT LandscapeFragmentation

  3. “Three out of five business opportunities are lost because of software infrastructure issues” – Meta Group

  4. Customer Centric Companies Have a Problem “75 percent of leading companies are incapable of creating a unified view of the customer.” Gartner Source: It's really (almost) all about the data: Optimizing loyalty initiatives By Michael Lowenstein, CPCM, Managing Director, Customer Retention Associates07 Feb 2003 URL

  5. Result 8% 40% “Real” new functionalities 20% Improvement 12% 60% Integration 80% Maintenance 80% IT’s Budget Yearly Amount Source : IT Spending and Demand Survey, Gartner, Oct. 02.

  6. FusionArchitecture

  7. The Current IT LandscapeThe challenges of implementation… EDW Document KeyInvest Management (shared (shared Oracle) Purchased WebSphere Prospect & Documentum New CIX Mobius) BAM Disclosures CIX EII checks , BPM Data Hubs ) Hogan Vendor , X EDW SOA Daily RACF Batch Policy / KIES Director redirected TCS EIM EAI MAX OLDS ESB BI , PeopleSoft KeyServer (shared Oracle) Other NDC Opportunities MDM SIS (Tandem) KeyApps etc. (ASAP) ETL Check Order, Trust Third Party CDI I-Hubs Other CICS CHEX, CRM MAC, Solution Experian, Regions Clark GDS American) Data Marts AM Trust Other CRM Solution ACAPS

  8. Business Intelligence Activity Monitoring Standard Development Framework Security, Management & Monitoring Oracle Apps Custom Apps ISV Apps Grid Computing Clustering Security Provisioning Configuration Data Management Directories Identity Management Web Cache Fusion architecture Unified Portal An Open, SOA-Based Foundation Business Process Orchestration Process models BPEL Engine • Service Oriented • Standards-Based • Model Driven • Event Enabled • Information Centric • Performant, Scalable • Secure • Grid Ready Fusion Service Bus Multi-protocol routing Message transformation Services and Event Mediation Fusion Service Registry Application Integration Services Process Integration Services Data and Metadata Services

  9. JDE PSFT EBS Oracle Fusion Middleware Service Oriented Architecture • Turn Application Functions into Services Oracle BPEL Process Manager • Add Process Orchestration on Top Oracle Data Hubs • Consolidation Master Data Underneath

  10. FusionMiddleware

  11. Fusion Middleware A Portfolio of Leading Technology Products The Foundation for Oracle Fusion Applications

  12. Client Client Client EventMetadata Interface Subscriber Consumer Consumer Service Oriented & Event Driven SOA • Loosely coupling via service contracts • Server specifies contract • Many-to-one • Service reused by new clients as needed Sense & Respond Server EDA • Publishers and Consumers are decoupled • Publisher specifies contract • One-to-many • Dynamically add subscribers as needed Publisher

  13. Enterprise Service Bus State of the Art Integration Platform • Standards based • Hub/Spoke, Pub/Sub, High volume Integration • B2B, A2A • Business Event System

  14. Lots of Packaged AdaptersFor Fast Deployment • Transports • HTTP, HTTP-S • FTP, FTP-S • SMTP • RMI, RMI/IIOP, IIOP • COM/COM+/DCOM • SOAP • Flat File • B2B Connectivity • RosettaNet 1.1, 2.0 • HL7 2.0, 3.0 • EDI X.12, EDIFACT • Datatypes • SQL, XML • IDOCs, PS MADs • OAGIS 7.0, 8.0 • EDI X.12, EDIFACT • RNIF 1.1, 2.0 • HL 2.0, HL 3.0 • Applications • SAP R/2 • SAP R/3 • Oracle 10.7 • Oracle 11.5.X • Peoplesoft 7 • Peoplesoft 8 • Siebel 7 • Siebel 2000 • J.D Edwards • Ariba • Baan • Lawson • MFrame, TPM • CICS • Encina • Tuxedo • 3270 Screenscrape • IMS, VSAM • Databases • Oracle7.3, to 10g • MS SQL-Server • IBM DB/2 UDB • DB/2 on Mainframe • Sybase • Informix • JCA Data Sources • OLE-DB Data Sources • Messaging • Any JMS Provider • Oracle AQ • MQ-Series • TIBCO • SONIC • Components • Web Services • EJB, CORBA • COM, COM+, DCOM

  15. Orchestrate Services into Business Processes Credit Rating From Customer Hub Order Entry United Loan A D A P T E R A D A P T E R WSDL BPEL Star Loan Fulfillment WSDL A D A P T E R Service Bus Application Server

  16. Oracle BPEL Process Manager Enterprise-strength infrastructure for designing, deploying and managing BPEL business processes. Eclipse, JDeveloper BPEL Designer • Comprehensive and native BPEL implementation • Easy-to-use modeling tool • Scalable and reliable engine • Flexible binding framework • Rich management and monitoring • Supports Oracle AS, JBoss, WebLogic and WebSphere • Get up and running in less than 15 minutes! BPEL DEHYDRATE BPEL Process Manager Built-in Integration Services WSDL Binding Web Service Oracle DB Oracle Database User Tasks JMS XQuery XSLT BPELJ JCA Core BPEL Engine Email BPEL Console MANAGE J2EE Application Server (WebLogic, Oracle AS, JBoss, WebSphere)

  17. Oracle Identity Management • Access Control • Single Sign-On • Identity Federation • Web Access Control • Web Services Security • Identity Administration • User, Role Management • User Provisioning • Identity Infrastructure • Virtual Directory • Directory

  18. Oracle Data HubsEnterprise Information Management • Single source of truth • Support heterogeneity • Ensure quality data through data services • Provides the foundation for regulatory compliance • Same data model for operations and analytics Customer Financial Services Accounting Product Information Management Fast and accurate decisions through single source of truth

  19. Template-BasedPublisher Oracle XML PublisherEasily Author, Manage, and Publish Product Information • Supported Formats • XML • RTF / Word MasterData Repository XML • PDF • HTML Print Catalogs Reports Labels Generated Outputs DataSheets XML / EFT /EDI Messages MSDS

  20. Oracle ADFVisual and Declarative Development • End-to-end Application Development • J2EE & Services • Visual • WYSIWYG editors • UML modelers • Declarative • Structure pane • Property inspector • Code View/Design View Synchronization • No separate generation step - always synchronized • Underlying code always accessible

  21. Oracle PortalThe Face of Fusion UnifiedAccess • Out of the box integration • BPEL PM • Identity Management • Data Hubs • ADF • Service Management • Collaboration Suite • XML P, Reports, Discoverer • Fusion Tools for all environments and services • Omniportlet, WebClipping,… E-Business Suite PeopleSoft Suppliers Business Intelligence WebServices Siebel Legacy SAP

  22. Leading Integrated Middleware Suite COMPREHENSIVE “Oracle is the Leader” “The Leading Composite App Development and Management Platform” “We are Surprised by (the High) Degree of Integration between Components” “Oracle Scored High Score on All Criteria” Source: Forrester Research (April 2005)

  23. FusionApplications

  24. Oracle Applications Fusion Middleware The Best of All Worlds Oracle E-Business Suite Change Mgmt JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Embedded Analytics Interactive Web Client Personalization Process Modeling Applications Technology Single, Global Data Model Development Model Siebel Meta Data Analytics PeopleSoft Enterprise Contextual Framework CRM Oracle is combining the best pieces of the product lines to evolve to next generation applications

  25. Fusion Applications • The key to a suite of applications is that they share a common: • Architecture • Data model • Application framework • Business process management

  26. Evolve from today’s layers • Architecture • Oracle Fusion Architecture: SOA and EDA • Data model • Global Single Schema to Canonical Data Model • Data Hubs • Application framework • ADF, J2EE • Business process management • Business Event System • BPEL PM & BAM

  27. Canonical Model MethodologyFoundation of Fusion Applications • Canonical Model for All Integration Points • Built on Logical Data Model • Based on open, industry standards • Represented as XML Schema and accessed via Service Beans • Basis for all integration • (Web Services, EDI, XML) • Key Benefits • Interoperability across products families • EBS Global Single Schema extended to support Siebel, PS, JDE, … • Interoperability with other business vocabulary standards • (RosettaNet, GS1, SWIFT)

  28. All Buildable on the Fusion Data Model Master Data Hub Composite Application DevelopmentCreate/Deploy applications as business processes Enterprise Service Bus Integrate JavaServer Faces EJB 3.0 BPEL PM Orchestrate Develop Secure WS-Security WS-Manager Change Manage Dynamic SOA Monitor Business Activity Monitor

  29. A Path toFusionApplications

  30. Suppliers Customers Partners Analytics & Collaboration Process Steps Lead Opportunity ATP Manage Ship Invoice Applications Siebel Mrkting PS Sales JDE WMS Oracle OM JDE Distribution PSFIN Oracle, Unix Infrastructure DB2, NT Mainframe John E. Doe Doi, John E. Jon Doe Doe, Johnny ------- Jon A. Doe Data Fixed Processes, Multiple UIs, Complex Infrastructure, Fragmented Data Today’s Starting Point Customer Lead to Cash Business Process

  31. Suppliers Customers Partners Analytics & Collaboration Orchestration All steps (BPEL Process Manager) Process Steps Lead Opportunity ATP Manage Ship Invoice Applications Siebel Mrkting PS Sales JDE WMS Oracle OM JDE Distribution PSFIN Oracle, Unix Infrastructure DB2, NT Mainframe John E. Doe Doi, John E. Jon Doe Doe, Johnny ------- Jon A. Doe Master Data All master data (Oracle Data Hubs) Data Enables Seamless business process orchestration across the family of Oracle applications First Steps to Fusion Customer Lead to Cash Business Process

  32. Suppliers Customers Partners Analytics & Collaboration Siebel, Peoplesoft, JDE, Oracle connected to their own data in the Fusion Model & Running their business processes through the Fusion BPM Evolve to the Fusion Data Model Customer Lead to Cash Business Process Process Steps Orchestration Lead Opportunity ATP Manage Ship Invoice All steps (BPEL Process Manager) Applications Siebel Mrkting PS Sales JDE WMS Oracle OM JDE Distribution PSFIN Oracle, Unix Infrastructure DB2, NT Mainframe John E. Doe Doi, John E. Jon Doe Doe, Johnny ------- Jon A. Doe Master Data Canonical Fusion Applications Model Data

  33. Suppliers Customers Partners Analytics & Collaboration John E. Doe Doi, John E. Jon Doe Doe, Johnny ------- Jon A. Doe Infrastructure Oracle GRID Data Siebel, Peoplesoft, JDE, Oracle connected to their own data in the Fusion Model & Running their business processes through the Fusion BPM Deploy on Grid Customer Lead to Cash Business Process Process Steps Orchestration Lead Opportunity ATP Manage Ship Invoice All steps (BPEL Process Manager) Applications Siebel Mrkting PS Sales JDE WMS Oracle OM JDE Distribution PSFIN Oracle, Unix Oracle, Unix Infrastructure Infrastructure DB2, NT DB2, NT Mainframe Mainframe John E. Doe Doi, John E. Jon Doe Doe, Johnny ------- Jon A. Doe Master Data Canonical Fusion Applications Model Data

  34. Suppliers Customers Partners Analytics & Collaboration John E. Doe John E. Doe John E. Doe Doi, John E. Doi, John E. Doi, John E. Jon Doe Jon Doe Jon Doe Doe, Johnny Doe, Johnny Doe, Johnny ------- ------- ------- Jon A. Doe Jon A. Doe Jon A. Doe Applications Master Data Infrastructure Fusion Applications Oracle GRID Canonical Fusion Applications Model Data Data Data Upgrade to One Suite on the GRID Upgrade to Fusion Applications Customer Lead to Cash Business Process Process Steps Orchestration Lead Opportunity ATP Manage Ship Invoice All steps (BPEL Process Manager) Applications Siebel Mrkting PS Sales JDE WMS Oracle OM JDE Distribution PSFIN Oracle, Unix Infrastructure DB2, NT Mainframe

  35. A D F P L A T F O R M Portal, IdM Portal & Collaboration Suite B P E L P M & B A M |----------------------------Grid------------------------------| Path to Fusion Applications Master Tx Data Store Applications Data EBS XMLP ODS Siebel Canonical Model JDE Peoplesoft

  36. A D F P L A T F O R M Portal, IdM Portal & Collaboration Suite B P E L P M & B A M |----------------------------Grid------------------------------| Path to Fusion Applications Master Tx Data Store Applications Data EBS Oracle Fusion Application Suite XMLP ODS Siebel Canonical Model JDE Peoplesoft

  37. Projets Clients : approche • Types de projets • Objectifs business • Initiatives Business • Spécifications de haut niveau • Processus business

  38. Description d’une initiative • Décrire le processus complet • Le justifier (Comparer à l’existant, nécessité, etc) • Donner les spécifications techniques générales • Fournir une architecture « vue à 10000m »

  39. Q & A

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