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Mean Field Theories in Neuroscience

Explore cortical columns, their composition, and mesoscopic activity in predicting field potentials generated by neurons.

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Mean Field Theories in Neuroscience

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  1. Mean Field Theories in Neuroscience B. Cessac, Neuromathcomp, INRIA

  2. Cortical columns.

  3. Cortical columns. Small cylinders, of diameter 0.1~1mm, crossing cortex layers, with about 103-104 neurons, from different types, strongly connected.

  4. Cortical columns. Cortical columns are involved in elementary sensori-motor like vision.

  5. Cortical columns. They are composed of neurons belonging to a small number of populations interacting together. These populations belong to different cortex layers. Inhibitory Cells Superficial layers Spiny Stellate Cells Layer IV Thalamic Input Deep layers Pyramidal Cells

  6. Cortical columns. It is possible and useful to propose phenomenological models characterizing the mesoscopic activity of cortical columns, predicting the behaviour of local field potential generated by the electric activity of neurons and to relate this behavior with measures and clinical observations (epilepsy). Inhibitory Cells Superficial layers Spiny Stellate Cells Layer IV Thalamic Input Deep layers Pyramidal Cells

  7. Type of cortical column OI pixel Definition Our Column Spatial scale 50-100 µm Number of neurons 150-200 neurons Courtesy. S. Chemla. Cortical column paradigm Physico-functional Functional Anatomical Cortical Area Micro-column Mini-column Macro-column or Hyper-column (V1) Neural Mass Orientation column 600 µm (and more) 40-50 µm 200-300 µm 10 mm 100XThousand neurons of the same type (pyr, stellate,…) 60-100 mini-columns 10000 neurons 80-100 neurons Several mini-columns

  8. Mean field models.

  9. Neurons and synapses.

  10. Neurons and synapses.

  11. Neurons and synapses.

  12. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  13. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  14. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  15. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  16. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  17. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  18. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  19. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  20. Neurons and synapses. Pre-synaptic neuron j Post-synaptic neuron i

  21. Neural mass model.

  22. Neural mass model. P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P

  23. Neural mass model. Voltage-based model P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P

  24. Neural mass model. Voltage-based model P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P Assumptions:

  25. Neural mass model. Voltage-based model P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P Assumptions: • Synapse response, current and noise depend only on the neuronal population.

  26. Neural mass model. 2 Voltage-based model 1 3 P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P Assumptions: • Synapse response, current and noise depend only on the neuronal population.

  27. W21 W23 W31 Neural mass model. W12 2 Voltage-based model 1 3 W32 P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P Assumptions: • Synapse response, current and noise depend only on the neuronal population.

  28. W21 W23 W31 Neural mass model. W12 2 Voltage-based model 1 Synaptic weights 3 W32 (independent)‏ P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P Assumptions: • Synapse response, current and noise depend only on the neuronal population. • The probability distribution of synaptic efficacies depend only on pre- and post synaptic neuron' population

  29. Neural mass model. Voltage-based model Synaptic weights (independent)‏ P populations of neurons, a =1 ... P Assumptions: • Synapse response, current and noise depend only on the neuronal population. • The probability distribution of synaptic efficacies depend only on pre- and post synaptic neuron' population

  30. Dynamic mean-field theory.

  31. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model

  32. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Stochastic (annealed)‏ Random (quenched)‏ Nonlinear

  33. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model

  34. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model

  35. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Local interactions field.

  36. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Local interactions field.

  37. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field.

  38. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field.

  39. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field.

  40. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field.

  41. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field. Dynamic mean-field equations.

  42. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field. Dynamic mean-field equations.

  43. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field. Naive mean-field equations.

  44. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field. Naive mean-field equations.

  45. Dynamic mean-field theory. Voltage-based model Non random synaptic weights. Local interactions field. Naive mean-field equations.

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