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EX12 Optimal Triangulation

EX12 Optimal Triangulation. set input1 = table_5.11 set outps1 = example_12.ps set outgrd1 = table.grd set outtri1 = table.tri set outxy1 = net.xy set outcpt1 = topo.cpt set range1 = 0/6.5/-0.2/6.5 set range2 = 0/8/0/11 set proj1 = X3.06i/3.15i set proj2 = x1i set frame1 = 2f1WSNe

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EX12 Optimal Triangulation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EX12 Optimal Triangulation

  2. set input1 = table_5.11 set outps1 = example_12.ps set outgrd1 = table.grd set outtri1 = table.tri set outxy1 = net.xy set outcpt1 = topo.cpt set range1 = 0/6.5/-0.2/6.5 set range2 = 0/8/0/11 set proj1 = X3.06i/3.15i set proj2 = x1i set frame1 = 2f1WSNe set frame2 = 2f1wSNE set frame3 = 2f1WSne set frame4 = 2f1ESnw

  3. triangulateinfiles [ -Dx|y ] [ -Eempty ] [ -Ggrdfile ] [ -H[nrec] ] [ -Ix_inc[m|c][/y_inc[m|c]] ] [ -Jparameters ] [ -M[flag] ] [ -Rwest/east/south/north[r] ] [ -V ] [ -Z ] [ -: ] [ -bi[s][n] ] [ -bo[s][n] ] [ -f[i|o]colinfo] (ex: triangulate $input1 -M -V > $outxy1) set outxy1 = net.xy是由triangulate的指令產生的, 而input1即是table_5.11的數據資料,轉換可由grd2xyz執行

  4. pscontourxyzfile-Ccptfile-Jparameters-Rwest/east/south/north[r] [ -A[-][labelinfo] ] [ -Btickinfo ] [ -D[dumpfile] ] [ -Eview_az/view_el ] [ -G[d|f|n|l|L|x|X]info ] [ -H[nrec] ] [ -I ] [ -K ] [ -Lpen ] [ -M[flag] ] [ -N ] [ -O ] [ -P ] [ -S ] [ -Tindexfile ] [ -U[/dx/dy/][label] ] [ -V ] [ -W[+]pen ] [ -Xx-shift ] [ -Yy-shift ] [ -ccopies ] [ -: ] [ -bi[s][n] ] [ -bo[s][n] ] (ex1: pscontour $input1 -R -JX -B$frame3 -C$outcpt1 -L0.25pta -W0.75p -G1i \ -X-3.25i -Y-3.65i -O -K -U"Example 12 in Cookbook" -V >> $outps1 ex2: pscontour $input1 -R -JX -B$frame4 -C$outcpt1 -I -X3.25i -O -K -V >> $outps1 )

  5. 其他應用到的指令(grdcut,grd2xyz) 可在終端機先執行 grdcut topo5.grd –GSEA.grd –R90/140/-20/30 –V (會將名為topo5.grd的來源圖檔,依範圍切下,成為SEA.grd的輸出圖檔) grd2xyz SEA.grd –V > SEA.xyz (會將grd轉為xyz的數據資料)

  6. The End

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