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Istituto superiore mario boella

Istituto superiore mario boella. PSP infoday obj. 3.2 17-2-2012. bazzani@ismb.it. Introducing ISMB.

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Istituto superiore mario boella

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  1. Istitutosuperioremarioboella PSP infoday obj. 3.2 17-2-2012 bazzani@ismb.it

  2. Introducing ISMB ISMB is a non profit Research & Innovation Center operating in the Information and Communication Technologies domain in cooperation with private enterprises, institutions and Public Administration. ISMB has been set up by the two Founding Members (Compagnia di San Paolo and Politecnico di Torino) in 2000 and then joined by industrial partners: ST Microelectronics, SKF, Telecom Italia. Today it counts 150 researchers expressing high competences on the main ICT areas and their related applications working on about 55 R&D projects. Compagnia di San Paolo is one of the Europe’s most important private foundations. bazzani@ismb.it

  3. Ourproposedresearchcontribution To provide a flexible and expandible ICT solution for monitoring aged people everywhere (home, outdoor…) based on open standards To create a large interoperable environment for delivery independent and assisted living services based on future internet services (IoT) To Include regional authorities and industry for supporting market actions To base the solution on experiences supported at regional and EU (Interreg) level bazzani@ismb.it

  4. Independent Living (agedpeople) Personal parameters skin temperature, heart-beat rate, mobility Environmental parameters temperature, light System parameters  removal from wrist, fault, radio coverage, battery level Emergency Button indoor-outdoor solution Service center bazzani@ismb.it

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