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A Better Start Evaluation Jane Barlow University of Warwick

A Better Start Evaluation Jane Barlow University of Warwick. Who are we?. What are we aiming to do?. C onduct of a robust evaluation of A Better Start which will run throughout the 11-year period of the programme:

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A Better Start Evaluation Jane Barlow University of Warwick

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  1. A Better Start Evaluation Jane Barlow University of Warwick

  2. Who are we?

  3. What are we aiming to do? Conduct of a robust evaluation of A Better Start which will run throughout the 11-year period of the programme: • Focus on the setup, implementation and impact of the programme within and across the areas • Disseminate learning across the areas involved and more widely

  4. How do we plan to do it? • Workstream 1:Implementation evaluation of the setup and delivery of the programme; • Workstream 2:Impact and economic evaluation of the area programmes; • Workstream 3: A programme of learning and dissemination that will extend across the five areas, and beyond

  5. Workstream 1: Implementation Evaluation Mairi Ann CullenCEDAR, University of Warwick

  6. Outline • The team • Aims and design • Phase 1 • First steps • Rest of phase 1 • Outline of Phase 2

  7. The Team • CEDAR (Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research) • Research • Geoff Lindsay, Mairi Ann Cullen, Stephen Cullen • Admin • Diana Smith, Alison Baker, Shauna Yardley

  8. Aims • To evaluate the setup and delivery of A Better Start • Each area as a case study • Programme as a whole • And developments outward, across other areas of England, and beyond

  9. Our approach • Participatory and collaborative research • The research team, the areas and BIG • Participatory action approach • Working with the areas to understand each area’s programme • Examining the setup • Create the evaluation for Phase 2 • Independent evaluation • Responsibilities: CEDAR, Areas, BIG

  10. Participatory action approach Independent evaluation Responsibilities to optimise evaluation

  11. Methods Methods • Ethical approval – University of Warwick • Data collected by us: • Interviews, surveys, document analysis • Data collected by you • Reviewing your monitoring data, reports etc

  12. Phase 1 setup (now – end 2015) • Working with areas to understand your programmes and evaluate the implementation of the setup phase • Feeding back to enable learning optimising each area’s programme • Common and area specific objectives • Co-production • Context/Inputs, activities, outputs

  13. Where are we now? • Context and Inputs, e.g. • Identification and mapping of current services, interventions, delivery mechanisms, data monitoring, and reporting to create baseline scenarios, to include e.g. • Needs analysis • Infrastructure including staff, IT systems, management systems • Dartington’s support

  14. (cont.) • Development and agreement of policies and procedures for A Better Start (e.g. examination of evidence for possible interventions and decision-making regarding the selection): • Processes for agreeing the interventions • Infrastructure to implement and manage the interventions • Data monitoring • Budget creation • Pressures

  15. Activities • Process implementation – putting the agreed policies and procedures into place e.g.: • Staff recruitment • Training • Supervision • Data collection and management to track progress • Financial system

  16. Outputs • What are the results? [NB this will largely occur at Stage 2 when the interventions are underway] • E.g. locally collected pre- and post-intervention measures • E.g. improvements in children’s language and communication • Common measures where possible

  17. Examples • Priorities within the ABS framework • Selection of interventions • Service configuration • Staffing and training • Governance system • Management system • Data collection, analysis and reporting system • Parents’ (and others’) engagement

  18. First steps • Initial discussions here • Where are you at? • Your timetable of activities , e.g. • Recruitment of key staff, • Governance set up and meetings. • Selection of interventions • Arrange visits to August – September? • Interviews with strategic and operational leads • Identify other interviewees, e.g. heads of services, specific programmes

  19. October – end 2015 • Fieldwork in each site • Common data for each area • To enable aggregation across 5 areas e.g. largely standard interview schedules with key personnel • To enable comparison, e.g. different approaches to same objective • Specific data for each area

  20. October – end 2015 • Timetable • Constructed with each area to meet final end of Phase 1 deadline agreed with BIG • Activity moving from exploiting the setting up of the systems to evaluating the systems in action, e.g. • What supports optimal implementation • What are the barriers? • How can this learning be used to revise systems • And to inform others?

  21. Phase 2 • Starts 2016 – subject to progress • 5 year study of the areas’ systems in operation, including: • Interviews and surveys of personnel, stakeholders, users (Process). • Examination of locally collected data (Outputs and Outcomes), • E.g. comparisons of pre-post data from interventions to examine change

  22. Workstream 2: Impact & Economic Evaluation Impact study Overview of surveys Sally Panayiotou Research Director, Ipsos MORI

  23. How will this be carried out? • We will track two cohorts (an early and a late cohort) of families in the service areas in addition to matched cohorts of similar families living in carefully selected comparison areas • Collect i) individual; and ii) population level data for 3 key outcomes (nutrition; language; socioemotional development) • Following families from pregnancy to 7 years

  24. What is the purpose of the surveys? Identify short- medium- and long-term changes in: • parental functioning • children Speech, language and learning Socio-emotional health Nutrition

  25. How will we measure these changes? • Warwick consortium composed of specialists in each of these fields • Series of surveys starting in pregnancy • Range of validated measures and survey questions Bonding with Baby Mother-to-Infant-Bonding Scale (MIBS) Depression Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale (EPDS) For example Brief Infant-Toddler social and emotional assessment (BITSEA) Anxiety State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Patterns of food intake Children’s Dietary Questionnaire (CDQ) Child’s cognitive ability British Ability Scales (BAS)

  26. Additional biometric measures Some participants in the study asked if they would be happy for their child to also participate in additional biometric measures • Measures suggested below will only be requested from approx. 10% of participants, IF: • National research ethical approval is granted, and; • Intervention areas approve, and; • After consultation with local ‘user groups’ to seek their opinions, and address any concerns Buccal (cheek) swab Age 2 Measure epigenetic changes (i.e. which inherited genes are ‘switched on or off’ due to environment) Hair Sample Age 2 Measure stress hormone, cortisol Interviewer team

  27. Who will we be speaking to? • Mothers recruited to the survey at 16 weeks in their pregnancy – series of face-to-face and postal interviews • Paper questionnaires for the partners where applicable • During the course of the evaluation we follow the child

  28. Where will we be conducting interviews? Interviews in: • 5 selected areas = programme sample • 15 matched comparison areas = comparison sample

  29. Baseline study Gain a pre-intervention measure of outcomes in 2015 Initial pilot of 90 interviews to check survey materials 1620 face-to-face interviews with families across the programme and comparison areas. Interviews with : • Mothers of 1 year-olds • Mothers of 2 year-olds • Mothers of 3 year-olds and survey tasks with the child

  30. Two cohort studies (Numbers are approximate) Cohort 1 – starts in the second year of the evaluation (2016) Cohort 2 – starts in the fourth year of the evaluation (2018) Programme n= 775 (150 per area) Matched comparison n= 550 (35 per area) Programme n= 1710 (340 per area) Matched comparison n= 1170 (75 per area)

  31. What will recruitment involve? • Led by Debra Bick and Sarah • Beake, Florence Nightingale • School of Nursing and Midwifery • Kings Health Partners will identify • tertiary maternity units in the 5 • intervention and 15 comparison • areas • Contacts/meetings with the Heads • of Midwifery in each unit. Letter of • support from units which agree to • take part

  32. Recruitment Process • All pregnant women will be sent a study information leaflet • with their pregnancy booking information from before their • first antenatal appointment at 12 weeks • At their 16 week routine antenatal appointment, the midwife • will: • - Check women received a study information leaflet and • offer another leaflet if appropriate • - Ask women if they do not want their contact details • forwarded to the research team • Ipsos MORI team will contact the women to arrange date to • meet when women 24-32 weeks gestation • At this first interview, women will be asked for written • consent to participate in the study • Midwives will update the team about women no longer eligible • for inclusion (i.e. if pregnancy loss)

  33. Survey points

  34. Survey points

  35. Additional measures with a sub-sample of participants

  36. Looking after participants during the study • Interviews will be conducted by experienced Ipsos MORI interviewers in line with the MRS code of conduct – they will receive full training on this study • The study will gain ethics approval, and local R&D approvals from all study sites prior to sending women any information • We will gain informed consent at each survey stage • Participants will be free to opt-out of taking part at any stage • All survey data will be anonymised • We will provide a supporting participant website, summaries during the research and information leaflets with details on where to seek advice on the issues covered in the survey • We will provide respondents with a survey email and a free-phone telephone number for them to contact the survey team at any stage • If survey responses indicate a participant is at serious risk of harm we will seek their permission to contact an appropriate service provider on their behalf; if permission is not given we will still advise them to seek support

  37. How could you help us with recruitment? • What contacts do you already have with your local maternity units? • Are you aware of any ongoing recruitment of women in early pregnancy to studies in your area? • Could you advise on maternity units in your area that we should contact in the first instance?

  38. What do you need to do during the surveys? All survey work will be carried out by Ipsos MORI and there is nothing you need to do during the surveys But we would really appreciate your support! During the surveys if you receive any queries please contact us and we will respond quickly to resolve any issues as soon as we can

  39. Will you receive the anonymised survey data? Yes – we would like to discuss the best format for you in the context of the Management Information System

  40. Workstream 3:Dissemination and Learning Jane BarlowUniversity of Warwick

  41. What does this mean? • Essential that ongoing & final findings from the evaluation be shared: - wider community - local authorities - CCGs - third sector providers - central government - policy interest organisations

  42. Why is this important? • Sharing learning from the evaluation will help to: - improve practice - influence local and national decision-makers to make fundamental shift in policy in early years prevention

  43. How will this be done? • Exact methodology not yet completely defined, BUT, likely to involve: - supporting peer learning within and across intervention areas - ‘Learning & Dissemination’ website/online evaluation resource & forum - delivering effective learning amongst 5 intervention areas to ensure ongoing improvement in interventions, approaches and systems change

  44. Conclusions • ABS is a tremendous opportunity to improve children’s lives • And to improve our knowledge of effectiveness of interventions • What works? For whom? Under what circumstances? And what aids or undermines its success. • We look forward to working with you!!

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