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Econophys – Kolkata I. Continuously Tunable Pareto Exponent in a Random Shuffling Money Exchange Model. K. Bhattacharya, G. Mukherjee and S. S. Manna. Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences manna@bose.res.in. Random pair wise conservative money shuffling:
Econophys – Kolkata I Continuously Tunable Pareto Exponent in a Random Shuffling Money Exchange Model K. Bhattacharya, G. Mukherjee and S. S. Manna Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences manna@bose.res.in
Random pair wise conservative money shuffling: A.A. Dragulescu and V. M. Yakovenko, Eur. Phys. J. B. 17 (2000) 723. ● N traders, each has money mi (i=1,N), ∑Ni=1mi=N, <m>=1 ●Time t = number of pair wise money exchanges ●A pair i and j are selected {1 ≤i,j ≤ N, i ≠ j} with uniform probability who reshuffle their total money: ●Result: Wealth Distribution in the stationary state
●Fixed Saving Propensity (λ) A. Chakraborti and B. K. Chakrabarti, Eur. Phys. J. B 17 (2000) 167. ●Result: Wealth Distribution in the stationary state Gamma distribution: P(m) ~ ma exp(-bm) Most probable value mp=a/b
●Quenched Saving Propensities (λi, i=1,N) A. Chatterjee, B. K. Chakrabarti, and S. S. Manna, Physica A, 335, 155 (2004) ●Result: Wealth Distribution in the stationary state Pareto distribution: P(m) ~ m-(1+ν)
●Dynamics with a tagged trader ● N-th trader is assigned λmax and others 0≤λ < λmax for 1 ≤ i ≤ N-1 ● λmax is tuned and <m(λmax)> are calculated for different λ ● <m(λmax)> diverges like:
[<m(λmax)>/N]N-0.125 ~ G[(1-λmax)N1.5] where G[x]→x-δas x→0 with δ ≈ 0.725 <m(λmax)>N-9/8 ~ (1-λmax)-3/4N-9/8 assuming 0.725 ≈ ¾ <m(λmax)> ~ (1-λmax)-3/4 For a system of N traders (1-λmax) ~ 1/N. Therefore <m(λmax)> ~ N3/4
●Approaching the Stationary State ● As λmax→1, the time tx required for the N-th trader to reach the stationary state diverges. ● Scaling shows that: tx ~ (1-λmax)-1
PRESENT WORK Weighted selection of traders: Rule 1: Probability of selecting the i-th trader is: πi~ miα where α is a continuously varying tuning parameter Rule 2: Trading is done by random pair wise conservative money exchange as before:
Money Distribution in the Stationary State P(m,N) follows a scaling form: Where G(x)→x-(1+ν(α)) as x→0 G(x) →const. as x→1 Results for α=2 η(2)=1 and ζ(2)=2 giving ν(2)=1 Height of hor. part ~ 1/N2 Length of hor. part ~ N Area under hor. part ~ 1/N
Results for α=3/2 η(3/2)=3/2 and ζ(3/2)=1 giving ν(3/2)=1/2
Results for α=1 ν(1)=0
Conclusion ● There are complex inherent structures in the model with quenched random saving propensities which are disturbing. More detailed and extensive study are required. ● Model with weighted selection of traders seems to be free from these problems. Thank you.