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WELCOME!. 13 th National Mango Congress PREPARATORY PLANNING WORKSHOP 14 May 2010 Kasfala Hall, Capitol Park Alabel , Sarangani Province. S ARANGANI F EDERATION OF F RUIT I NDUSTRY A SSOCIATIONS (SAFFIA), I NC. AGENDA Review of Proceedings of Previous Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME! 13th National Mango Congress PREPARATORY PLANNING WORKSHOP 14 May 2010 Kasfala Hall, Capitol Park Alabel, Sarangani Province SARANGANI FEDERATIONOF FRUIT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS (SAFFIA), INC.

  2. AGENDA Review of Proceedings of Previous Meeting Review 13th NMC Objectives Formulate Theme 13th NMC Organizer Structure - Executive Committee - Secretariat - Working Committee Component Events Critical Next Steps Other Matters Recap/Agreements

  3. Theme (?) Objectives (?) Desired Output Output Portfolio Enhanced Technology Forged JVA/ Partnership Adopted/ lobbied Resolutions Strategy Activities Techno Forum Investment Promo Review/advocate policies Tour Market Promo e.g. Cabotage law, carbon credit option, quarantine Product Exhibit Harvest festival

  4. AGENDA 4: 13TH NMC ORGANIZER STRUCTURE Proposal: 13th NMC Organizers’ Structure PMIFI SMIDC (DOST, DTI, DOT, ATI, USM, SKPSC, LBP, DBP, PLGUs, PAFCs Secretariat: DA 12 SAFFIA Secretariat: DTI SP TSAs: MINDA, GEM, MINFRUIT, DTI-SP, MSU, PLGUs RRDS Finance/Ways and Means Working Committee * Technical Support Agencies

  5. EXECOM SAFFIA (Fred D), SMIDC (Rodel M), MINFRUIT (Ben R.) PMIFI: Rex R), Paquito B (__), MINDA (Anelyn), Ed C. , DTI (NLB) , OPAgs (SP, GS, SC) Working Committee Program: MINDA DTI, DA, SMIDC, SAFFIA, MINFRUIT Souvenir: ADPO RRDS, DTI Tours/Accomm: SARTIA STIPC, RRDS Fair and Exhibit: DTI12 DA 12, RRDS, OPAGS, RRDS Transport: OPAG GSC City Agri, RRDS Secuirty: PSG PNP, PA Invitation: SAFFIA DTI, RRDS, MinFruit, OPAgs, RRDS

  6. Critical Next Steps

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