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MEMORY MONDAYS. Vocabulary Review for the Biology Keystones. Week One. Abiotic Active Transport ATP Adhesion Agriculture. A molecule that provides energy for cellular reactions + processes
MEMORY MONDAYS Vocabulary Review for the Biology Keystones
Week One • Abiotic • Active Transport • ATP • Adhesion • Agriculture • A molecule that provides energy for cellular reactions + processes • The artificial cultivation of food, fiber, and other goods by systematic growing and harvesting of various organisms • The intermolecular attraction of unlike molecules • The movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration • Term that describes a nonliving factor in an ecosystem
Week One - Answers Abiotic - Term that describes a nonliving factor in an ecosystem (E) Active Transport - The movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration (D) ATP - A molecule that provides energy for cellular reactions + processes (A) Adhesion - The intermolecular attraction of unlike molecules (C) Agriculture - The artificial cultivation of food, fiber, and other goods by systematic growing and harvesting of various organisms (B)
Week Two • Allele • Allele Frequency • Analogous Structure • Aquatic • Atom • Term that describes an organism associated with a water environment • An alternative form of a gene • The smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical + physical properties of that element • The measure of the relative frequency of an allele at a genetic locus in a population • A physical structure, present in multiple species, that is similar in function but different in form and inheritance
Week Two - Answers Allele - An alternative form of a gene (B) Allele Frequency - The measure of the relative frequency of an allele at a genetic locus in a population (D) Analogous Structure - A physical structure, present in multiple species, that is similar in function but different in form and inheritance (E) Aquatic - Term that describes an organism associated with a water environment (A) Atom - The smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical + physical properties of that element(C)
Week Three • Biochemical conversion • Bioenergetics • Biogeochemical cycles • Biological molecules • Biology • The study of energy flow into and within living systems • A group of biomacromoleculesthat interact with biological systems and their environment • The scientific study of life • The changing of organic matter into other chemical forms such as fuels • The movement of abiotic factors between the living and nonliving components within ecosystems
Week Three - Answers Biochemical conversion - The changing of organic matter into other chemical forms such as fuels (D) Bioenergetics - The study of energy flow into and within living systems(A) Biogeochemical cycles - The movement of abiotic factors between the living and nonliving components within ecosystems(E) Biological molecules - A group of biomacromolecules that interact with biological systems and their environment(B) Biology - The scientific study of life(C)
Week Four • Biome • Biosphere • Biotechnology • Biotic • Carbohydrate • The zone of life on Earth • A macromolecule that contains atoms of C, H, and O in a 1:2:1 ratio; an energy source of organisms • A large area or geographical region with distinct plant + animal groups adapted to the environment • Term that describes a living or once-living organism in an ecosystem • Any procedure or methodology that uses biological systems or living organisms to develop or modify either products or processes for specific use
Week Four- Answers Biome - A large area or geographical region with distinct plant + animal groups adapted to the environment (C) Biosphere - The zone of life on Earth (A) Biotechnology - Any procedure or methodology that uses biological systems or living organisms to develop or modify either products or processes for specific use (E) Biotic - Term that describes a living or once-living organism in an ecosystem (D) Carbohydrate - A macromolecule that contains atoms of C, H, and O in a 1:2:1 ratio; an energy source of organisms (B)
Week Five • Carrier Protein • Catalyst • Cell • Cell Cycle • Cellular Respiration • Proteins embedded in the plasma membrane involved in the movement of ions, small molecules, + macromolecules into and out of the cell • The basic unit of structure + function for all living organisms • The series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division + cytokinesis • A complex set of chemical reactions involving an energy transformation where the potential chemical energy of food is converted to molecules of ATP • A substance that enable a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions than otherwise possible without being changed by the reaction
Week Five - Answers Carrier Protein - Proteins embedded in the plasma membrane involved in the movement of ions, small molecules, + macromolecules into and out of the cell (A) Catalyst - A substance that enable a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions than otherwise possible without being changed by the reaction (E) Cell - The basic unit of structure + function for all living organisms (B) Cell Cycle - The series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division + cytokinesis(C) Cellular Respiration - A complex set of chemical reactions involving an energy transformation where the potential chemical energy of food is converted to molecules of ATP (D)
Week Six • Chloroplast • Chromosomal mutation • Chromosomes • Cloning • Codominance • A change in the structure of a chromosome • A single piece of coiled DNA and associated proteins found in linear forms in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and in circular forms in prokaryotic cells • A pattern of inheritance in which the phenotypic effect of two alleles in a heterozygous genotype express each phenotype of each allele fully and equally • A process in which a cell, cell product, or organism is copied from an original source • An organelle found in plant cells and the cells of other eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms where photosynthesis occurs
Week Six - Answers Chloroplast - An organelle found in plant cells and the cells of other eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms where photosynthesis occurs (E) Chromosomal mutation - A change in the structure of a chromosome (A) Chromosomes - A single piece of coiled DNA and associated proteins found in linear forms in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and in circular forms in prokaryotic cells (B) Cloning - A process in which a cell, cell product, or organism is copied from an original source (D) Codominance - A pattern of inheritance in which the phenotypic effect of two alleles in a heterozygous genotype express each phenotype of each allele fully and equally (C)
Week Seven • Cohesion • Community • Competition • Concentration • Concentration Gradient • The difference in concentration of solute per unit distance through a solution • The intermolecular attraction between like molecules • When individuals or groups of organisms compete for similar resources • The measure of the amount of a given substance when combined with another substance • Different populations of organisms interacting in a shared environment
Week Seven - Answers Cohesion - The intermolecular attraction between like molecules (B) Community - Different populations of organisms interacting in a shared environment (E) Competition - When individuals or groups of organisms compete for similar resources (C) Concentration - The measure of the amount of a given substance when combined with another substance (D) Concentration Gradient - The difference in concentration of solute per unit distance through a solution (A)
Week Eight • Consumer • Crossing-over • Cytokinesis • Decomposer • DNA • The final phase of a cell cycle resulting in the division of the cytoplasm • A biological molecule that encodes genetic information for living organisms • An exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during Anaphase I of meiosis • An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms • An organism that obtains nutrients by consuming dead and decaying organic matter
Week Eight - Answers Consumer - An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms (D) Crossing-over - An exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during Prophase I of meiosis (C) Cytokinesis - The final phase of a cell cycle resulting in the division of the cytoplasm (A) Decomposer - An organism that obtains nutrients by consuming dead and decaying organic matter (E) DNA - A biological molecule that encodes genetic information for living organisms (B)
Week Nine • Diffusion • DNA replication • Dominant inheritance • Ecology • Ecosystem • A system composed of organisms and nonliving components of an environment • The process in which DNA makes a duplicate copy of itself • The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration • The study of the relationships between organisms and their interactions with the environment • A pattern of inheritance in which phenotypic effect of one allele is completely expressed within a homozygous and heterozygous genotype
Week Nine - Answers Diffusion - The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration (C) DNA replication - The process in which DNA makes a duplicate copy of itself (D) Dominant inheritance - A pattern of inheritance in which phenotypic effect of one allele is completely expressed within a homozygous and heterozygous genotype (E) Ecology - The study of the relationships between organisms and their interactions with the environment (D) Ecosystem - A system composed of organisms and nonliving components of an environment (A)
Week Ten • Embryology • Endemic species • Endocytosis • Endoplasmic Reticulum • Endosymbiosis • The branch of zoology studying the early development of living things • A theorized process in which early eukaryotic cells were formed from simpler prokaryotes • An organelle responsible for the production, processing, and transportation of materials for use inside and outside a eukaryotic cell • A species that is found in its originating location and is generally restricted to that geographical area • A process by which a cell engulfs extracellular material through an inward folding of its plasma membrane
Week Ten - Answers Embryology - The branch of zoology studying the early development of living things (A) Endemic species - A species that is found in its originating location and is generally restricted to that geographical area (D) Endocytosis - extracellular material through an inward folding of its plasma membrane (E) Endoplasmic Reticulum - An organelle responsible for the production, processing, and transportation of materials for use inside and outside a eukaryotic cell (C) Endosymbiosis - A theorized process in which early eukaryotic cells were formed from simpler prokaryotes (B)
Week Eleven • Energy pyramid • Energy transformation • Environment • Enzyme • Eukaryote • The total surroundings of an organism or a group of organisms • A protein that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction • A process in which energy changes from one form to another while some of the energy is lost to the environment • A type of organism composed of one or more cells containing a membrane-bound nucleus, specialized organelles in the cytoplasm, and a mitotic nuclear division cycle • A model that illustrates the biomass productivity at multiple trophic levels in a given ecosystem
Week Eleven - Answers Energy pyramid - A model that illustrates the biomass productivity at multiple trophic levels in a given ecosystem (E) Energy transformation - A process in which energy changes from one form to another while some of the energy is lost to the environment (C) Environment - The total surroundings of an organism or a group of organisms (A) Enzyme - A protein that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction (B) Eukaryote - A type of organism composed of one or more cells containing a membrane-bound nucleus, specialized organelles in the cytoplasm, and a mitotic nuclear division cycle (D)
Week Twelve • Evolution • Exocytosis • Extinction • Extracellular • Facilitated Diffusion • A process in which substances are transported across a plasma membrane with the concentration gradient with the aid of carrier proteins • A process in which new species develop from preexisting species • Term that typically describes a species that no longer has any known living individuals • Located outside a cell • A process in which a cell releases substances to the extracellular environment by fusing a vesicular membrane with the plasma membrane
Week Twelve - Answers Evolution - A process in which new species develop from preexisting species (B) Exocytosis - A process in which a cell releases substances to the extracellular environment by fusing a vesicular membrane with the plasma membrane (E) Extinction - Term that typically describes a species that no longer has any known living individuals (C) Extracellular - Located outside a cell (D) Facilitated Diffusion - A process in which substances are transported across a plasma membrane with the concentration gradient with the aid of carrier proteins (A)
Week Thirteen • Food Chain • Food Web • Forensics • Fossils • Founder Effect • The science of tests + techniques used during the investigation of crimes • The preserved remains or traces of organisms that once lived on Earth • A complex arrangement of interrelated food chains illustrating the flow of energy between interdependent organisms • A simplified path illustrating the passing of energy from one organism to another • A decrease in genetic variation caused by the formation of a new population by a small number of individuals from a larger population
Week Thirteen - Answers Food Chain – A simplified path illustrating the passing of energy from one organism to another (D) Food Web – A complex arrangement of interrelated food chains illustrating the flow of energy between interdependent organisms (C) Forensics – The science of tests + techniques used during the investigation of crimes (A) Fossils – The preserved remains or traces of organisms that once lived on Earth (B) Founder Effect – A decrease in genetic variation caused by the formation of a new population by a small number of individuals from a larger population (E)
Week Fourteen • Frame-shift mutation • Freezing point • Gamete • Gene • Gene expression • A specialized cell used in sexual reproduction containing half the normal number of chromosomes of a somatic cell • A sequence of nucleotides composing a segment of DNA that provides a blueprint for a specific hereditary trait • The addition or removal of one or more nucleotides that is not indivisible by three, therefor resulting in a completely different amino acid sequence than would be normal • The process in which a nucleotide sequence of a gene is used to make a functional product such as protein or RNA • The temperature at which a liquid changes state to a solid
Week Fourteen - Answers Frame-shift mutation - The addition or removal of one or more nucleotides that is not indivisible by three, therefor resulting in a completely different amino acid sequence than would be normal (C) Freezing point - The temperature at which a liquid changes state to a solid (E) Gamete - A specialized cell used in sexual reproduction containing half the normal number of chromosomes of a somatic cell (A) Gene - A sequence of nucleotides composing a segment of DNA that provides a blueprint for a specific hereditary trait (B) Gene expression - The process in which a nucleotide sequence of a gene is used to make a functional product such as protein or RNA (D)
Week Fifteen • Gene Recombination • Gene Splicing • Gene Therapy • Genetic Drift • Genetic Engineering • A natural process in which a nucleic acid molecule is broken and then joined to a different molecule • A technology that includes the process of manipulating or altering the genetic material of a cell resulting in desirable functions or outcomes that would not occur naturally • The intentional insertion, alteration, or deletion of genes within an individual’s cells and tissues for the purpose of treating a disease • A type of gene recombination in which the DNA is intentionally broken and combined using laboratory techniques • A change in the allele frequency of a population as a result of chance events rather than natural selection
Week Fifteen - Answers Gene Recombination - A natural process in which a nucleic acid molecule is broken and then joined to a different molecule (A) Gene Splicing - A type of gene recombination in which the DNA is intentionally broken and combined using laboratory techniques (D) Gene Therapy - The intentional insertion, alteration, or deletion of genes within an individual’s cells and tissues for the purpose of treating a disease (C) Genetic Drift - A change in the allele frequency of a population as a result of chance events rather than natural selection (E) Genetic Engineering - A technology that includes the process of manipulating or altering the genetic material of a cell resulting in desirable functions or outcomes that would not occur naturally (B)
Week Sixteen • Genetically Modified organism • Genetics • Genotype • Golgi apparatus • Gradualism • The proposed explanation in evolutionary biology stating that new species arise from the result of slight modifications over many generations • An organelle found in eukaryotic cells responsible for the final stages of processing proteins for release by the cell • The genetic composition of an organism with reference to a single trait, a set of traits, or the entire complement of traits of an organism • The scientific study of inheritance • An organism whose genetic material has been altered through some genetic engineering technology or technique
Week Sixteen - Answers Genetically Modified organism - An organism whose genetic material has been altered through some genetic engineering technology or technique (E) Genetics - The scientific study of inheritance (D) Genotype - The genetic composition of an organism with reference to a single trait, a set of traits, or the entire complement of traits of an organism (C) Golgi apparatus - An organelle found in eukaryotic cells responsible for the final stages of processing proteins for release by the cell (B) Gradualism - The proposed explanation in evolutionary biology stating that new species arise from the result of slight modifications over many generations (A)
Week Seventeen • Habitat • Homeostasis • Homeostatic mechanism • Homologous structure • Hypothesis • A regulatory mechanism that contributes to maintaining a state of equilibrium • The regulatory process in which an organism regulates its internal environment • An area that provides an organism with its basic needs for survival • A proposed, scientifically testable explanation for an observed phenomenon • A physical characteristic in different organisms that is similar because it was inherited from a common ancestor
Week Seventeen - Answers Habitat - An area that provides an organism with its basic needs for survival (C) Homeostasis - The regulatory process in which an organism regulates its internal environment (B) Homeostatic mechanism - A regulatory mechanism that contributes to maintaining a state of equilibrium (A) Homologous structure - A physical characteristic in different organisms that is similar because it was inherited from a common ancestor (E) Hypothesis - A proposed, scientifically testable explanation for an observed phenomenon (D)
Week Eighteen • Impermeable • Incomplete dominance • Inheritance • Interphase • Intracellular • A pattern of inheritance in which two alleles, inherited from parents, are neither dominant nor recessive • The process in which genetic material is passed from parents to offspring • Located inside a cell • Not permitting passage of a substance or substances • The longest phase of the cell cycle in which a cell performs the majority of its functions, such as copying DNA + growth periods
Week Eighteen - Answers Impermeable - Not permitting passage of a substance or substances (D) Incomplete dominance - A pattern of inheritance in which two alleles, inherited from parents, are neither dominant nor recessive (A) Inheritance - The process in which genetic material is passed from parents to offspring (B) Interphase - The longest phase of the cell cycle in which a cell performs the majority of its functions, such as copying DNA + growth periods (E) Intracellular - Located inside a cell (C)
Week Nineteen • Isolating mechanisms • Law (scientific) • Limiting factor • Lipids • Macromolecule • Chemical or physical factor that limits the growth, existence, abundance, or distribution of an individual organism or population • Features of behavior, morphology, or genetics which serve to prevent mating or breeding between two different species • A group of organic compounds composed mostly of C + H; are insoluble in water, serve as a source of stored energy, and are a component of cell membranes • A polymer with a high molecular mass; 4 main groups are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, + nucleic acids • A law that generalizes a body of observations; serves as a basis for scientific principles
Week Nineteen - Answers Isolating mechanisms - Features of behavior, morphology, or genetics which serve to prevent mating or breeding between two different species (B) Law (scientific) - A law that generalizes a body of observations; serves as a basis for scientific principles (E) Limiting factor - Chemical or physical factor that limits the growth, existence, abundance, or distribution of an individual organism or population(A) Lipids - A group of organic compounds composed mostly of C + H; are insoluble in water, serve as a source of stored energy, and are a component of cell membranes (C) Macromolecule - A polymer with a high molecular mass; 4 main groups are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, + nucleic acids (D)
Week Twenty • Mechanism • Meiosis • Migration (genetic) • Mitochondrion • Mitosis • A two-phase nuclear division that results in the eventual production of gametes with half the normal # of chromosomes • A membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic cells that is the site of cellular respiration • The combination of components + processes that serve a common function • The permanent movement of genes into or out of a population resulting in a change in allele frequencies • A nuclear division resulting in the production of two somatic cells having the same genetic complement as the original
Week Twenty - Answers Mechanism - The combination of components + processes that serve a common function (C) Meiosis - A two-phase nuclear division that results in the eventual production of gametes with half the normal # of chromosomes (A) Migration (genetic) - The permanent movement of genes into or out of a population resulting in a change in allele frequencies (D) Mitochondrion - A membrane-bound organelle found in most eukaryotic cells that is the site of cellular respiration (B) Mitosis - A nuclear division resulting in the production of two somatic cells having the same genetic complement as the original (E)
Week Twenty One • Molecule • Monomer • Multicellular • Multiple Alleles • Mutation • The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical + physical properties of the substance and is composed of 2 or more atoms • A permanent transmissible change of genetic material • A molecule of any compound that can react with other molecules to form a polymer • Made up of more than one cell • More than two forms of a gene controlling the expression of a trait
Week Twenty One - Answers Molecule - The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical + physical properties of the substance and is composed of 2 or more atoms (A) Monomer - A molecule of any compound that can react with other molecules to form a polymer (C) Multicellular - Made up of more than one cell (D) Multiple Alleles - More than two forms of a gene controlling the expression of a trait (E) Mutation - A permanent transmissible change of genetic material (B)
Week Twenty Two • Natural Selection • Nondisjunction • Nonnative Species • Nucleic Acid • Nucleus • A species normally living outside a distribution range that has been introduced through either deliberate or accidental human activity • A biological molecule composed of the elements C, H, O, N, + P that carries genetic information • A membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells that controls + regulates cellular activities • The process in which sister chromatids fail to separate during + after mitosis or meiosis • A process in nature in which organisms possessing certain inherited traits are better able to survive + reproduce compared to others of their species
Week Twenty Two - Answers Natural Selection - process in nature in which organisms possessing certain inherited traits are better able to survive + reproduce compared to others of their species (E) Nondisjunction - The process in which sister chromatids fail to separate during + after mitosis or meiosis (D) Nonnative Species - A species normally living outside a distribution range that has been introduced through either deliberate or accidental human activity (A) Nucleic Acid - A biological molecule composed of the elements C, H, O, N, + P that carries genetic information (B) Nucleus - A membrane-bound organelle in eukaryotic cells that controls + regulates cellular activities (C)
Week Twenty Three • Organ • Organ System • Organelle • Organic Molecule • Organism • A subunit within a cell that has a specialized function • An anatomical unit composed of tissues serving a common function • An anatomical system composed of organs that work together to perform a specific function or task • Any living thing • A molecule containing carbon that is part of or produced by living systems
Week Twenty Three - Answers Organ - An anatomical unit composed of tissues serving a common function (B) Organ System – An anatomical system composed of organs that work together to perform a specific function or task (C) Organelle - A subunit within a cell that has a specialized function (A) Organic Molecule - A molecule containing carbon that is part of or produced by living systems(E) Organism – Any living thing (D)
Week Twenty Four • Osmosis • Passive transport • pH • Phenotype • Photosynthesis • A process in which sunlight is captured by chlorophyll molecules and converted to chemical energy stored in a carbohydrate • The measure of acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution • The movement of water through a permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration • The observable expression of a genotype • The transportation of materials across a plasma membrane without using energy
Week Twenty Four - Answers Osmosis - The movement of water through a permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration (C) Passive transport - The transportation of materials across a plasma membrane without using energy (E) pH - The measure of acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution (B) Phenotype - The observable expression of a genotype (D) Photosynthesis - A process in which sunlight is captured by chlorophyll molecules and converted to chemical energy stored in a carbohydrate (A)
Week Twenty Five • Plasma membrane • Plastids • Point mutation • Polygenic trait • Population • A trait in which the phenotype is controlled by two or more genes • A group of membrane-bound organelles found in plants that make + store food • A single-base substitution causing the replacement of a single-base nucleotide with another nucleotide • The phospholipid bilayer that surrounds a cell and controls the movement of materials in + out of the cell • A group of individuals of the same species living in a specific geographical area and reproducing