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Debold & Lux. Cost Benefit Analysis of the eHealth Platform in Germany. ePrescription and HealthCard: Synergies of an optimal Solution 3 rd Annual EHTEL Conference Delivering eHealth Across Europe Bruges 2002 Andreas Lux.
Debold & Lux Cost Benefit Analysisof the eHealth Platform in Germany ePrescription and HealthCard:Synergies of an optimal Solution 3rd Annual EHTEL Conference Delivering eHealth Across Europe Bruges 2002 Andreas Lux Advice Company for Information Technology and Organization in Health Care Systems Hamburg
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Scope and Intentionof the Cost-Benefit-Analysis • Communication Platform in Health Care • Implementing an Infrastructure • Assistance with Applications • Mass application • In daily use of all Health Professionals • Easy telematic realisation • Expected financial contribution • The identified Applications are: • New Health Insurance Card (HIC) with online update • Electronic Prescription (EP) of Drugs • Medication History Documentation (MHD) with Screening CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Agenda • Benefit • Costs • Allocation of costs and benefits • Results CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Health Insurance Card Savings in the business processes • High legitimation of the insured persons • yearly 18 Mio. new insurance cards,nevertheless only a mistake in 0,25 – 0,35 % of the cases • Misallocation is economical irrelevant (inside the compulsory insurance system) • The costs of the maintenance of the old HIC are savings – 24 million € per year • Great failure in the handling of the relieving Co-Payment • it doesn't work - insured persons with a relieving pays and insured persons without a relieving don‘t pay CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux 300 260 257 250 225 200 153 150 Million Euro 100 50 0 AOK H AOK Sachsen GEK Debold & Lux Relieving from Co-paymentProjection in comparison Annual deficit for the compulsory health insurance companies (Projection) used in the CBA CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Saving potential of the ePrescriptionTransaction Costs EP - Paper Administration 5 Mio. € EP - Image Administration 20 Mio. € Providing physicians with EP forms 5 Mio. € Reducing administrative costs in pharmacies 40 Mio. € Improvement of the prescription proof 75 Mio. € CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Result 600 551 500 400 300 Million € 200 Estimated 128 100 0 Result DHD Debold & Lux Medication History Documentation (MHD) Model Calculationand estimated in the CBA • Only hospital costs • Ambulant treatment costs are not included • No, estimations regarding economic effects, like loss of working days Reasons for the reduced benefit in the CBA calculation • Application is voluntary for the patient • Application is voluntary for physicians and pharmacists • The quality of the reaction in the use of warning information isn’t proofed CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Insurances. Pharmacists Physicians Debold & Lux 551 260 SavingsAmount and Allocation 153 150 128 100 77 Million € 50 24 41 24 5 0 A B C D E A Paper Forms B HIC old C Billing Proof D Co-Payment E Medication History Documentation CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Education Insurance Card InfrastructureCommunication PKI Project Debold & Lux Investment559 Mio. € - Working hours physician / staff - direct education costs 600 116 - Chipcard for the insured people 500 400 187 - Server Routing/Transport/HI - Communication server with Firewall physicians/pharmacists Million € 300 143 - HPC for Health Professionals - Card terminals 200 100 - Planning and concept - Realisation of a pilot(ca. 100.000 insured people) 99 14 0 CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux 1.500 1.000 Million € 500 0 year 0 year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 Investment Running Costs Savings Debold & Lux S+Co-Payment S+Co+MHD Accumulation of Costs and SavingsBreak Even Point (BEP) BEP CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Allocation of Costs and Benefit 2023 2.000 1.800 1.600 1.400 1.200 million € 1.000 800 600 26 400 204 227 287 Savings in 5 years 200 45 125 Investment 0 192 62 Insurances Running Costs in 5 years Physicians Pharmacists CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Resultinfrastructure, economical and health political • Liability is given, security infrastructure is implemented • A refinancing of the investment is possible • The medical applications will have the biggest potential, the administrative applications are only starter • Political acceptance for this model requires, • Balance of the asymmetric allocation of costs and benefits • Benefit from the new technology not only for the health insurance companies, but also for physicians and patients CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Contact and more Information The complete Cost-Benefit-Analysis is available in German language and a short summery in English on the following links. www.Debold-Lux.com Sponsors of the Study: Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists – ABDA www.abda.de Verband der Angestellten-Krankenkassen e.V. - VdAK, Siegburg www.vdak.de CBA - eHealth Platform
Debold & Lux Debold & Lux Are the results transferable? • Costs The results are transferable in the most European countries • Benefits • New Health Insurance Card Special situation in Germany • Electronic Prescription of Drugs There should be an equal situation in other countries. The administrative processes for clearing and proof became more efficiency • Medication History Equal situation and effects in other countries CBA - eHealth Platform