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Workshop on Stepping up Economic & Technological Activities in FP6 . DG Research Unit B3 - Research and SMEs Brussels, 10 March 2003. AGENDA. 1.- Welcome of participants (Barend Verachtert) 2.- Presentation of Stepping up Economic and Technological Intelligence in FP6
Workshop on Stepping up Economic & Technological Activities in FP6 DG Research Unit B3 - Research and SMEs Brussels, 10 March 2003
AGENDA 1.- Welcome of participants (Barend Verachtert) 2.- Presentation of Stepping up Economic and Technological Intelligence in FP6 The scheme and its objectives (Barend Verachtert) ETI in FP5 versus ETI in FP6 (Yves Maisonny) Documents / information relevant for ETI proposers (Germán Valcárcel) Guidelines for proposers (Germán Valcárcel) Type of instruments : Co-ordination Actions and Specific Support Actions (Germán Valcárcel) COFFE BREAK 3.- Questions 4.- Presentation of proposal ideas and informal brokerage (chaired by Barend Verachtert)
The Unit B.3: “Research and SMEs” Main activities Horizontal Research Activities involving SMEs: Co-operative Research & Collective Research Economic and Technological Intelligence activities (ETI) Monitoring of research activities for SMEs in FP5 Policies and mechanisms aimed at encouraging SME participation in research activities under FP6 Monitoring of SME participation in FP6
Head of Unit: Xabier Goenaga A-grade: Ifigenia Pottaki C-grade: Louise Johnson Collective Research and promoting the participation of SMEs in FP6 Co-operative Research Head of Sector: Joachim Ball A-grade: Zoe Ketselidou, Nathalie Legros, Rein Nieland, Caroline Van der Linden C-grade: Geneviève Keenes, Laurence Lamisse Head of Sector: Barend Verachtert A-grade: Alfredo Escardino, Sebastiano Fumero, Maryse Grari, Yves Maisonny, German Valcárcel END: Zsuzsanna Koenig B-grade: Marc Van Achter C-grade: Gitte Thibaut, Emmanuelle Le Gall
Sixth Framework Programme SP2: Structuring ERA SP1: Integrating & Strengthening ERA 7 Priority Thematic Areas Research & Innovation 15 % on SMEs ~1700 M€ ETI HRA involving SMEs: Co-operative Collective 430 M€ 35 M€ 430 M€
7 Priority Thematic Areas 15 % on SMEs ~1700 M€ What can the Commission do? • Information for and awareness creation within the research community • Evaluation criteria related to SMEs • Targeting of calls in areas relevant for SMEs • Possibility to extend contracts to include new SMEs • Task Force on SME participation in FP6 • Economic and Technological Intelligence
Publication date: 1 March 2003 OJ Reference: OJ C49 of 01.03.2003 Budget (this call): 20 million € Closing Date: 29 April 2003, 17:00h Brussels local time Publication of the ETIcall for proposals
Stepping up Economic and Technological Intelligence “In the knowledge-based economy, ETI is a vital component of competitive research & innovation strategies” MAIN OBJECTIVE of ETI in FP6 : “Each ETI activity should address a specific research theme or industrial sector. Projects should concentrate on the participation of SMEs/SME Groupings in the Sixth Framework Programme, particularly in Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence”
Participation of SMEs in Integrated Projects • Research (mainly hi-tech SMEs) • Technological Development • Demonstration and Prototypes • Final Users • Training Provider • Dissemination and Technology Transfer • Coordination
Participation of SMEs in Networks of Excellence • Training provider/ receiver • Dissemination and Communications activities to spread excellence • IT tools designer (e.g. network intranet, web-site…) • Network Management • Research, Technological Development, Demonstration and Prototypes, Final Users, Technology Transfer
ETI in FP5 - Main objectives • Identified SMEs needs and anticipated market/technological trends • Encouraged and assisted SMEs to participate in FP5, mainly through specific schemes (exploratory awards, CRAFT)
ETI in FP5: examples (1) • TRANSTRACC (Transnational training and accreditation of SMEs NCP) • Main figures: cost of 1,537 millions €, 12 months, 15 partners (10 MS and 5 AS) • Objective: create a Best Practice for SME NCP activities and develop mutual intensive training of SME NCP • Deliverables: Best Practice Guide, Quality System (ISO 9000 certification), training and dissemination activities
ETI in FP5: examples (2) • MINATECH (Micro and Nano Technologies and Markets) • Main figures: cost of 1,999 millions €, 12 months, 10 partners (9 MS and 1AS) • Objective: foster the use by SMEs of micro/nano technologies in all high tech and quick growing areas • Deliverables: applications to exploratory awards, CRAFT and shared-cost RTD projects under the 5th FP
ETI in FP5type & n° of deliverables Exploratory Awards >200 CRAFT ~700 RTD >400 Technological audits >10,000 Reports/Best practice 106 In addition each ETI created their own website for communication/dissemination
Stepping up Economic and Technological Intelligence MAIN OBJECTIVE of ETI in FP6 1.- Stimulation of technological innovation by supporting activities concerning the gathering, analysis and dissemination of information on S&T developments, applications and markets 2.- Participation of SMEs/SME Groupings in FP6, particularly in Integrated Projects and Networks of Excellence
ETI: from FP5 to FP6 • FP5 : ETI projects were mainly focused on SME specific schemes • FP6 : ETI projects must be directed towards SME participation to the New Instruments (IP & NoE)
ETI in FP6 Content of Projects • Any S&T fields, industrial sectors, geographical areas can be addressed by an ETI project • Proposers are fully free to submit any methodology allowing to reach ETI objectives
ETI in FP6 examples of strategies • ETI objective may be achieved by, e.g.: • facilitating the creation of groupings/clusters of SMEs that have similar innovation needs, • promoting trans-regional co-operation between SMEs, • stimulating networks of industrial incubators.
ETI in FP6 examples of actions • ETI projects may include: • - Technology audits to identify SME needs and direct them towards the most appropriate FP6 instruments • - Actions to create bridges across the research-innovation interface • - Identification and dissemination of best practice will be encouraged
ETI in FP6type of deliverablesexpected • N°, impact & role of SMEs involved in IP/NoE proposals • Networks, databases, web sites, studies, guides of best practices • Number of SMEs audited
All relevant information on ETI scheme ETI call page http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=59
Guide for proposers • It is part of the Information Package: Fp6 in brief, WP, Call, Guidelines on proposal evaluation procedures, ETI Guidance notes for evaluators, Model contract, Instrument description • It is particular per instrument: CA & SSA
Guide for proposers Contents 1.- Proposal preparation 2.- Submission of proposals 3.- Evaluation and negotiation 4.- Check list for proposers 5.- Support to proposers Annex 1 - Proposal Part A: forms and instructions Annex 2 - Proposal Part B: guidelines for drafting
Guide for proposers 1.- Proposal preparation • One stage submission as applied to CA & SSA in ETI • Consortium composition • Structure of a proposal : Part A + Part B • Proposal language • Proposal pre-registration • Electronic proposal submission system (EPSS) • Pre-proposal check
Guide for proposers 2.- Submission of proposals • Electronic submission • Submission on CD-ROM or diskette • Submission on paper • Deadline for reception
Guide for proposers Proposal Part A: forms and instructions Administrative and financial forms • A1: General Information on the proposal • A2: Information on Participants • A3: Financial Information • The co-ordinator fills in form A1 and A3 • The participants (including the co-ordinator) fill in one A2 form each
Guide for proposers Proposal Part B: outline, headings, instructions Scientific and technical content • Guidelines for drafting proposals • Objectives of the proposed project • Relevance to the objectives of ETI activity • Potential impact • The consortium and project resources • Project management • Workplan • Other issues
TYPES OF INSTRUMENTSto implement ETI activity • Specific Support Actions (SSA) • Co-ordination Actions (CA)
Main purpose Specific Support Actions Continuation of the Accompanying Measures under FP5 To complement the other FP6 instruments, in the implementation of FP6 (…) and to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of SMEs, small research teams, newly developed and remote research centres, as well as those organisations from the Candidate Countries in the activities of the priority thematic areas.
Main purpose Co-ordination Actions Reinforced form of Concerted Actions /Thematic Networks under FP5 To promote and support the networking and co-ordination of research and innovation activities at national, regional and European level. Within FP6, generally, CA will be used in (…) anticipating scientific and technological needs, in activities promoting interaction between research and innovation, (…) , etc.
same same same same same SSA and CA General & particular objectives of ETI Scale of activities: 0,2 to 2 M€ Duration: 1 to 3 years Size of consortium: minimum 3 independent legal entities from 3 different MS or AS, with at least 2 MS or ACC Participants: mainly intermediaries, e.g. NCP, Ind. Fed, RTD Assoc, chambers of commerce, working with/for innov players, ETI org, etc
1. Consortium management activities SSA and CA • co-ordination of the technical activities of the project; • the overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management of the project; • preparing, updating and managing the consortium agreement between the participants, when applicable; • co-ordination of knowledge management and other innovation-related activities; • overseeing gender equality/science & society issues; • obtaining audit certificates
2. Co-ordination / Support activities SSA and CA • Organisation of conferences, seminars, meetings; • Performance of studies, analysis; • Trans-national technology transfer; • Exchanges of personnel; setting up expert groups; • Exchange and dissemination of good practice; • Setting up of common information systems; • Development of research or innovation strategies; • Definition, organisation and management of joint or common initiatives; etc.
Different Evaluation Criteria SSA versus CA
SSA in the 7 Priority Thematic Areas • Same instrument • Complementary activities • SSA in 7 PTA must be focused on a particular R&D area already open in the call • SSA in ETI can address any research theme • SSA in 7 PTA can be mono-partner and mono-activity
ROADMAP 2003 Call for Proposals: 1 March 2003 Budget 2003: 20 M€ Deadline for submission of proposals: 29 April 2003 Evaluation procedure (1 single stage) : ~ end May 2003 Evaluation results: ~ end July 2003 Contract signature: ~ end 2003