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Understand P2E basics for migrating electronic resources in Alma, including inventory, holdings records, and item records. Learn how to track and convert eresources during migration. Check detailed steps at https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/.
Basics ■ Bibliographic records – Inventory ■ Physical ■ Electronic ■ Holdings records – Library, location, call# ■ Item records – Barcodes, policy, copy# ■ Electronic Portfolio records – P2E portfolio – Linking, coverage, service ■ Electronic collections records – P2E DB or Package – URL, links to portfolios - CZ records
Why P2E? ■ Aleph records are all 'physical' though we represent electronic as well – they will migrate as physical holdings ■ Testing mostly ■ Limited in scope < 1000 records ■ Large Online (NET) collection – 28k items that have defied cleanup efforts ■ SUPPRESS then migrate? ■ DELETE then migrate? ■ P2E then migrate?
P2E basics from ExL ■ ILS-managed electronic resources are identified and converted to electronic inventory during Alma migration – Scenarios outside of P2E that result in electronic inventory? ■ You provide an input file to Ex Libris with the relevant ILS BIB numbers representing electronic resources and their types (portfolio, package, or database). ■ You provide input in the migration form regarding the libraries and/or locations that represent electronic inventory (and Material types) ■ The migration programs create at least one electronic resource for each unsuppressed BIB identifier in the p2e file ■ https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/ Migration_Guides/Electronic_System_Migrations/Electronic_Resource_Handlin g_in_Alma_Migration
P2E locations tab P2E Material Types tab P2E basics continued forms, forms, forms P2E system #'s
Butler's setup ■ All eresources are tracked in 360KB ■ Some were still cataloged in Aleph ■ Eresources all in NET / NETEB / NETDC collection codes ■ Mix of material types ISSUE / BOOK / CMPTR (foreshadowing...) ■ NETEB are Ebook Central perpetual access ebooks ■ NETDC are master's projects/theses housed in DigitalCommons ■ NET is a hodge-podge of websites, ejournals, ebooks, subscription records, etc that have accumulated over many years – migrating as a suppressed location via the migration form – Acquisitions data needs to be preserved ■ P2E generated from Aleph custom-72 service
Content 1: Ebook Central Perpetual access / DigitalCommons System# System# Portfolio Portfolio System# System# BSC01000902107 BSC01000902108 BSC01000902144 BSC01000902113 BSC01000901940 Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio BSC01000900517 Portfolio BSC01000900659 BSC01000900660 BSC01000901333 BSC01000901675 Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio NETEB NETDC
Content 2: select databases/ejournals System# System# BSC01000790299 BSC01000422618 Title Title Art & Arch Source BioOne Sage Journals Online Films on Demand Project Muse ProQuest Dis. & The. SocIndex System# System# BSC01000574488 BSC01000577411 BSC01000789250 Portfolio Portfolio Cam. jou. of econ. Geology Jou. of the geo. soc. The jou. Of Amer. His. The physics teacher Jou. Of forensic sciences Social problems BSC01000571335 BSC01000568212 BSC01000584047 BSC01000389588 BSC01000578071 BSC01000695706 BSC01000441668 BSC01000439059 BSC01000498341 NET
Hopes and dreams ■ Linked as electronic inventory ■ Linked to Order (Acquisitions) records ■ No Physical inventory ■ Working access links
Failure Failure... ... Screenshot: The Last Jedi, posted from http://www.raphaelkcr.net/2018/03/failure-is-greatest-teacher.html
Reviewing electronic titles (P2E) P2E is: P2E is: Categorizing records correctly as electronic inventory in Alma and setting their associated orders as Electronic rather than Physical. Verify that the P to E conversion was successful. Search in Alma for each bibliographic record of a physical resource in your source ILS from the list you provided to Ex Libris and confirm that it has been converted to an electronic resource. You can search by originating system ID. ■ Receiving an input file numbers representing electronic resources and their types (portfolio, package, or database). input file with the relevant Aleph system ■ Receiving input in migration form collection and collection and item material types item material types which allow sub- identification within the list received in step 1. migration form for relevant relevant sublibrary sublibrary, , ■ Migration processing identifying the lowest inventory level matching the input provided in step 1 and step 2 – as well as any related order - and converts those records to electronic. electronic. converts those records to
Originating Originating system system Checking records ■ Depends on whether or Depends on whether or not the record matched to not the record matched to an NZ record an NZ record ■ If Originating System ID If Originating System ID doesn’t work with Aleph system numbers – BSC01000385151 or 385151 or (Aleph)000385151BSC01 ■ Use Other System Other System Number Number instead – Both BSC01000385151 or 385151 will work Suppressed Suppressed ? 035's ? 035's ? 9XX fields ? 9XX fields ?
P2E checklist – What to look for thanks to Marianne Hebert and the ERM working group ■ Verify that the portfolio format is “electronic” not “physical” ■ Confirm that the number of portfolios is correct (should map from the ALEPH 856 tags) ■ Confirm that the title exists in your IZ, and not the NZ or CZ. – Note that the Record number reflects your ALEPH record number ■ Note that the Interface Name is populated from the 856 $m (if defined in the Aleph Migration Form). – If there is no 856 $m, the Interface name and Collection Name will display as a hyphen.
See ALL the portfolios ■ P2E migrated portfolios will be standalone. – Not linked to a collection ■ You can search alma for these - advanced – Electronic portfolios Electronic portfolios - -> Is Standalone = yes > Is Standalone = yes
Case Study1 – Project Muse - ■ All Titles – Other system number - BSC01000389588 ■ Aleph material type is BOOK so it did not P2E, hence the physical (SUPPRESSED) holdings ■ There are also electronic material type – from whence did this come? ■ Probably confusing
Case Study 2 – Digital Commons ■ Advanced – Aleph System Number: BSC01000902108 Aleph material type is BOOK so it did not P2E, hence the physical. – Not suppressed, part of NETDC Linked to NZ Received electronic inventory with URL – good but puzzling Item is NO LOAN ■ ■ ■ ■
Case Study 3 - Art & architecture source ■ All titles – Other system number – BSC01000790299 This worked (Aleph material type CMPTR Check connectivity Not mapped to CZ - standalone collection Not useful going forward – just a bib record placeholder for linking ACQ data ■ ■ ■ ■
Electronic Collection Electronic Collection– – Title Title - -> > contains phrase contains phrase – – Art & Architecture source Art & Architecture source
Case Study 4 - Oneonta ■ All titles – Other system number – 528089 ■ Check connectivity – old ebrary link? ■ All titles – Other system number – 567052 Image: http://www.allotsego.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/red-the-dragon.jpg
Round 2! Fixes for the main event ■ Omit the material type from P2E ■ Continue to clean in Aleph ■ Don’t P2E bib records from Aleph that are just placeholders for linked orders. – Migrate them suppressed – then rebuild in Alma ■ Increase reliance on linked CZ collections of eresources rather than local collections in Alma – Lots of matching to CZ records going on ■ Suppressing by location is a powerful tool – It’s a sledgehammer not a scalpel – You cannot unsuppress individual records that are suppressed by location P2E- -ItemMt ItemMt
Reference documents ■ Physical to Electronic (P to E) Processing – https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Mi gration_Guides/ILS_Migrations/Aleph_to_Alma_Migration_Guide#Further_infor mation_-_Physical_to_Electronic_(P_to_E)_Processing ■ Electronic Resource Handling in Alma Migration – https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Mi gration_Guides/Electronic_System_Migrations/Electronic_Resource_Handling_ in_Alma_Migration# ■ Data Testing Review – https://slcny.libguides.com/datareview ■ Extra Thanks to Maggie McGee who shared her P2E files and results