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Metadata and Meta tag. What is metadata? What does metadata do ? Metadata schemes What is meta tag ? Meta tag example. Table of Content. What is metadata.
What is metadata?What does metadata do?Metadata schemesWhat is meta tag?Meta tag example Table of Content
What is metadata - Metadata is commonly referred to as “data about data” or “information about information”- It is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage an information resource- Some use it to refer to machine understandable information, others use it only for records that describe electronic resources
What is metadata - Librarians equate it with a complete bibliographic record- Information technologists equate it to database schema or definitions of the data elements- Archivists include context information, restrictions and access terms, index terms, etc.
What is metadata • Metadata does not have to be digital • Metadata relates to more than the description of an object. • Metadata can come from a variety of sources • Metadata continue to accrue during the life of an information object or system. • One information object's metadata can simultaneously be another information object's data.
What is metadata-types Descriptive metadata-describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywordsStructural metadata-indicates how compound objects are put together. For instance, pages are ordered to form chaptersAdministrative metadata-provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was created, file type, and other technical information, and who can access it
What does metadata do? Resource discovery- Allow resources to be found by relevant criteria- Identify resources- Bring similar resources together- Distinguish dissimilar resources- Give location information
What does metadata do? Organizing electronic resources- As Web based resources grow, aggregate sites or portals are useful in organizing links to resources based on audience or topic
What does metadata do? Interoperability- Ability of multiple systems with different hardware and software platforms, data structures, and interfaces to exchange data with minimal loss of content and functionality- network can be searches more seamlessly
What does metadata do? Digital Identification- Include elements such as standard numbers to uniquely identify the work or object to which the metadata refers to.
What does metadata do? Archiving and Preservation- Key to ensure that resources will survive and continue to be accessible into the future- Track the lineage of digital object to detail its physical characteristics, and to documents its behavior in order to emulate it on future technologies.
Metadata Schemes • Identify the purpose of the metadata model • Level of specificity of the elements • Identify resources • Infrastructure - who will supply it? • What type of information package is it? • Who will use the metadata?
Metadata Schemes-Dublin Core • Metadata to improve information retrieval of internet resources • Developed predominantly by the bibliographic community. Elements similar to bibliographic surrogate • Known for simplicity, semantic interoperability, international consensus, extensibility, metadata modularity on the Web
Metadata Schemes-MODS • Stands for metadata object description schema (MODS) • Rich description of electronic resources • Use of XML Schema language such as use of optional ID attribute to facilitate linking at the element level • Ability to embed a rich description of components in the related item element
Metadata Schemes-Others • Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) • Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) • Encoded Archival Description (EAD) • Learning Object Metadata (LOM) • MPEG Multimedia Metadata
Metadata Schemes-Integration • How can interoperability be ensured with so many metadata standards? • For instance, Resource Description Framework (RDF) developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is data model to integrate multiple metadata schemes • Elements from different schemes to be combines in single resource description
What is meta tag? • Metadata of Webpage • Provides search engines with information about sites. • Provide information to all sorts of clients and each system processes only the meta tags they understand and ignores the test.
What is meta tag? • HTML codes that are inserted into the header on a web page after the title tag • In SEO, it refers to meta description tag and the meta keywords tag
Meta tag example Google uses description tag instead of keyword tag in web search ranking
Resources Definitions http://www.nisopress.org/publications/press Dublin Core http://www.dublincore.org/ MODS http://www.loc/gov/standards/mods/ TEI http://www.tei-c.org/ METS http://www.loc/gov/standards/mets/ EAD http://www.loc.gov/ead LOM http://ltsc.ieee.org/wg12 RDF http://www.w3.org/RDF/